The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1092: Vulcan Tower

Mo Xie stared curiously for a few seconds, and was finally surprised to find that there were countless beauties in the lake, playing happily.

A large number of people gathered on the pavilion, it seems that the emperor is watching the scene of the concubine playing in the water...

Taking advantage of the lakeside guards, all attracted by the beautiful women playing on the water in the center of the lake, Mo Xie hurriedly led the three of them out of the garden gate and quickly rushed to the left side of the lake.

According to the arrangement of Fairy Blazing Phoenix, only from the left side of the lake can more patrolling soldiers be bypassed, and the left side of the lake is concentrated with the most palace groups, which not only provides more hiding places, but also many palace ladies. Secretly help.

Quickly rushing out of the door, the four figures quickly hid in a water pavilion on the left, and temporarily avoided for a few minutes. Mo Xie led his teammates along the connecting corridor between the water pavilions and began to quietly move forward.

As long as a sentinel appeared along the way, they would find a way to get around far away, but they also walked forward without danger for a long distance. Not far from the front, there were towering palaces connected one by one. The core area of ​​the entire palace belongs to the bedroom where the emperor usually rests.

Sneaking quietly among the palace groups, avoiding a team of patrolling soldiers, after half an hour of driving, they finally rushed past the emperor's main hall, and continued to rush forward quickly toward the end of the garden.

Far away from the shore of the lake, the risk factor has been reduced a lot. More and more woods and rockeries have provided players with hiding places. As long as they find guard soldiers, they will temporarily find a place to hide and wait until safe. Continue on the road again.

"My God, it's like being an agent. It's really exciting." Mo Xiaolang sighed with a smile.

"I'm almost scared to death. Enemies are everywhere. We can still get here this way." Li Hong said in disbelief.

"Don't be discouraged, we have two hundred meters left and we can get out of this dangerous area." Mo Xie still remembers the situation on the sand table. He is now located far away from the core area of ​​the palace, heading to a more remote viewing platform instead of going further. The dangerous palace main hall is near.

"Let's go quickly, stay here for a second, I seem to be going crazy!" Li Hong urged.

The four people continued to fumble forward along the outermost courtyard wall, passing numerous threats from soldiers along the way, but they remained undetected.

Unknowingly, on the opposite side of the front courtyard, a round arched gate appeared. There were more than a dozen golden armored soldiers guarding the entrance.

"It seems that you can't walk through the gate. Go over the wall." Mo Xie glanced at the courtyard wall beside him. The height of four or five meters was just a piece of cake.

Mo Xiaolang nodded. A fence of this height doesn't even use mechanical flying claws. It only needs a long rope with claw hooks.

Take out the props from the package, and with a light wave, a slight ding sound sounded, and the claw hook smoothly hooked the edge of the other side of the wall.

Mo Xiaolang grabbed the rope with both hands, and leaped up easily. He lay down on it and observed for a while. After confirming that there was no danger on the other side, he stepped forward to find a hiding place.

When Mo Xiaolang's safety instructions came from the team channel, Mo Xie also grabbed the rope and quickly climbed to the top of the wall. On the other side of the wall, a row of big trees was just blocking him, and outside the big trees were endless trees. Kinds of buildings and countless large-scale high platforms!

Here has reached the position of the Tiantiantai, they are finally safe...

Relatively speaking, the viewing platform has the most buildings and the least guards. It is the only place in the palace where the Protoss is relatively loosely armed.

But the Protoss never thought that this place that was ignored by them was the area that threatened them the most!

Mo Xie was so excited that he was about to turn around and stretched out his hand to pick up the two beauties, only to find that the figure in front of him flashed, and Fairy Flaming Phoenix grabbed Li Hong's arm, jumped over the fence, and stood at the foot of the big tree on one side.

He could only turn over helplessly, not forgetting to retract the hook.

"This is the Tiantian Terrace. There are not many gods guards here, but you still need to pay special attention. It is said that there are gods masters here who like to be quiet and stay here to practice." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said.

"Let’s be more careful. The Vulcan Tower should be opposite the Tiantiantai." Mo Xie stretched his finger forward. There was a large square in the building complex. A high platform stood in the center of the square, with a height of tens of meters. This is where the Guantiantai is located.

The layout of the palace seen from the sand table shows that there are five towers lined up not far from the rooftop, representing the attributes of the five elements.

Then there are various shrines, which are equivalent to religious places.

"Look at the surroundings first, we will set off if there is no danger." Mo Xiaolang has been observing for a period of time hiding behind the tree, only to see the figures of some soldiers swaying in the distance, and no more sentry is found.

"Don't be afraid, you come with me." Fairy Flaming Phoenix was the first to walk out of the tree and turned to the left to go around the rooftop.

Mo Xie hurriedly followed with the two of them, and walked quickly forward...

Carefully observing left and right along the way, they were sure that there were no soldiers on guard, and they finally came to the back of a hall on the side of the square.

At this time, the five tall towers in front finally showed up in front of them.

The five tall towers are just like the settings on the high-level pet dungeon overseas flying island. They are in five different colors. Each tower is just a little bit shorter than the viewing platform, with five colors including yellow, blue, red, and black. Of masonry stones.

Obviously, the red stone tower is the ultimate destination of their trip.

"His Royal Highness and Binger are waiting for us in the Vulcan Tower. Let's go quickly." Fairy Blazing Phoenix smiled and urged.

A group of people followed, walking along the path between the palaces, and gradually came to the vicinity of the five tall towers.

As the four rushed across a path and rushed directly into the entrance at the foot of the red tower, they finally took a breath from hiding in the tower.

Today's action is too stressful. You must be very careful in every step. Once discovered, it will completely fail.

Until then, I don’t know what the consequences will be!

If discovered by the Protoss, someone sneaks into the palace quietly, once tracked down, all generals in the military will be implicated!

"Let's go, this tower is divided into nine floors, and the princess is waiting for us on the ninth floor." Fairy Flaming Phoenix let them rest for a while, and then continued along the spiraling stairs...

Climbing to the top of the nine-story tower in one breath, a familiar and beautiful figure at the entrance has been waiting for a long time, Qing Binger stood by the door and waited for everyone.

"Quickly go in, the princess has been waiting for a long time." Qing Binger smiled and greeted them, leading them into the gate...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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