The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1121: Faction war starts

On the back of the unfolding imperial decree, there was a golden pattern embroidered with a golden dragon, surrounded by a giant sun, shining under the tower...

"Following the emperor's decree, the content is as follows: Although the holy princess is expensive as an imperial princess, but with the intent of conspiracy to seek rebellion, the imperial generals are summoned to discuss treason. The evidence is conclusive. The special order is as follows: He is included in the list of the empire’s repeat offenders. Anyone who participated in the rebellious operation of the Holy Princess can be exempted from their crimes. If they continue to pervert, they will be immediately removed from office. After arrest, they will be sent to the prison for trial and be executed immediately!" The head teacher unfolded the imperial edict and read the Tao aloud.

Ding Dong!

The system faction announcement came suddenly, and most of the unknowing players who watched the information content appeared on it, suddenly stunned!

They couldn't believe it. They knew that something big would happen, but they didn't expect it to be so serious...

Ding dong... Notice from the Sun Empire camp: Dear Sun Empire players, the major system plot has been announced. As some players started the multi-route missions of the Imperial Power Contest, and successfully helped Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess successfully get the support of the Empire generals, the system is now official Announced, the story of the battle of the Empire of the Sun has officially opened! Since the Protoss camp and the Saint Princess camp are about to start the prelude of the camp battle, players are asked to stay away from the plot venue. After the prologue battle is over, the system will soon launch the Solar War data system. When the maintenance update is about to be performed at 0:00 today, please all players of the Empire of the Sun, look forward to the opening of the new battlefield!

Ding Dong...Regional Notice: Since the Empire of the Sun is the first to start the camp battle to trigger the plot, the Sun camp will officially start the update of the battle of the sun at midnight tonight. The system maintenance time will be around the time. For details, please see the official announcement. After the update of the system information sheet is completed, players from the Sunday camp will soon usher in a new battlefield system!

Ding Dong...

Several consecutive messages flashed in front of the players' eyes, and even the players of the Holy Moon Empire suddenly received a warning from the region, telling the Sun Empire that the expansion mission of the battle of factions has started!

At this moment, the players of the Holy Moon Empire are the most surprised. This important update of the data plot means that the opponent's faction enters the next game process faster, and they have fallen behind a lot...

"Damn, what's going on, how did they start the battle of the faction first!"

"Where have all the masters of the Holy Moon Empire died, why is this?"

"When will we update the expansion?"

The ordinary players of the Holy Moon Empire were surprised one by one, and the most worried were the professional guild bosses of the Holy Moon Empire.

The moment they received the district notice, all the leaders of the alliance began to connect with each other, asking how the opponent's alliance is progressing, and how long will it take to start the data update plot of the faction war?

However, none of the major league leaders are honest guys. Even at this time, no one wants to tell the truth. After a while, they didn't inquire about anything. They could only rely on their own strength to find a way to catch up with the progress as soon as possible.

Ding dong...The empire's announcement on the day of the day: The prelude of the camp battle will be opened near the inner city of Huangcheng Mountain. The map is currently very dangerous, please leave quickly, otherwise you will be regarded as an enemy according to your mission route Or allies!

The system faction notice appeared again, and all players understood this time.

If you choose to support the mission of the Saint Princess route, you can help the emperor regiment resist the attack of the Protoss.

If you choose the Protoss camp, once the battle starts and you stay on the scene, you will be hunted down by the soldiers of the Imperial Army!

"Let's go, let's call it by ourselves. After the update tonight, it will be fun tomorrow."

"I look forward to it, what will happen after the update tomorrow?"

"Should we players choose who to help, and then a melee?"

Players have speculated that those players who supported the mission route of the Protoss camp knew that it would be dangerous to stay here, so they simply used the Scroll to return to the teleportation array in the center of the city to continue their unfinished mission.

The players who supported the Saint Princess route planned to stay and watch the battle, but all the entrances to the street were blocked by imperial soldiers. They were too far away from the tower to see anything at all, so they reluctantly chose to leave, preparing for the mission and Level up and meet tomorrow's updates.

When the system notice appeared, Mo Xie and Li Hong were still busy in the palace, bringing but the little emperor approached the cliff observation deck, and none of the system messages were received.

Because the map of the palace where he is located is already a special zone protected by the system, no news can be received here, but as long as he stays away from the palace, he can immediately return to normal.

Outside the tower, after reading the imperial decree, the head of the water **** who triggered an update of the plot, held the imperial decree in both hands and looked at the tower with a cold smile on his face.

"How about, Your Majesty, Your Majesty's holy intention is this, you are still willing to surrender now." Shuizhen Master said coldly.

"Master Headmaster, according to the tradition of our royal family, all the emperor's imperial decree must be drafted by his majesty himself, and the imperial decree must be stamped with the jade seal of the town to be effective. Can you show me that this imperial decree can be covered with a jade seal? The seal?" Saint Princess asked with a smile.

"You..." The palm teacher of the water god's face changed, but he became strong and calm in an instant: "Your Majesty's will is here, but the Princess has repeatedly made things difficult for this seat. It seems that she is determined to rebel. Generals, please don't Follow the holy princess to fool around, so as not to chill your majesty!"

"Master Headmaster, I will only recognize your majesty's decree in the end. As long as you show us whether this decree is really stamped with a jade seal, I will definitely follow your majesty's will." The general defending the city sneered.

"Well, well, you dare to be so presumptuous, you don't have to talk nonsense with you!" The head of the water **** took a look at all the officers and soldiers on the tower, and saw that they were standing there unmoved, and suddenly understood that this time the puppets The name of the emperor is no longer good...

He sneered and put away the imperial decree, raised one hand high, and suddenly waved forward!

"Soldiers, clear out the rebellion in the name of your majesty! Kill them all!" The Water God Palm Master shouted loudly.

As soon as the roar sounded, his figure quickly retreated backwards, and the large group of holy shield soldiers holding golden shields also strode forward neatly again, rushing towards the tower!


The tower that had been silent for a while became lively again, and the prologue battle finally started!

The players of the God Realm League, it has been too long for this moment.

Although the system notice keeps players away from the battle area, the players of the God Realm Alliance enjoy the privileges granted by the holy princess.

The entire God Realm League is an allied army recognized by the Holy Princess, and can follow the Imperial Army to participate in this battle...

Listening to the movement on the side of the tower, everyone's eyes lit up.

What should come, finally came!

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