The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1081: Mysterious Fire Dragon Egg

Facing the huge reward ceremony in front of him, the teammates felt very puzzled one by one, and Mo Xie was equally puzzled.

"Elder, do you mean that each of my teammates and I can choose a reward?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Yes, killing the dragon and saving our city, and giving each of you a reward can we express our gratitude to the warriors." Elder Jin Ling smiled.

"But what are these three rewards, can you tell us in advance?" Mo Xie asked again.

"In these three rows of discs, there are four different pet eggs, melee and long attack, defense and auxiliary types. These are our elemental spirit tribesmen who transform into various spirit beasts to help the warriors participate in battle or help you in the future. Traveling is absolutely no problem, it just depends on what you choose." Elder Jin Ling said with a smile.

"I understand. In these three rows of rewards, each represents your pet eggs transformed from the tribes of the Five Elemental Races..." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

The so-called long-range attacking pet definitely represents the two elements of water and fire, and the melee attack type represents the element of the gold element. As for the defense or auxiliary type, it must be the earth and wood elements.

There are four kinds of pet eggs randomly appearing in the three discs. It depends on the players' luck to obtain pets.

But Mo Xie's thoughts were not on these elemental pet eggs, but whether they could get the three fire dragon eggs?

"Unexpectedly, there are so many benefits. Each of us has a trophy." Zhou Jianing was very excited. Although she already has a super pet, who would feel embarrassed to reward too much.

"Yeah, we can also get rewards. If the best pets we pick are sold or given away, if they are defense aids, we can keep them for training." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"In this case, let's start choosing." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Wait a minute, everyone don't worry about choosing rewards, I have something to tell the elders." Mo Xie suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Mo, what do you want to do?" Mo Xiaoyu asked puzzledly.

Mo Xie didn't answer, she just took a closer look at the three rows in front of him who were rewarded and selected, and finally turned around to look at the five elders.

"Dear elders, this time we came to the island to find a suitable battle pet. Not long ago, I heard from the elders that the reason why the fire dragon was attracted this time was because your people found it by accident. The fire dragon's lair only took three fire dragon eggs to cause the fire dragon's revenge. Now that the dragon has been beaten away, can the elders show me the three fire dragon eggs." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What! You want to see the fire dragon egg..." The five elders looked at each other in surprise.

"Dear warriors, the three fire dragon eggs are the source of this hatred. We have decided to enshrine the three dragon eggs in the temple to commemorate the tens of thousands of people who have suffered as a result. Therefore, we cannot agree to your request." The elder said.

"These three fire dragon eggs taught me profound lessons, so they must stay in the temple so that future generations will remember them forever." said the elder Earth Spirit.

"Dear warrior, I once said that these three fire dragon eggs were accidentally taken away by our people at a critical moment in the incubation process. When they were taken back, the power of the three dragon eggs dissipated and they could no longer hatch. It's a dragon, so the fire dragon is angry, even if we request to return the dragon egg, it still destroys our entire city. So it's useless for you to hold three dragon eggs." Jin Ling elder explained patiently.

"Fire dragon eggs with divine power dissipated..." Mo Xie remembered this, but he also knew that as long as the pet eggs that can hatch, even if they are not real dragons, they are much stronger than these elemental pets...

"Xiao Mo, let me forget it, since the elders are unwilling, the system will definitely not give it to us." Li Hong said.

"It's okay, I'll try again." Mo Xie replied, with words brewing in his heart: "Respected elder, you also know that three fire dragon eggs are the root cause of this disaster. Although the evil dragon was beaten away by us today, he said Don’t know which day it will come back? If it comes back and you find that you enshrine its dragon eggs in the temple as a lesson, I’m afraid this city will face another disaster!"


As soon as Moxie spoke, the faces of the five elders were suddenly panicked. The words of the other party happened to hit their most feared weakness.

"The elders still give us the dragon eggs, and we will take them away, so that the evil dragon will not come to you again." Moxie said.

"What do you say, your dragon egg, fire dragon will not return to our city again?" Elder Jin Ling asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure that the evil dragon hasn't taken the three dragon eggs to heart for a long time, but if the three dragon eggs are with you, it can sense the existence of the dragon eggs at any time, so it hasn't stayed away after destroying Wonderland City. It is staying nearby. If the dragon egg is not here anymore, and it has been taught by us again, it will definitely not be close to this island again." Mo Xie said in a huff.

A group of teammates listened to him flicking, they couldn't help but laugh, and they didn't dare to ruin his good deeds.

"What the warrior said does have some truth...Let's think about it again." Elder Jin Ling waved and gathered the other four elders together, seeming to be talking in a low voice.

But the teammates were already shocked, and I didn't expect Mo Xie's nonsense to actually move these...

"Elders, for the future safety of Wonderland City, you have to think carefully, whether to keep these evils, or to clear them out quickly, you must make a decision early." Mo Xie did not rush to add another sentence.

The five elders were taken aback for a moment, and shuddering expressions appeared on their faces.

They all know how powerful the fire dragon is. This time, it was a lot of hard work to have outsiders help to drive the fire dragon away. If it does come back, it would be a catastrophe!

In any case, these dragon eggs continue to stay here, it is indeed very dangerous, the existence of Shenlong induction dragon eggs, maybe it really exists...

It didn't take a minute for the five elders to reach an agreement and turned around and walked to Mo Xie.

"Dear warrior, since you want those dragon eggs, we are more respectful than our fate. But we won't give these rewards again." Elder Jin Ling said.

"Xiao Mo, can dragon eggs really hatch pets? They didn't mean that dragon eggs are useless." Zhou Jianing asked.

"If you choose the damaged dragon egg and give up these rewards, we will lose a lot by then!" Lianna said nervously.

"Na Meili is right. The gap between 20 pet eggs and 3 useless dragon eggs is too big." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

Seeing that all his teammates were willing to support him, Mo Xie looked at the five elders in front of him.

Be prepared to decide to give up the rewards offered by these Elemental Racers in exchange for three fire dragon eggs that have expired.

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