The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1102: Crazy escape

As Mo Xie took out a green jade flute in the secluded mine, the eyes of all the elves flashed!

Especially the Elder Elf, his wrinkled face showed an expression of ecstasy...

Looking at this scene before them, Mo Xie and Li Hong's hearts were truly settled.

"It really is the jade flute of the princess, the old man believes you, but your majesty is not in our mine, but in another place." The Elder Elf sighed and shook his head.

"It's okay. Our people in that mine have already been rescued. The elders hurriedly summoned the tribe to prepare to rush out. Now the Protoss has no time to deal with you." Moxie said.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will summon other elders and summon all the people in this mine together." Elf Elder said excitedly.

I saw that he took out a bamboo flute out of his worn-out clothes and put it in his mouth and blew it...

Within a few minutes, melodious bamboo flutes sounded from all over the caves, and it seemed that there were many elves gathered in the entire mine.

"Elder, how many clans do you have here?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"The Protoss took a total of 50,000 of us into this mine. After more than ten years, now there are only more than 30,000 old, weak, sick and disabled..." The Elf Elder sighed and replied.

"There are so many people?" Li Hong's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is only the number of people in our mine, and there should be more than 20,000 people there." The elder replied.

"In other words, after the elves were forced to surrender the last time, 90% of the clansmen were taken here." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"Yes, the Protoss wants us to help them excavate the ore, so they forced us to come here to act as coolies, but they were afraid that we would run away, so they separated His Majesty, the Queen, and the Princess, and sent heavy troops to supervise us. For more than ten years, we have not seen the sun here, and we have been squeezed for more than ten years!" The Elf Elder sighed.

"Don't worry, we are here to rescue you this time, otherwise we won't take the initiative to come to this dangerous place." Mo Xie nodded.

"The other elders are summoning all the clansmen. It will take a few minutes. You must rescue your Majesty." The Elf Elder pleaded.

"Don't worry about this, our people should have entered the mine now." Mo Xie comforted, feeling a little worried.

If the Elf King doesn't trust Mo Xiaolang, things are really troublesome today!

Unexpectedly, he was just beginning to worry that Mo Xiaolang's voice had already sounded on the team channel...

"Xiao Mo, I found His Majesty the Elf King, but this old stubborn doesn't trust me at all, and said that he can no longer take the life of his tribe to risk it." Mo Xiaolang complained.

"It's the same on our side, but Xiao Mo has convinced the elders that he is now gathering the clansmen and is ready to rush out at any time." Li Hong smiled.

"What method did you use to make the elves believe you? Tell me quickly?" Mo Xiaolang rushed into the wall.

"I have a token of the elven clan. If you don't have it, it won't work, otherwise you will let Fairy Blazing Phoenix help you convince your majesty the Elf King." Mo Xie thought.

The elf tokens are bound items and cannot be traded. If he wants to mail them, he can only take another method...

"Well, I'll let the fairy try it..." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

At the end of the conversation, all the elves in the cave had all stood up from the ground at this time, and the sound of bamboo flutes continued to sound around, and the sound of footsteps was intensively sounded outside the cave.

"Master En Gong, all of our people are gathering. Can you be sure that there are only more than one hundred protoss guards outside the cave?" the elder asked.

"I'm sure, because I came in from there." Mo Xie nodded.

"Well, the two benefactors, please go with the old man." The elder strode forward, surrounded by a large number of elves.

Mo Xie and Li Hong hurriedly followed, following him out of the huge cave where the ore was piled up, and reappeared in the passage outside...

In the passage at this time, there are countless elves gathered there, they are standing still, seemingly waiting for something.

Moreover, in front of these elves, there were at least four elders with golden names on their heads lined up. They were much younger than the elder in front of Moxie and had a lot of stature.

"See the first elder!" As the elder walked out of the mine, a neat greeting suddenly sounded in the passage.

The first elder?

Mo Xie and Li Hong looked at each other in surprise. It seemed that they had good luck this time. They found the core high-level elves of the elven clan, second only to the Elf King and the first elder of the royal family.

"Elders, all people of the tribe, we have been imprisoned here for more than ten years in the dark. Many people think that we are going to die here in this life. But today, our savior has appeared. Her Royal Highness has not forgotten our Elves, Her Royal Highness. Her Royal Highness and Princess have been rescued safely, and now Her Royal Highness is leading the warriors to Huangcheng Mountain and is rescuing Your Majesty and us!" The first elder said loudly.

"Great, I finally waited for this day!" All the elves looked at each other, and a few seconds later they erupted with excitement and cheers. The protoss soldiers stationed outside the entrance of the cave were so frightened that they looked towards the entrance of the cave, but they did not dare to rashly. Enter the mine.

These protoss soldiers also know that they are too few in number now, as long as they enter the mine, they will encounter the anger of the elves...

"It shouldn't be too late, since the holy princess is already outside against the Protoss, we just take advantage of this to kill, and all the way out of the imperial city!" An elder said excitedly.

"We are exactly this plan. Before this operation, the outside of the imperial city was surrounded by the imperial army. As long as you rush to the bottom of the imperial city mountain, you can escape smoothly..." Mo Xie quickly told everyone about the current situation...

"Then we have to hurry up, the holy princess will fight against the entire Protoss for too long!" The first elder's expression changed and said quickly.

"But there is still a problem. My people went to rescue your majesty, but your majesty doesn't trust him. If we fail to act successfully there, we have to return to the past to rescue your majesty." Moxie said of the predicament that appeared.

"How difficult is this? As long as we rush out and immediately use the flute to inform your Majesty, he will definitely take action." The first elder smiled faintly.

"Great, then act quickly." Mo Xie was extremely surprised.

"All tribesmen, put on the bamboo baskets on their backs, fill them with ore, pick up the mine hoe, and rush out with the old man!"

The first elder roared loudly with his cane stick, and his mighty image was completely different from just now.


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