The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1224: Governor of Longbow

Gun Warrior: Centurion

Level: Level 70

Experience value: 0850000

Meritorious value: 0700000

Health value: 18800

Magic value: 5550

Physical Attack: 2570-2850

Attack range: 5 meters

Physical defense: 5960

Magic defense: 3770

Centurion exclusive skills;

Stabbing: After activating the skill to the specified enemy, while causing 145 attack damage to the opponent, the weapon pierces the opponent's body and can be thrown again. After hitting other enemies, both parties will cause 80 damage again, the skill consumes 35 mana points, and the cooling time is 30 second.

Piercing: After activating the skill, the weapon will fly out, pierce and attack five enemies continuously to the designated party, then the weapon will automatically fly back, causing 100 attack damage to each enemy, the skill consumes 50 mana, and the cooling time is 3 minutes.

Sweep: After activating the skill, it will automatically attack all enemies in the semi-circular area in front of the body and cause 80 attack damage per person. The skill consumes 60 mana points and the cooling time is 3 minutes.

Note: The centurion of the regular army spear fighters, middle and low-level officers with powerful strength, can obtain corresponding experience points and merit points by killing the enemy on the battlefield, upgrade their ranks and official ranks, have higher combat effectiveness and learn more skills.

Looking at an eye-catching purple figure suddenly appeared in the recruitment interface, Mo Xie couldn't wait to check the opponent's attributes...

At a glance, he was immediately surprised!

My God, such a powerful fighter, is still a 70th-level centurion officer!

This attack attribute...this defense attribute...this blood volume...this skill...

It's so handsome...

Mo Xie couldn't bear to look away, although he decided that all guards should only recruit archers as a profession, in order to better help the defense of the tower and increase the defense output.

But seeing such a powerful soldier appeared, he still did not hesitate to spend 150,000 gold coins to directly recruit this centurion pikeman.

Ding Ding!

The beating sound of gold coins kept ringing, and a purple halo flew towards the gate of the main hall. The newly recruited purple armored warrior was already standing in Yanwu Square.

Mo Xie did not go out to observe directly, but continued to focus on the recruitment interface. The other four soldiers' professions...

Three corps fighters, two 50-level soldiers, one 60-level soldier, and one soldier long archer, level 60.

Spending gold coins to directly recruit the soldier longbowmen again, the green halo flew out, and Mo Xie began to automatically refresh again.

There was another intensive beating of gold coins, the recruitment interface kept stopping, and after he checked the situation of the new fighters, it shook continuously.

Groups of bluish-green halos flew out of the main hall every three to five. Newly recruited archers were neatly arranged at the front of the square, and the number was constantly increasing.

As long as they are archers above level 60, they are directly recruited by Mo Xie regardless of their official position. As for other combat occupations, even the centurion fighters at level 60, Mo Xie is unmoved and simply ignores them.

He has already decided that unless it is a centurion or higher, with a level of over 60, he will consider it.

During this period of time, the gold coins spent on refreshing alone have exceeded 100,000, and several rows of soldiers have been standing neatly on the square. Except for the purple spear centurion, who is the leader, all the people behind are carrying the long. The number of bow archers has reached twenty or thirty.

But this number is too far away from the guard cap number...

According to the ideas of other city owners, as long as they are high-level fighters, they will recruit. Of course, it is more difficult to beckon only archers.

But Mo Xie had made up his mind and would not change it easily.

As time passed quickly, the beating sound of gold coins made him painful, and the high-level fighters in the recruitment interface appeared more and more frequently.

Perhaps the refresh cost has been spent a lot. The system has begun to refresh more powerful fighters. When refreshing three or four times, there will always be some fighters with different colors.

Mo Xie hurriedly recruited, and groups of halos continued to accelerate towards the entrance of the hall, and there were more and more soldiers on the square...


I don’t know how much it has been refreshed. Anyway, when the recruitment time was used up and almost an hour, the interface in front of me suddenly freezes, a golden halo shines around the second soldier recruitment frame, and one is wearing golden heavy armor. , A strange warrior with a golden longbow suddenly appeared...

Golden Heavy Archer

Mo Xie looked surprised, this time in the recruitment interface, five super quality fighters with one gold, two purple and two blue were magically displayed!

Especially the second female warrior wearing golden heavy armor, with a golden longbow behind her back, and a golden quiver full of golden arrow feathers. The female warrior had a beautiful face, and the name displayed surprised Mo Xie.

Governor of Longbow: Aina

Level: 80

What the hell!

The golden longbow warrior, the post of governor, has actually reached the full value of level 80, and the recruitment cost... 1 million gold coins!

Oh my god, I actually got a super longbow warrior, and still a beauty!

Regardless, it must be recruited!

Maybe the refresh cost is too much, even the system is helping, good luck finally maxed out...

Ding Ding Ding!

Directly selected to recruit, gold coins were quickly deducted, a golden beam of light from the sky, the slender figure wearing a golden armor, actually fell directly on the stone steps on the side of the recruiter.

"Longbow Governor Aina, see Lord City Lord, please order Lord City Lord to form the city guard army from a humble position!" The female archer of the golden armor bowed respectfully and clasped her fists in salute.

It took a huge amount of money to finally create a top-notch archer warrior, and she was still a heroic beauty, which made Mo Xie already feel very surprised.

But what is even more surprising is that this longbow governor Ina, not only has the highest level and official position, but also has a high-level IQ. It looks like Qing Binger and the Saint Princess...

Governor of Longbow: Aina

Level: 80

Experience value: 0

Meritorious value: 0

Health value: 29600

Magic value: 13500

Physical attack: 3150-3350

Range: 10 meters

Physical defense: 6250

Magic defense: 6250

Captain’s exclusive skills;

Meteor Arrow: Continuous skill, after locking the enemy to launch the skill, shoot a long sword to the opponent continuously. Each attack causes 125 attack damage, the skill consumes 20 mana, and the cooling time is 1 second.

Concussion Arrow: Lock the enemy to attack, cause 130 attack damage, and knock back the enemy 3 meters at the same time, the skill consumes 50 magic power, and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

Penetrating Arrow: After shooting an arrow to the specified direction, it automatically penetrates three enemies, causing 110 attack damage respectively, the skill consumes 55 mana, and the cooling time is 50 seconds.

Lianzhu Arrow: Lock the enemy and shoot three arrows in a row. Each attack causes 120 attack damage, the skill consumes 60 mana, and the cooling time is 40 seconds.

Armor-piercing arrow: After locking the enemy, launch a powerful arrow, causing 140 attack damage and at the same time make the enemy enter the armor-piercing state for 6 seconds, during which the defense is halved, the skill consumes 50 mana, and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

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