The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1067: Tasks that cannot be linked

What, the dragon scales are off?

Mo Xiezheng installed the flying claws, and when he was about to find another opportunity to attack, Mo Xiaolang's voice just came.

Seeing the fire dragon chasing him angrily again, and the colorful light group slowly falling in the air, Mo Xie understood everything at this moment!

The flying claw hit the dragon from the side just now, and the claw hook uncovered a piece of dragon scale, but after the flying claw fell, the dragon scale came loose!

"Sister Hong, pay attention to picking up the dragon scale, I will draw it away." Mo Xie screamed in excitement, and quickly turned his mount and rushed to the ground...

Ao Moo!

The fire dragon was completely crazy this time. It was a little guy who had lost a piece of dragon scale. This was a shame!

In the long roar of the dragon, the fire blazed in the sky, and countless fire clouds fell towards the ground, covering the whole world. The fire clouds surrounding the fire dragon's body have fallen to the ground in full, covering a large area of ​​mountain slopes!

"Well, let's run away too!" Mo Xiaolang watched a large fire cloud in mid-air, and their hiding place seemed unsafe.

"Let's go, Xiao Mo will handle it, we just need to keep ourselves." Lianna said quickly.

A group of teammates rushed out of the building madly and drove their mounts to the top of the ridge...

Li Hong also happened to fly to the colored light ball falling in the air, and saw a shiny scaled armor with red blood in the light ball, which made her suddenly excited.

With a wave of hand, using the pickup function, the dragon scale flew directly into her package...

Ten Thousand Years Fire Dragon Scale: Special mission props, which can only be used in this scene, and will disappear automatically after leaving the mission scene.

"Dragon scales are in hand, Xiao Mo don't hang up." Li Hong reminded excitedly, driving the mount in a fast and completely dangerous area.

Now the first step of the mission item has been successfully obtained, but it is necessary to ensure that the players have no casualties to continue the unfinished mission, otherwise the fire dragon will kill one, and the whole army will still be annihilated!

"Understood, you quickly go to a safe area to hide, I will throw away this guy before meeting you." Mo Xie replied, driving the mount dexterously through countless buildings.

Behind him, there were bursts of explosions, the sky filled with fireballs and a large cloud of fire fell crazily, and there was a sea of ​​fire everywhere around him!

At this moment, Mo Xie also understood in his heart, and finally aroused the anger of the fire dragon after destroying the dragon scales. Even the fire cloud wrapped around it was used as a weapon by it, covering the ground with no dead ends in a large area!

If he does not rush out of the danger zone, within a few seconds, the entire sea of ​​fire will completely engulf him and his mount!

Looking to the front, two huge fire clouds rushed directly to the ground. For a moment, a large building was covered by raging flames. The road ahead had turned into a large sea of ​​fire, and there was no safe place for him to escape calmly.

And all the terrain around him also formed a vast sea of ​​fire, and countless fireballs fell from the air, turning this place into a sea of ​​fire and purgatory!

At this time, Mo Xie's head, because of being in the sea of ​​fire, had begun to continuously jump out a string of fire damage numbers, and his blood volume was also declining by hundreds of points per second!

Whether he is staying in the sea of ​​flames and waiting for death, or being hit by fireballs scattered in the air, he is a dead end!

The key task now is not to take the dragon scales anymore, but how to save one's life...

In the rapid forward, Mo Xie swept around a lot of the surrounding environment, and already knew his situation very well.

There is a tall ridge ahead, but the hundreds of meters between the ridges has become a dead zone!

The angry fire dragon used a big move, and a piece of fire cloud fell across the sky, much faster than his escape speed, that is to say, before he rushed to the top of the mountain, he was surrounded by a large sea of ​​fire!

But at this time, Mo Xie thought of a way to escape, that is, stay away from the ground and sea of ​​fire, avoid the fireball in the air, and find a way to escape in the gap of the fire cloud...

Driving the mount, he immediately rushed upwards, abandoning the complex of buildings surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, and flew directly in midair.

Now no one can help him transfer the hatred of the fire dragon, and can only rely on himself.

Flying fast in the air along a typed route, and be careful of countless fireballs passing by, Mo Xie suddenly became dangerous in the air!

Countless dense rain of fire leaned to the ground next to him, and patches of fire cloud chased him, and amidst the sound of explosions on the ground, pieces of flying gravel might have directly killed him!

Today’s situation is almost the most dangerous situation he encountered during his unfinished expedition...

With Mo Xie struggling to escape in the air, all his teammates finally rushed from the other side of the hillside to the top of the mountain, then jumped off the mount and looked back.

This look made everyone sweat for Mo Xie.

I saw that the large mountain slopes had turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, countless fire and rain meteors were flying in the sky, and fire clouds the size of a basketball court kept spreading down to the ground...

And Mo Xie was walking back and forth in the countless rain of fire in the air, and if he was not careful, he would be completely killed!

What was even more shocking was the huge fiery red dragon in the sky, with dark red scales and a huge body several times larger than a train. It was chasing in the air, shaking its head and tail.

Its body is densely covered with dark red scale armor, shining with metal-like luster, and every time the huge four dragon claws swing, there is a large rain of fire falling continuously.

And on its ferocious dragon head, a pair of huge flame-burning dragon horns are emitting countless fireballs, and in its open blood basin mouth, a cloud of fire continuously gushes out from its breath.

As the fire dragon flew fast, the dense red dragon whiskers on its lower jaw burned like a raging flame. The body of the Wannian Fire Dragon was several times larger than the real body of Qing Binger that the players had seen!

Qing Binger herself said that she was only a junior in the Dragon Clan, and her strength was far from half that of an adult Shenlong. It was only because of her unusual talent that she was made one of the elders by the Dragon Clan.

And the strength of this ten thousand-year fire dragon, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the dragon god, others don't know, but Mo Xie has seen the real body of Qing Binger's mother, and he can't catch up with half the size of this fire dragon!

Facing such a terrifying dragon, Mo Xie was still very speechless, but since the system was set up in this way, he had to survive, as long as he could escape the chase of the fire dragon, and then see how this task was completed...

While fleeing frantically, Mo Xie was still observing the situation of the fire dragon, and at the same time, he had to be careful of the rain of fire and fireballs constantly rushing towards him.

Gradually, after a while of nervousness, Mo Xie slowly calmed down and steered his mount to avoid cleverly. As time passed, he remained immortal and gradually approached the top of the mountain.

But at this moment, the fire dragon may also find that the enemy is about to escape its control.

Amid the angry roar, its huge body slowly curled into a ball in the air, the dragon's mouth widened, and the raging flames gradually condensed and formed in front of its big mouth...

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