The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1077: Heavy damage to Shenlong

Although the system has set the dragon **** of this instance to be a bit weak, its power is still not to be underestimated anyway.

The star-like fire rain falls intensively, and unprotected players will die if they are touched!

Moreover, Mo Xie was flying and avoiding quickly, the fire dragon was brewing a big move, and the sky full of fire clouds was quietly appearing, which seemed to indicate a dangerous situation was coming.

Mo Xiaolang led his teammates to the gate of the temple to recover. As soon as he turned his head, he saw burning fire clouds in the sky, quietly covering the entire square.

Moreover, the fire cloud is beginning to rotate slowly. If you observe carefully for a few seconds, you will find that a large area of ​​fire cloud is speeding up the rotation!

"Xiao Mo, be careful, Dragon God's big move has begun." Mo Xiaolang reminded quickly.

"Sister Hong, you go down and get closer to the ground, ready to evade at any time. I will fly into the sky to see what great skill this fire dragon is." Mo Xie was reminded, and when he looked around, he panicked in his heart.

The biggest difference between the Dragon God in this dungeon and the actual settings outside is that it has too few skills, and seems to be restricted by the system for countless big moves. Except for the breath of the dragon and the fire rain, it has not been seen until now. What other powerful tricks are there?

Although the fire dragon did not issue a big move, it does not mean that it does not have a single skill, but the cooldown period and the number of skills are too severe.

Just as Mo Xie estimated in his heart, if the players were to be replaced by the real dragons outside, even tens of millions of players would not be able to restrain their continuous release of several big moves...

After receiving the order, Li Hong quickly directed the mount to approach the ground, ready to hide in the nearby ruins at any time.

Mo Xie also hurriedly flew into the air, leading the fire dragon to raise the height, so as to avoid the elemental spirit race on the ground from suffering along with the big move.

Ao Moo!

Sure enough, the fire dragon was deceived, chasing Mo Xie and rising continuously, while making a dull dragon roar.


In an instant, the wind roared over the entire square, and a large fire cloud quickly rotated, forming a swirling flame whirlwind around the fire dragon. It hovered with great momentum, and players on the ground could feel the hot air blowing on their faces. Then, if it is not for status protection, everyone can't escape death!

The huge flame whirlwind was spinning fast in the air, but the surrounding area was empty.

Mo Xie rushed to the sky to avoid it, and Li Hong had already escaped from the skill coverage area, flying around, afraid to approach from a distance.

Without Li Hong's sacred weapon control, the fire dragon flew faster and faster in the air, rushing towards Mo Xie with the flames around him, and all the players watching were terrified.

I saw flames everywhere in the air, and I couldn't see where Mo Xie's current position was. Fortunately, his profile picture was still shiny in the teammate list.

At this time, Mo Xie was flying fast in the air, but surrounded by flames, he could only fly upwards, avoiding the raging fire cloud.

He knew in his heart that this was a big move that Dragon God could only issue once for a long time, and only after this time could he be safe for a while.

But Shenlong didn't think so, staring at Mo Xie continuously chasing him, trying to kill him completely!

The two sides continued to soar in the air, and the huge fire ball flew higher and higher, leaving only a group of players on the ground looking up.

"This is bad, can Xiao Mo escape?" Lianna looked up at the sky. Apart from the spinning fire cloud and the huge flame train in the center, she could no longer see anything about Mo Xie.

"I hope this skill will pass soon, otherwise, we can only leave the instance." Zhou Jianing sighed helplessly.

"Xiao Mo must be able to hide, he has a way." Li Hong said lightly.

When everyone was looking at the sky, Li Hong had been staring at the big map. The blue light spot representing Mo Xie was moving extremely fast...

Facing the fire dragon's mind to encircle it, he knew that the flight speed was at a disadvantage, so that sooner or later he would be swallowed by the flames if he escaped.

So after seeing the fire dragon flying to a certain height, he started to rush downwards instead, holding the sacred instrument gold and electricity firmly, locking the position of the dragon head in the huge fire group!

Shenlong's whole body was wrapped in dragon scales, and the only thing exposed outside was the huge dragon's mouth except for the longan.

But the dragon surrounded by flames made it impossible for him to find the location of the longan. Even if he wanted to try his luck, it was impossible to shoot the longan.

But the position of the dragon's mouth is relatively easier to find, especially when the dragon **** launches an attack, he must open his mouth to breathe the dragon's breath...

Facing the desperate situation of life and death, Mo Xie plans to take a risk...

He descended quickly and vertically from the sky. In front of the huge fire dragon, he was just a small dust. Only the golden light of the sacred vessel could show his existence in the sea of ​​fire.


The wind blowing in front of him was as hot as steam, and Mo Xie even suspected that he was about to be disfigured.

But in order to fight for a ray of life, he still rushed down madly, and the distance with the huge fire group was quickly getting closer!


When the distance between the two parties was only 30 meters, the fire dragon seemed to see the enemy's appearance, and raised the dragon's head to lock the opponent, and the moment the dragon opened its mouth to start the dragon's breath, the dragon's roar suddenly began to sound...


Mo Xie was waiting for this opportunity. He just didn’t know where the dragon’s mouth was. He just remembered halfway through the sound of the dragon’s roar. He raised his hand and waved vigorously. Then rushed into the blazing flame!


The dragon roar finally sounded completely, but the golden light also rushed straight out from the flames, the sky was full of blood, and a huge damage number appeared above the flames...

Critical damage is -200000!

Mo Xie was not only stunned when he saw the shocking numbers, but he understood in his heart that the blow just now successfully passed through the mouth of the dragon, causing huge damage to the dragon.

The golden light flashed and returned to his hand. The dragon that had been hit hard didn't seem to react yet, and Mo Xie quickly turned the mount and flew towards the distant sky...

The numbers in the sky, the teammates can also see clearly, all of a sudden stunned!

"What's the matter, it was Shenlong who was injured?" Ouyang Jiaojiao said with wide eyes.

"How did Xiao Mo do it, so much damage?" Lianna was also stunned.

"Look, Xiao Mo has already flown out!" Mo Xiaoyuan pointed to the sky, and saw a small black spot quickly flying across the blue sky on the side of the huge ring of fire.

Ao Moo!

As the angry dragon roar sounded again, the entire city ground was shaking violently, and some ruins even collapsed!

The wounded Dragon God, this time howling almost pierced the eardrums of the players...

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