The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 222: The strength of the angry ape

Although the specific rules of the system are still unclear, Mo Xie decided to kill the monsters first to see if he could get some new hints from the monsters around this lake.

He immediately turned away from the shore of the lake, and walked towards the large herd of iron cattle in the grassland...

After walking through the deep grass by the lake and into the shallow grass plain, a large herd of black bison appeared not far in front. They are tall and strong with four hooves, and their fur is black and shiny. The pair of horns on top of their heads look like It is a pair of sharp cutlasses.

At this time, the buffalo herd did not find an enemy approaching, and they were still wandering leisurely in groups, with a pair of blood-red eyes patrolling around, looking for possible attack targets.

With this kind of active attacking monster, there is no problem with Mo Xie singles out one, but watching dozens of bisons gather together, once he moves forward, at least a dozen monsters will be hated...

If this is the case, I am afraid he has to lie here before he has time to kill the monster.

However, Mo Xie had been prepared for a long time, to deal with such hordes of active attacking monsters, the existence of the steel angry ape was the best assistant.

In order for this demon spirit pet to become a qualified meat shield, Mo Xie sacrificed the attack attributes of the steel angry ape in accordance with the requirements of the Mo family's little wolf, and blessed all the attribute points of each upgrade to its physique and strength, even There are also smart points that physical attack pets can't use at all...

For the superior demon spirit pet like the steel anger ape, it is naturally endowed with a high-critical physical attack occupation by the system. If Moxie adds points to it according to the route set by the system, then this pet will Being a big body, it moves fast, attacks quickly, and can easily cause double damage to the enemy during the attack process. It is a very powerful mad fighting pet...

But for the sake of the team and his own long-term interests, Mo Xie still reluctantly added a lot of wisdom points to this mad fighting pet.

A large number of life points ensured the life value of the steel angry ape and some physical defenses, allowing it to develop towards the route of the blood cow.

A small amount of power points can guarantee the basic attack power of this pet, while also giving it a part of physical defense bonus.

But this was not enough. In order to enable the steel angry ape to have sufficient resistance when facing the magic type in the future, Mo Xie gave this warrior-shaped pet a lot of wisdom points as required.

With the bonus of wisdom points, the magic resistance of the steel fury ape has been greatly enhanced. Now its attack power has not been played to half of the level, but its dual defense and blood volume are already scary enough...

After all, it is the first demon spirit pet to appear in this virtual world. Its natural aptitude is far from comparable to that of ordinary pets, not to mention that it is of outstanding high-end quality.

Even if it does not give blessing points according to its characteristics, the natural growth attributes of the steel angry ape are also very impressive...

In other words, there is no need to look at the points added each time you level up. The strength that the steel angry monkey automatically increases each time you level up has actually exceeded the combat power of ordinary pets after adding points.

As the big man's level got higher and higher, Mo Xie became more and more assured of his strength.

Now he is only left in a single practice, and he is about to face a large group of active attacking monsters. The strength of the pet can finally be reflected...

Standing on the grassland, Mo Xie waved a big hand, and a purple beam of light fell from the sky in front of him. As the halo dissipated, the tower-like orangutan warrior stood in front of him.

"Big man, rush forward." Mo Xie immediately issued an order.


The stainless steel angry ape roared in response to the owner's command, holding the giant mace in both hands, and ran forward with big strides.

Mo Xie stared at the pet's actions, seeing it rushed out more than ten meters away, directly into the alert range of the herd of buffaloes...


The angry cow sound suddenly sounded, and the large group of leisurely dangling buffalo monsters turned their heads one after another, their blood-red eyes locked on the steel angry ape.

At the same time, along with the angry howls of the monsters, they all turned their bodies together and launched a crazy charge towards the steel angry ape, suddenly loud hoofs in the grassland...

Mo Xie could see clearly, the pet rushed forward according to the order, and at once attracted the hatred of at least fifteen or six bison monsters, and they had rushed in madly in groups!

What he wanted was this effect, but in order to reduce the pressure on the pet, he immediately issued an order to make the steel angry ape turn back and lead a dozen monsters to a safe area on the side of the grassland.

These dozen monsters were enough for him to deal with for a while.

The steel angry ape ran wildly towards the area designated by the owner. Behind its tall body, more than a dozen wild oxen were chasing after him, one of them spreading four hooves and chasing at full speed, with blood-red eyes staring at him. The guy in front.

Of course, the speed of the steel raging ape was not as fast as the running of the Buffalo Monster. The two sides quickly approached, but finally far away from the location of the monster spawning area, other Buffalo Monsters could not come to support.


At this time, the steel angry ape ran all the way and led the monster to the place the owner ordered. After the order was fulfilled, there was no new task. The demon spirit pet immediately turned around, and his sturdy arms waved the daunting giant wolf. Tooth stick, smashed hard at the row of bison that had rushed in front of it...

Three or four iron bulls chasing the wind rushed to the front, just close to the back of the steel angry ape, seeing their sharp horns pierce the opposing back without mercy.

But at this moment, the steel anger ape suddenly turned around, and the huge mace was swung horizontally from left to right, and the muffled sound sounded one after another. Under its violent power, even the commander level would be hit by it. Fly, let alone these are just ordinary monster-level bison.

Puff puff!


A series of muffled noises and the screams of the bison sounded almost at the same time. Mo Xie looked ahead excitedly, and his pet was full of power, swiping a stick like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. With the power, those who are rushing crazy The bison, whose seemingly sturdy body was completely knocked off...

Flying cows all over the sky, crashing down on the grassland four or five meters away in front of the steel angry monkey!

These bisons, who were hit by the giant mace and flew upside down, did not get up for a few seconds on the grass. While the red damage value burst out above their heads, they tried to stand up on the ground, but for a moment Can't do it for a while.

But the battle did not stop. The steel anger ape was surrounded by a dozen bisons in front and behind. He nodded his head with his horns, and attacked it continuously, causing a series of blood red damage to its head. digital……

Fortunately, the steel angry ape specializes in defensive routes. Although these bison offensives are fierce, they can't pose much threat to it. Even under such a dense attack, the long life bar above its head is only a slight slow decline.

The monster couldn't touch it, but it wasn't idle either. Its thick furry arms swung vigorously, and the giant mace made a whining sound in the air, hitting the bison monsters before him.

A pet of superior quality attacks ordinary monsters, although there are many levels of difference between it and monsters, and it is affected by the level suppression set by the system.

However, the absolute strength and quality gap between the two sides made it so that every time the steel angry ape issued a powerful attack, there would be a bison wailing and being knocked into the air, and then crashing into the grass...

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