The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1079: Tyrannical Dragon God

Mo Xie actually boasted that the dragon scales could be destroyed within five minutes, making a group of teammates feel incredible.

"Five minutes is too exaggerated?" Lianna exclaimed.

"If you try your luck with a thousand flying claws, you may not be able to destroy a dragon scale." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"This chance is too small, unless Xiao Mo has found a way to deal with Shenlong." Zhou Jianing blinked and said in confusion.

"This kid's swearing appearance, maybe we will be fooled by him again this time." Mo Xiaoyuan felt a little bad.

"Buy has already left, no one can go back." Mo Xiaolang smiled excitedly.

"Let's get started, we need to see how you got rid of the dragon scales in five minutes. If it is really possible, we will lose even if we lose." Mo Xiaoyu urged.

"Then it will officially begin, everyone remember, once I destroy the dragon scales, all your golden spears will be locked in that position to attack. Sister Hong is also planning to block the Shenlong skills according to the plan." Mo Xie arranged.

"Understand." Li Hong replied excitedly.

Now the fire cloud of the fire dragon's body has disappeared, and the entire dragon body is finally revealed, and the holy artifact in her hand can also play a major role.

The teammates immediately dispersed on the roof, ready to besiege.

Mo Xie continued to lead the fire dragon to fly around in the air, and Li Hong had also quietly flew up into the sky, approaching the huge dragon head in a covert manner.

And Mo Xie had already locked down somewhere on the side of the fire dragon's huge body, this is where he knocked off a dragon scale last time!

The reason why he dared to guarantee that the dragon scales would be destroyed within five minutes was because he saw the old scars of the fire dragon not long ago...

On the huge dark red body, among the dense red dragon scales, a dragon scale just happened to be missing there, revealing a small gap.

Although the gap is small, for Mo Xie, this is a great opportunity!

He quickly led the fire dragon and turned his head to chase behind him. Mo Xie held the mechanical flying claws and rushed towards that section of the dragon's body quickly, locking his eyes tightly to the position of the old scar, and only approached at equal distances.


Behind him, the sound of burning flames sounded again, and the scorching heat pounced from behind, and the fire dragon was angrily spitting out the dragon's breath behind him. The huge pillar of fire chased behind him and blocked a large area of ​​the sky...

"Sister Hong, isn't there yet?" Mo Xie asked anxiously.

"Hold on for three seconds, I'm already here." Li Hong drove his mount quickly out of the air on the other side of the Dragon God, and after bypassing the huge dragon body, he quietly appeared behind the dragon head.

Locking the huge dragon's mouth, Li Hong immediately waved the black stone staff, and a huge black stone appeared out of thin air in front of him, and it slammed into the dragon's mouth not far away.


In an instant black light shone, and the huge black stone hit the Shenlong’s big mouth, suddenly turning into countless dense stones, spreading rapidly in its mouth and head, forming a thick stone in one word. Shell, seal the entire dragon mouth...

"There is only one minute, so hurry up." Li Hong reported immediately after he succeeded in the attack.

"Okay." Mo Xie was extremely excited. Now he didn't have to worry about the danger from behind, so he flew forward along the side of the dragon's body unscrupulously, and at the same time opened the package, took out a barbed wire fence from the inside, ready to spare at any time.

During the fast flight, the body of a giant dragon in front of which was smooth and gleaming with gleaming dragon scales, the old scar became more and more dazzling, like an ink dot on the white jade, as long as the distance is close, it can be clearly seen.

Discovering the scar is only the first step, and other methods must be used to get the dragon scales.

Mo Xie acted immediately, tying the barbed wire and a rope firmly together, and then stared at the scar on the dragon.

With the take-off claw, Xiao Fei Dian was able to fly smoothly. Mo Xie locked on the target and pressed the motor spring in his hand!


There was a crisp sound of breaking through the air, the flying claws quickly ejected, and the side swept toward the dragon, opening three claws and spinning quickly.


There was another clear sound accompanied by the fire light, flying claws rubbed the dragon's body and hung with the old scars, and a piece of dragon scales suddenly stood up!

Hit right...

Mo Xie's heart was extremely excited, and the poor fire dragon's mouth was sealed, and even the roar was too late for the attack.

Xiao Fei Dian quickly rushed here, and Mo Xie stretched out his hand to pull off the erected dragon scale fiercely. Suddenly, the dragon blood was dropped, and the two pieces were knocked out together, revealing the dragon scale armor. The red skin covered...

Ao Moo!

The stern dragon roar finally sounded, and the fire dragon was sealed for a minute of attack. It once again lost a piece of dragon scale, and it raised its head and howled in pain.

But before the fire dragon was ready to launch a retaliatory attack, Mo Xie slowed down the mount. When passing through the wound, the golden spear in his hand slammed into the wound...


The gigantic dragon almost twisted and rolled in the air, bursting with a damage number of 300,000+ on top of its head. Without the protection of the dragon scales, its defense was reduced several times!

"Ah! He really succeeded?" Lianna's eyes straightened.

"This is only one minute and twenty seconds!" Mo Xiaoyuan said in disbelief, touching his head.

"Everyone, get ready the gold coins. After our dungeon mission is over, please go outside to settle the settlement." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

The teammates lamented for a while, but they had not yet received Mo Xie's attack order.

At this time, the Shenlong was hit hard, and the whole body twisted and turned in the air, and Mo Xie could only avoid it far away, waiting for it to finish the pain before making plans.

Li Hong was not idle, commanding the horse to avoid the twisting struggle of the dragon's body, still attacking the big mouth of the dragon with the stone rod in his hand.

Anyway, all the hatred of Shenlong was taken away by Li Weila, she just attacked and avoided quietly, and didn't worry about being targeted by Shenlong.

The fire dragon turned its body a few times in pain in the air, and then slowly calmed down, searching for Mo Xie's position angrily.

But at this moment, Mo Xie took advantage of the moment when the fire dragon had just subsided, he immediately attached its body again, found the location of the wound, covered it with the prepared barbed wire in his hand, and carefully stuck each wire on the dragon scales. Between, and then drop the rope.

"Brothers, the location of the dragon scale wound is in the center of the barbed wire fence. Half of them attacked, and half continued to use mechanical flying claws." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"Understand." Excited, the teammates immediately locked in the sky above their heads, above the huge dragon body with iron nets.


Eight flying claws flew at the same time, and nine golden lights whizzed towards the dragon...

Jingle bells!

A burst of dense metal percussions sounded continuously, and the golden spear kept hitting the dragon scales near the wound, and pieces of sparks were flying everywhere.

The flying claws just swayed away against the dragon scales, and there was no actual damage.

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