The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 165: Escort successful

Looking at the battle icons above the rows of eight centurion officers, Mo Xie was relieved.

"Brave warrior, thank you for escorting me to this place. These are all my subordinates. You don't have to worry about my safety anymore." General anode smiled and comforted.

"I know, Lord General, now that you have successfully arrived at the Ghost Fortress, can my **** mission be over immediately?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"No, no, no, we haven't reached the ghost fortress yet. When we get there, the **** is considered successfully completed. I will give you the rewards you deserve, and there are more important tasks that need your help." General anode waved his hand. .

"Okay, please, Lord General, let's go on." Mo Xie said excitedly.

The mission is finally about to be completed, but I don’t know what kind of reward he will get when this **** mission ends successfully?

In addition, the general also has mission clues to explain, indicating that the main mission can proceed to the next step. He wants to know what the next mission will be like.

The general anode turned around and immediately issued an order, and eight golden armor soldiers walked in the forefront, leading everyone into the underground cave.

At the moment when everyone began to enter the tunnel, a rumbling sound came from behind, the entrance to the cave was closed again, and the entire stone wall returned to its original smooth appearance, and there was no cave door hidden behind it.

The long queue traveled all the way down the stairs. The winding cave was like a spiral staircase, which continued to extend towards the ground, without knowing how long it was.

Mo Xie followed the general anode, watching the eight armored soldiers lead the way, hovering all the way into the depths of the earth.

"Master General, is the ghost fortress built underground?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Brave warriors, the ghost fortress is actually divided into two parts. The top of the mountain is a defensive battle building. The cave we are entering now is the defensive system for hiding. You will know the situation inside in a while." General anode faintly Explained.

"I understand." Mo Xie seemed to know something about this.

Going down the stairs in a circle, I don't know how many turns, more than ten minutes passed.

At this time, in front of the passage under the feet, a large area of ​​light suddenly appeared, illuminating the dark hole.

When he turned a corner again, he saw a flat corridor in front of the stairs. Two rows of torches were hung on the stone walls on both sides of the corridor. At the end of the corridor, a heavy stone door was tightly closed.

The Golden Centurion quickly stepped forward and knocked on the door with weapons in their hands. As the metal percussive sound, the door made a muffled sound and slowly opened inward...

With the opening of the stone gate, another spacious space emerged, which turned out to be a wide area the size of a small square.

The anode general immediately followed behind the centurions and entered the gate, and Mo Xie and the three beauties rushed to the gate curiously...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully found the ghost fortress animation, this map belongs to a special territory space, your map system cannot load the complete map data!

As he rushed into the door, the moment his feet had just landed on the ground inside the door, a system prompt he had been waiting for finally jumped out in front of him.

At this point, the system came to the ghost fortress by default.

The meaning of special building space is also obvious. All the facilities in the mountainside belong to the ghost fortress, and the fortress belongs to the category of private territory. Players cannot obtain any map information without the permission of the domain owner.

Standing inside the gate, they were extremely surprised by the situation inside...

Inside Shimen, in the wide small square, large swaying golden burly figures are neatly arranged in a square array of hundreds, like a military parade to welcome the return of the general anode.

"Master General!" A tidy roar sounded. Amidst the tinkling of armor, these warriors, wearing golden armor and staring at the battle icons on top of their heads, knelt on one knee to the anode general and bowed their heads neatly. Respectfully salute.

"Get up, I haven't seen the old brothers for so many years, I have wronged you." The anode general rushed to the soldiers and said with excitement.

"It is our honor to be able to work for General General!" The loud voice sounded again, and hundreds of Golden Armored soldiers stood up neatly, all of their excited eyes fixed on General Anode.

"I haven't seen you in more than ten years. You have suffered here. It's a pity that you fell short in the past and failed to lead you to serve for the Holy Princess." General Yang said helplessly.

"Master General, as long as you can return safely, we are willing to continue fighting for you!" a centurion said excitedly.

"Don't worry now, the situation is still very dangerous. Let's save our lives first and wait for the order of the Holy Princess." General anode said solemnly.

"All follow the general's orders!" All the soldiers replied in unison.

"Very well, now how many people are left of us?" General anode asked with a smile.

"Sir General Qi, there are currently 150 people in the Ghost Fortress, and the total number of soldiers scattered around is about 300." A centurion immediately replied.

"Never mind, I thought that the general's 1,000 guards back then, I didn't expect that only less than one-third were left..." The anode general sighed helplessly.

"As long as the general is still there, there are many soldiers in the legion who will support you. If you give an order, the humble position will immediately call the old ministry." Another centurion bowed his head and replied.

"No, now the life and death of Her Royal Highness Saint Princess is unknown. All we have to do is to protect ourselves and not to have extra branches." General Yang said.


"You continue to guard the fortress and keep a close watch on the outside situation. If there is any trouble, come and report it immediately. Let it go." General anode waved his hand and whispered.

"Follow the general's orders."

Footsteps sounded intensively. Under the leadership of their centurion, the hundred golden armor soldiers scattered and rushed towards the numerous openings around the square. They quickly disappeared without a trace.

Only two centurion officers remained, who continued to guard the general anode.

After the General had dealt with everything, Mo Xie walked forward with the three beauties and came to the front of General Yang.

"Brave warrior, thanks to your help this time, I can escape from the dangerous place, but unfortunately, I am now like a bereaved dog. I want to thank you for your great kindness, but I can't come up with the corresponding reward..." Turned around, said helplessly.


Hearing what he said, Mo Xie and the two goddesses were dumbfounded.

This hard and dangerous **** mission lasts to the end, just to complete the mission successfully and get the rewards of the system.

But judging from the meaning of the general's words, is it going to be a wasted effort this time?

Wouldn't it be such a tragedy?

Before the three of them recovered from their surprise, they suddenly discovered that General Anode had already waved his arms, and halos flew towards Mo Xie's body quickly...

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