The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1069: Elemental Spirits

The sea of ​​flames on the hillside was still burning. The huge fire dragon seemed to think that the enemy had been burned to death, and turned back safely, disappearing on the other side of the island.

Mo Xie led his teammates to ride one after another. He and Li Hong first flew to the temple in the center of the city. The other teammates bypassed the sea of ​​fire and quickly rushed down the mountain from the vast ruins...

As the two flying eagles fell from the air on the square, Mo Xie and Li Hong both walked into the main hall and walked towards the statues and steles in the distance.

The teammates also rushed to the hall one by one, rushing behind Mo Xie and Li Hong.

"Hurry up and see what the situation is." Zhou Jianing said curiously.

"I've been waiting for you, starting now." Mo Xie nodded and looked at the red beauty beside him.

Li Hong opened the package and took out a prop from it. The colored halo immediately wrapped her palm. In the colored halo, a dark red pentagonal nail was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"This is the dragon scale, it looks like it is just a palm-sized scale." Lianna said curiously.

"What is so special about Dragon Scale? Why do those residents have to get it?" Ouyang Jiaojiao also asked in surprise.

"I'll know everything when the mission starts." Mo Xie stretched out his hand and took the dragon scale that Li Hong handed over, feeling that although the scale was separated from the body of the dragon, it still maintained the hot temperature, and inside the scale, it seemed to be still There is flame flashing.

Mo Xie held the dragon scales, strode past the stone tablet, and displayed the dragon scales in front of half of the idol according to the requirements on the stone tablet...


Suddenly, the ground of the whole hall began to vibrate slightly, and the teammates were frightened one by one. They looked at the top of the broken hall, thinking that the fire dragon had gone and returned!

However, Mo Xie saw clearly that the half of the idol three or four meters away in front of him suddenly moved slowly to one side. Under the base of the idol, a huge hole was slowly revealed, and there was a stone staircase extending downwards in the hole. It is the entrance of a cave!

At the moment when the entrance appeared, Mo Xie understood in his heart that due to the fire dragon looting, the city went from prosperous to decay. The residents were unable to fight the fire dragon, so they had to find a way to dig tunnels to abandon the city and move from the ground to the underground to survive. Avoid the killing brought by the fire dragon.

But what Moxie and his teammates never expected was that the residents of this city were completely different from what they had imagined...

According to the description on the stone tablet, the residents here should be an ancient spirit race, just like the elves, who belong to the guardians of nature and peace.

However, after the sparkling fire from the underground cave appeared, a figure floated out of the cave quietly holding the torch and appeared in front of the players, making everyone stunned!

I saw a figure wearing a tattered robe and a cloak, holding a torch like a mage, floating directly to the ground like a ghost, standing in front of the players.

These residents are actually the upper body with only humans, and in the robes of the lower body, there are groups of lights of various colors, but there are no feet!

The other half of their bodies were made up of golden, cyan, blue, red and black light clusters, just floating on the ground one by one, drilling out of the hole, and suddenly hundreds of people appeared in dense clusters!

So many weird people, surrounded by a white-haired old man wearing a linen cloth, holding a pure gold staff, and dragging a golden flame around his waist, stood in front of everyone with a smile.

A line of pale gold fonts on the white-haired old man's head...Wonderland City: Golden Clan Elder Level 60!

"Thank you, our most distinguished guests, we have waited for nearly a hundred years, and finally waited for the distinguished guests who are willing to come here to help me. On behalf of the already destroyed Wonderland City, I welcome everyone to come." The Jin clan elder said with a smile.

"Why do you have such a shape, what is the reason?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Why do you have no feet? What kind of race are you?" Ouyang Jiaojiao also asked.

"It's strange, how many people are you still under the ground?" Mo Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

Seeing the teammates rushing to inquire, Mo Xie stood there with a faint smile, waiting for these peculiar answers, he was also very curious about what kind of settings the system has here.

After all, this is a pet dungeon, a separate system environment. As long as each player enters this dungeon in a team, they will be able to encounter the same task settings. It only depends on whether they can get different levels of rewards from the same task clue Product...

This will test players’ understanding of the task and whether they can find the hidden conditions set by the system to successfully complete the task.

"Let Xiao Mo take the task." Mo Xiaolang couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a smile.

Everyone suddenly calmed down, waiting for Mo Xie to start a conversation with this Jin Clan elder...

Facing the numerous questions from the players, the elder of the Jin clan was a little at a loss. Now that everyone was quiet, he curiously looked at the shining dragon scale in Mo Xie's hand.

"Honorable warrior, you finally got the scales of the evil dragon, and our Wonderland City is finally saved!" The Jin Clan elder said excitedly.

"Old man, you haven't answered my friends' questions yet." Mo Xie asked lightly.

"Don't worry, warrior, I will answer your questions one by one, but since you are here, you have to help us expel the dragon and rebuild our home." said the Jin clan elder.

"Yes, but tell us first, what kind of race are you? What happened here?" Mo Xie asked.

"Dear warriors, all of our people belong to the elemental spirits. Our ancestors settled on this overseas island far from the mainland very early and lived a life without any dispute. Because the heavenly environment here is suitable for us. As our ethnic group grows stronger, the scale of Wonderland City is also getting bigger and bigger, slowly forming the huge city you see." said the Jin clan elder.

"What is an elemental spirit?" Mo Xie asked immediately.

"The so-called elemental spirit family refers to the five elements contained in the world. The power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth is nothing but the power of the five elements. Our people are one of the elements of the five elements. Tao.

"Five elements...I understand, this person who is dragging the black flames should be from the Tu family. The water system has a blue tail and the fire system has a red tail..." Mo Xie suddenly understood the identity of this group...

"The distinguished warriors are indeed knowledgeable. Our element tribe is also called the five element tribe. It is composed of the spiritual power of the five elements since the beginning of the world. We have stayed on this island and have never gone out." The elder of the Jin tribe nodded with a smile.

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