The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1141: Find the weakness of the Protoss

"The Fire God Temple is so powerful, it can actually train soldiers with various divine powers..." Mo Xiaolang was shocked.

"Now the order of the Fire God Temple, no one in the six halls of the Protoss dares to resist. The only life temple that does not obey the command, you have already known the end." Kuang Geng said lightly.

"I'm worried now. The Vulcan Palm Master hurriedly returned to the top of the mountain. Could it be to go to various temples to mobilize troops?" Mo Xie was shocked, as if he had guessed something.

"That's why my elder brother is worried about the safety of the Imperial Army. The Protoss Legion you are facing is only a small part of its strength. It won't be long before more enemies will appear on Huangcheng Mountain, and they have their own differences. Ability!" The magical craftsman Kuang Geng said, he had already walked to the fire, and with a wave of his hand, the fire was blazing in the huge fire...

Seeing the master craftsman preparing to start work, the two looked back at the direction of the tower, Lianna's mount hovered in the air on the master of the mechanism, carefully watching the situation of the Protoss Legion on the other side of the imperial city.

At this time, Li Hong's private chat application happened to jump out of Mo Xie's eyes.

"Sister Hong, how is the situation?" Mo Xie quickly connected to the private chat and asked.

"My holy princess and I have flown over the two towers. The general of the town and country has issued an order to retreat all the imperial regiments gathered near the two towers. The two towers are temporarily handed over to ordinary players. It will not take long. Time, it will be occupied by the Protoss." Li Hong said.

"Don't worry about the two towers, hurry back with the princess." Mo Xie said excitedly.

Now his strategic deployment was finally achieved, and the two towers were given to the Protoss for nothing, let them play slowly, and he only needed to concentrate his efforts to guard this side of the city gate.

"I see, Miss Zhou and Dragon Soul are leading the generals and soldiers to retreat, and the Saint Princess and I will return immediately." Li Hong replied, closing the private chat.

"Brother Wolf, you stare at the tower here first. I want to leave as much as possible for the two masters," Moxie said.

"Where are you going now?" Mo Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

"I'm going to find Bing'er and Fairy Blazing Phoenix, and meet your Majesty the Elf King by the way." Mo Xie smiled.

"His Majesty the Elf King must meet. Maybe he has a better way to deal with the Protoss. You hurry up and get back." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

The current Majesty of the Elf King and the large group of Elf soldiers, under the care of the two goddesses, went to the plain in front of the Jinwu Barracks in the west of the city to repair, and waited for the general anode to lead the other Elves in the Hupao Barracks and the Elf Queen to meet up .

For Mo Xie, these five to six thousand elven soldiers are now a powerful force, and the existence of His Majesty the Elf King and the two goddesses can also have greater certainty against the gods.

He is going to meet with the Elf King to see if they have any better suggestions.

After all, the elves have been imprisoned by the Protoss for so many years, and they more or less know some secrets about the Protoss...

Not long after Moxie left the imperial city, the burning wall of fire among the large protoss soldiers on the other side of the tower was slowly disappearing, and the situation in front finally appeared clearly before the eyes of the core leaders of the protoss.

Seeing the people who were killed downstairs turned their horses back, the tragic scene of a mess, all the elders of the Protoss all opened their eyes...

"They actually cracked our Holy Light barrier!"

"Damn human beings have such a powerful strength."

"Master Master, quickly mobilize elite soldiers and destroy this tower in one fell swoop."

A group of elders were talking angrily, but the Water God Sect Master didn't have any expressions, just stood there quietly.

"Don’t worry about the elders. We have underestimated the abilities of the Emperor’s regiment. They have a lot of weapons, and they can break the Holy Light barrier so quickly. Send my order, don’t stop the artillery attack, the shield wall is here. The opponent's fire wall will be assembled in the future, in order to avoid more casualties, now everyone is at ease waiting for the arrival of reinforcements." The Water God Master said lightly.

"Master Master, let us stop attacking now?" a blue-robed elder asked in surprise.

"Yes, our strength can't be lost too much because of a tower. Now the emperor regiment concentrates its strength to defend the tower. If we fight hard, we will only gain more than the loss. It is better to wait for the leader of the Vulcan Master to help us." Water God Palm Said the teacher.

Just now two consecutive strong attacks, the other party easily resolved the Holy Light barrier, this was something he could not believe.

But now the incident happened suddenly, he was only led by the Holy Light Shield soldiers and these artillery, there was no other way to attack the tower, and he could only wait quietly.

"The Master Headmaster is right. We only have the Holy Light barrier to protect now. The loss of attacking the tower is too great. Let's wait for Lord Vulcan to come." A red robe elder agreed.

The elders of the Protoss reached an agreement and followed the orders of the Water God Headmaster. They saw that where the fire wall outside the city was extinguished, the large group of golden shield walls stood still, and they never approached the tower again.

However, in the air, the roaring fireball continued across the sky, and kept falling toward the tower. I saw the fire shining above the entire tower, and the scene was spectacular.

Bang bang bang!

A muffled sound rang from the front of the metal long tubes from the protoss crowd, and fireballs continued to rush into the sky...

Mo Xiaolang and the magic artisan of the mechanism flew in the sky, looking at the protoss legion that was not moving, he was also very confused.

"They are waiting for new reinforcements to come. Once they continue to attack, I am afraid that the tower will not be able to keep it." The mechanism master said with a sigh.

"How many secrets does the great **** know about the Protoss, what more powerful methods do they have?" Mo Xiaolang asked quickly.

"The Protoss has been secretly accumulating strength, and it is secretly developed using the different divine powers of the six temples. What the old man knows is only a small part of the mechanical weapons." The organ master replied.

"Then what do you know about their mechanical weapons?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"As far as the old man knows, the Protoss now has the ability to manufacture mechanical armor in addition to mastering the manufacturing technology of this supernatural artillery."

"It's just that the old man has not been in contact with the Protoss for more than ten years, and I don't know how powerful their current mechanical technology is."

Said the organ master.

"What's the situation with the mechanical armor?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes widened, feeling extremely bad.

"The so-called mechanical armor refers to a kind of peculiar armor worn on the body. This kind of mechanical armor can be transformed into several forms. With the addition of divine power, it may be able to fly short distances. This is also an old man. The most worried thing."

"In the past ten years or so, the technology that the Protoss has mastered must be more and more. Today you are about to face a lot of pressure."

The organ master sighed.

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