The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1094: Temple of the Kingdom

After finally understanding the settings of the system, Mo Xie was extremely surprised and quickly reminded the Saint Princess to start the mechanism.

"I see." The holy princess immediately looked at the seven peculiar lights and shadows around the main hall, and began to search for the same text on the big cauldron according to the picture.

Soon, she found the first identical character, stretched out her hand and quickly pressed it on the hot body.


With just such a light press, Dading actually rang out dull bells, which made everyone panicked.

Fortunately, the bell is not particularly loud, so there is no need to worry about attracting enemies for the time being.

"Xiao Mo got it right, this mechanism is really secretive." Li Hong said in surprise.

After seeing the first success of the Saint Princess, she quickly looked for the second corresponding character, and then quickly pressed it, with a bang, and the dull bell rang again.

The two divine beasts, Fairy Blazing Phoenix and Qing Bing'er, also began to help the holy princess find the corresponding characters. For a while, five or six dull voices sounded continuously in the temple on the top of the tower.

When there were only the last characters left, the three goddesses searched all four sides and found nothing...

"It's still the last word, but I can't see it." Qing Binger said in surprise.

"I haven't looked under the big cauldron, so hurry up and look for it." Mo Xie couldn't get close to the big cauldron, so he could only remotely command from a distance.

After receiving his reminder, the Saint Princess quickly bent down and looked down at the bottom of Dading's abdomen.

"There is indeed a character hidden here, that's it!" The holy princess exclaimed in exclamation, reaching out and pressing down on the hidden character...


The last bell rang, rumbling...

The ground of the entire temple began to vibrate violently, frightening everyone to look around.

I saw that for a moment, the divine fire bead above the big cauldron suddenly emitted a dazzling flame, turned into a fiery beam of light and rushed straight to the top of the tower, just flying into the circular hole, firmly stuck in it.

The beam of light of the sun was cut off immediately, and the fire illuminates the entire hall.

As the rumbling sound continued to sound, a circular stone pillar stood out on the ground, slowly rising against the bottom of the big tripod.

Immediately after a layer of stone steps were exposed to the ground around, the entire Vulcan Tower was superimposed on the ground layer by layer, forming a huge black triangle-shaped building, and the top was shining with fiery red light, like a round The small sun has just risen on this strange building...

The people in the tower only feel that they are falling with the top of the tower, while the big tripod in the middle is slowly rising, and a huge **** platform is constantly rising!


The muffled noise sounded again, the ground stopped shaking, and the surroundings finally calmed down.

But such a big movement has already aroused the attention of the Protoss soldiers, who rushed towards this deformed Vulcan Tower from all directions...

The current Vulcan Tower can no longer be called a sacred tower, it looks like a pyramid, and the fiery red sun at the top is even more magical!

Each **** of the triangular building is engraved with all kinds of weird characters, shining red under the firelight, which is extraordinarily mysterious...

The protoss guards rushed in, just about to approach this strange pyramid, the shining characters suddenly shined, and a protoss soldier had not figured out what was going on, the light on those characters turned into small fireball-like meteors. , Rushing towards the surrounding soldiers...


The screams sounded one after another. All the Protoss soldiers hit by the fireball turned into golden light and rose into the sky, and the whole body turned into golden powder flying in the air!

The entire pyramid building has no gates, and there are smooth stone walls everywhere, as well as the shining strange characters on the stone walls.

Even when Mo Xie in the tower looked back, he was surprised to find that the nine-story tower gate they came in had mysteriously disappeared.

The entire space has been completely enclosed!

And in the center of the hall not far in front of them, on a magnificent triangle-shaped high platform, a golden round stone pillar was erected, and the stone pillar was staring at the blue-grey cauldron.

On this golden stone pillar, a line of gleaming golden characters...

The empire will never die in the sun!

In front of the golden stone pillar, in the center of the high platform, on a flat ground, a strange square dent appeared, and it seemed that there was still a mechanism that was not touched.

"Such a big movement, the Protoss must have found us!" Li Hong said nervously.

"Don't worry, this is the temple of our empire. The outside should be carved with the contents of the divine power contract that the Protoss surrendered. As long as they dare to approach, they will suffer the backlash of the contract!" The holy princess said excitedly.

"His Royal Highness knows this situation?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"I just read the ancient books of the royal family, which recorded the situation when our royal ancestors accepted the surrender of the Protoss. It is said that in a triangular temple, after accepting the surrender of the Protoss, our ancestors carved the contents of the contract on the outer wall of the temple. Let the Protoss remember their promise forever. The font on this stone pillar was handwritten by the first emperor and then carved on the stone pillar of the town. I always thought it was a legend, because no one has seen the temple of Yaori. What it looks like, I didn't expect to set up an agency protection." The Saint Princess said in surprise.

"Then the tomb of the holy emperor should be here." Mo Xie strode up to the platform, looking at the small open space in front of the stone pillar.

"Yes, but how should the next mechanism be opened? The Holy Tomb should be nearby." The Holy Princess asked suspiciously.

"Wait... the sun is in the middle, the universe is reversed, the world is changed, the seven stars are transformed... We have completed one of the formulas, only the last step! Depending on the situation, the answer should be on this great cauldron..." Mo Xie Looking at the dents on the ground, and then at the huge square tripod that was pushed up, it seemed to understand a little bit in my heart.

"Which step hasn't been completed yet?" Saint Princess asked quickly.

"The universe is upside down, changing the world... Your Royal Highness, turn this great cauldron upside down, so that the mouth of the cauldron coincides with the groove on the ground." Mo Xie said quickly.

Just as he commanded the goddesses to solve the final mystery of the Holy Tomb, more and more protoss soldiers had heard the news, but watching the tribe’s people turn to ashes as they approached this strange building, they were so scared that they only dared to go far. Surrounded the temple, never dared to approach half a step easily.

However, the Protoss soldiers coming from the surrounding area are constantly strengthening reinforcements, and the dense golden light spots are full of tens of thousands of people, firmly surrounding the temple.

Some senior protoss also rushed to check the situation. They appeared in front of the soldiers wearing gorgeous robes of fire red and aqua blue, holding fire staff and water staff.

These high-level protoss from the Temple of Fire and Temple of Water, their eyes straightened in shock by what they saw before them!

"Quickly report to the head teacher, the human temple has appeared, and it must be destroyed!" a man in a red robe shouted in horror.

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