The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1109: Help with life

With an axe swung out, the holy princess didn't even look at the situation behind her, strode straight towards the gate, and the figure suddenly rushed into the dark gate hole.

Immediately after the arc flashed, a booming explosion sounded, and the heavy city gate was directly killed by the Holy Axe, and the fragments were flying around outside the city wall.

With a bang, the city gate shattered and fragments were flying in the sky. The holy princess was holding a giant axe and holding Mo Xie's corpse in her other hand, rushing straight out of the city from the hole.

With her footsteps rushing into the white mist outside the city, people flickered less than ten meters behind her, and a large number of protoss masters followed closely. The distance between the two sides was only more than ten meters!

Although Mo Xie died, the corpse was held by the holy princess and ran. After his death, he still followed the corpse from the perspective of God. He looked at the holy princess's difficult forward thrust and refused to let go of his body...

My eldest sister is out of town, just let me go!

If you keep running like this, you will be caught up by the Protoss within a few minutes...

Seeing the protoss masters pouring out of the city in large numbers, immediately under the leadership of the two masters, they divided into two rows and rushed to both sides. The protoss obviously planned to separate and surround the holy princess in front.

Seeing the situation getting worse, Mo Xie felt even more helpless, but suddenly a system prompt popped up in front of him.

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for players. Your body has left the war zone and entered a new special map. This map belongs to the forbidden area of ​​the imperial city. After death, you must wait 30 minutes before you can go to the Reincarnation Platform to resurrect. !

As the system prompt appeared, the countdown to the death and resurrection in front of Mo Xie, it seemed that ten minutes had passed, only twenty minutes were left, and suddenly it jumped to thirty minutes again...

At this moment, he was speechless to the extreme. The corpse changed the map, and the system defaulted that he had just died, and the resurrection time was extended again!

If this is the case, the situation will be even more dangerous!

Because the previous death and resurrection time was exactly the moment when the Holy Axe's power was about to dissipate, as long as Mo Xie chose to resurrect and the body disappeared, the Holy Princess might still have a little hope to escape.

But now, the princess with such a ribbed princess will definitely not let go of her body and escape alone, and the new resurrection time will not give the holy princess a second chance. This is even more troublesome...

Damn system, will you count, this can also reset the time of death?

Mo Xie sighed in his heart, and now he can't contact anyone, but seeing the holy princess go on like this, sooner or later he will encounter danger, time is so precious.

No, you can't stand alone, otherwise, once the Saint Princess has an accident, all of his tasks will be meaningless...

At this time, the only thing he could do was to go offline, and then he quickly notified Li Hong, asked her to convey her opinions, and let the two beasts come to help.

But looking at the time, it was too late to do this. They had already taken the elves and were escaping from Huangcheng Mountain, and their back road had been blocked by the protoss chasing soldiers, even if they had not enough time to fly to the top of the mountain!

Seeing the holy princess rushing wildly in the mist, the protoss chasing soldiers have slowly surpassed from both sides, getting further and further away from the town.

Where did Sister Hong go?

Mo Xie looked at the thick white mist around him, and the only hope in his heart was Li Hong's position.

Didn't she let her respond outside the city? Where is she hiding now, is she frightened by such dense footsteps of the Protoss?

Mo Xie looked around anxiously, and at the same time quickly called up the control panel, ready to force offline!

In this case, he was forced to go offline, and even if he went online tomorrow, he would wait for 30 minutes to die again, but faced with an emergency situation, there is no other way now.

At this moment, all of a sudden, I heard the rattling birdsong in the thick fog, and the direction seemed to be not far from the holy princess.

Hearing this familiar voice, Mo Xie was instantly overjoyed. This was the voice of Sister Hong's mount. Although the system prohibits the use of pets on Huangcheng Mountain, there are no restrictions on being summoned to participate in battle.

The clever Sister Hong knew that the situation was not good, and took the lead in hiding in the thick fog, using the shout of the mount to help the Saint Princess judge the direction of escape.

Listening to the crisp sound, the holy princess' eyes were taken aback, but she immediately reacted, holding Mo Xie's body and rushing towards the sound of birds...

At this moment, Mo Xie let out a sigh of relief. With Sister Hong here, she would definitely let the Saint Princess put down her body.

Seeing the angle of view rush forward quickly, the holy princess rushed directly into the thicker fog outside the city, and now it was five meters away and could not see anything.

The figure in front of him flashed, Li Hong and the war eagle behind him had emerged from the mist and stood in front of the holy princess.

"His Royal Highness, why did it take so long to escape..." Li Hong asked.

"I was surrounded by the Protoss just now. Fortunately, the Governor gave the order to retreat when he sacrificed himself." The Saint Princess said with red eyes.

"What... Are you still holding his corpse?" Li Hong saw that Mo Xie's corpse was in the hands of the holy princess. Because he was short, it was not very hard to be held, but it only affected the running speed.

"You can't leave your Excellency the Governor there, I must take him to a safe place." The Saint Princess rushed forward and ran to Li Hong's side and said.

"You give him to me and leave here quickly. If you can't escape, his sacrifice will be in vain." Li Hong followed all the way and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Well, you help me take care of him." The Saint Princess stopped thinking and handed Mo Xie's body to Li Hong.

Looking at this scene under the ground, Mo Xie finally felt relieved...

Thank goodness, it should be all right now.

"His Royal Highness, I will help you lead the Protoss to chase the soldiers. You should leave the top of the mountain as soon as possible." Li Hong took the corpse, looked at the dense fog around, and suddenly came up with a wonderful attention.

"But if you do this, you will also be very dangerous!" The Saint Princess asked in surprise.

"Your Royal Highness, we can be resurrected when we die, but you can't. Only if you escape, we die once is worthwhile, don't you think?" Li Hong quickly persuaded.

"So...then thank you very much." The holy princess glanced at Li Hong gratefully, and again looked at Mo Xie, who had already closed his eyes, as if nodded in despair.

"I rushed to the left, deliberately pretending to go to the intersection to attract the attention of the Protoss. You walked around from the front and killed them by surprise." Li Hong pointed to the left and said.

"Understood, I will listen to your arrangements." Saint Princess said gratefully.

Li Hong immediately took the mount and held Mo Xie's body, deliberately aggravated his steps, and suddenly rushed forward to the left.

In the thick mist, the protoss masters who have been listening to the steps of the holy princess, constantly changing the way forward, want to completely surround her.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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