The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1075: Dragon God

Watching Moxie's Li Hong fly into the air, flying towards the end of the island from both sides, his teammates immediately began to prepare.

At present, most of the square is covered by the defensive seal enchantment of the Elemental Spirit Race. Players cannot enter and exit at will. They can only rush to the entrance of the temple from the left and right sides of the square. The Water Spirit Race at the door immediately waved their staff. A faint blue bubble suddenly appeared on our bodies.

This is the holy water baptism state given to them by the Water Spirit Race. They can be immune to fire damage within five minutes. Even if it is a raging sea of ​​flames, players can travel freely.

But the prerequisite is that you must rush to the door of the temple to continue to receive the baptism of holy water before the end of the 5-minute state...

Now all the players, under the leadership of Mo Xiaolang, have all gathered on the steps at the entrance of the temple. They did not accept the state immediately, and everyone was waiting for the arrival of the fire dragon.

Over the square, a light black defensive cover protects thousands of elemental spirit tribes in the middle. The fire spirit and the gold spirit are responsible for the two-wing attack. The earth spirit top supports the defense cover in the front, and the wood spirit prepares to apply wood-based green wood rejuvenation treatment at the back of the palace. The technique can strongly restore the blood of the people of the tribe, and restore the spiritual power of the people of the earthen tribe to support the enchantment.

"Xiao Mo, try to lead the fire dragon over the buildings on the edge of the square for a while, so that the elemental spirits can attack, and we can also use the cover of the buildings to help fight together." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Understood, we have flown to the edge of the city, and the cliff at the end of the island is in front of us, and we can see the sea immediately." Mo Xie's voice sounded.

"It will take five minutes for us to return, so be prepared." Li Hong also reminded.

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Mo Xiaolang and the players held the flashing golden spears in their hands. Today's battle was a bit different, and even the weapons were systematically arranged.

After receiving the answers from the two in front, the players stayed quietly at the door, looking up at the sky on the other side.

Ao Moo!

The long and angry dragon roar finally resounded through the sky again. On the other side of the island, half of the blue sky screen suddenly shone with a large fire, as if a large fire cloud appeared at dusk!

Immediately afterwards, a huge train of blazing flames flew from the sky, and the two small red dots in front were far apart from each other.

The fire dragon seemed to be chasing Mo Xie's figure, while Li Hong followed the flight.

"Here, everyone prepares, you must protect yourself and check the status time at all times." Mo Xiaolang reminded one last time.

"Understood." The teammates watched as the fire dragon on the horizon was flying fast, and half of the sky was stained yellow by the flames...

Worthy of being a 10,000-year fire dragon, the appearance is extraordinary!

Fortunately, this is a dungeon mission, not a normal monster killing outside, otherwise, players would definitely not dare to be such a top hard steel...

"We are here and we will arrive at the square in two minutes." Li Hong calculated the distance and reminded his teammates.

"Received." Mo Xiaolang responded, and everyone was ready to accept it.

Ao Moo!

The desolate dragon roar resounded through the entire abandoned city, and the huge fire light approached quickly from a distance.

Mo Xie rushed forward, it was absolutely impossible to surpass the fire dragon with his mount flying speed, but fortunately, Li Hong helped to block it.

Since the fire spirits were drawn out on the sea, the two have each tried the power of the holy artifacts.

First, Li Hong waved the sacred object heavy dust against the fire dragon, and a black light shone. After hitting the fire dragon, the flames scattered all over the place. A large black stone was covered near the dragon's body, and the fire dragon's flight speed stopped for a second.

When the fire dragon rushed towards Li Hong angrily, Mo Xie also rushed up and waved a short spear. In a string of golden afterimages, a spear with golden light shot directly in front of the fire dragon with a ding sound, although it did not penetrate the fire dragon's body, but It also caused a damage figure of hundreds of points.

When Mo Xie was shocked by the fierce defense of the fire dragon, she did not know that the fire dragon was also shocked. In its long life, it is no longer known how long no one could harm it, and the humble little guy in front of him was actually destroyed. Its hundreds of health...

An angry dragon roar sounded, it chased Mo Xie all the way, trying to kill him directly, no matter how presumptuous Li Hong was on the side, Mo Xie was left in its eyes!

Just chasing and killing a large area of ​​Feiyue all the way, Mo Xie deliberately led it to the square to ambush.

Fortunately, although Li Hong's sacred weapon, heavy dust, only had a damage number of -1 to the fire dragon, the slow state was very powerful. Is it possible to freeze the huge fire dragon for one second, which allowed Mo Xie to smoothly attract blame.

However, the additional state of the Sacred Vessel Heavy Dust has not been effective every time for the fire dragon. It must be attacked more than a dozen times before it may cause a slow state to appear.

So the most tired person is the red beauty who keeps waving the black stone staff to attack.

As long as Mo Xie casually waved the golden spear in his hand, he saw golden light fly across the sky, and after the impact of the crisp metal sound, it flashed in his hand quickly, attacking and hitting only one second.

Every time you hit the fire dragon, the gold and electricity of the sacred weapon can indeed cause a certain amount of damage to the opponent, but when the fire dragon exceeds a million life bars, this damage value is not even drizzle.

When Mo Xie launched five or six consecutive attacks, and finally consumed thousands of points for the opponent, a green light flashed on the top of the fire dragon's head, and a green number of +50,000 appeared...

Dragon God's powerful physique gives it a fast recovery efficiency, just like players' blood loss state, it will automatically replenish some at regular intervals, but it is not as scary as the fire dragon.

This also made Mo Xie understand that if you want to really defeat this fire dragon, you must first remove some of its dragon scales, and then attack the missing parts of the dragon scales, in order to exert part of the power of the sacred artifact, otherwise, even if you hold the sacred artifact, It can't crack the thick dragon scales that have grown for thousands of years...

With a huge fire shrouded in the sky above the square, players all know that the battle has begun!

"Go!" Mo Xiaolang didn't say much, and directly let the Shui Ling tribe around him bless him with a blue blister, and rushed out with a loud roar.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen players rushed forward frantically, rushing towards the position where the fire dragon hovered.

It takes half a minute to rush through the square, and one minute to find the attack position. In fact, every time the players protect their status, the attacks they can launch are really limited.

"Xiao Mo, while using the sacred weapon to attract hatred, while knocking down its dragon scales." Li Hong continued to wave the stone staff, once again set the huge body of the fire dragon in the air, and at the same time reminded the other party to prepare for the battle plan.

"When I successfully lead it to the battle area, I will deal with the dragon scales next." Mo Xie nodded.

Although Shenlong has been attracted to the designated area, it is necessary to find a good location and give the elemental people a chance to attack. After all, they are the main output force against the fire dragon.

Mo Xie flew up and down in the air, avoiding the continuous rain of fire and the huge pillar of fire spouting from the dragon's mouth, and cautiously drew the opposite side of the square a distance of ten meters.

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