The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 264: Arrogant notice

Starting at noon yesterday, until this afternoon, the two goddesses never got the transfer token for a whole day and a half.

The sad reminder made Mo Xie very surprised. Now everything is exactly the same as he predicted. The system has deliberately raised the threshold for the players’ turn tasks, deliberately allowing players to obtain the transfer tokens. After some fierce competition.

The two goddesses are the first players to do job transfer tasks, but now, the second group is gradually catching up. A large number of players crowded in the small task map and began to scramble for the task monsters that can burst tokens.

In this way, the official can not only shorten the level gap between players, but also deliberately provoke some contradictions, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

But according to the two goddesses, the players in the arrogant guild have already started the job transfer mission, and they seem to know the relationship between the two goddesses and the boss, and they intend to please these two beauties and are willing to help them get the transfer token early. .

In this case, the situation becomes simpler.

"Okay, I'm going to level up by myself first. You come over after you finish the task, but be careful not to come over with your tail." Mo Xie reminded.

"I see, we won't let people follow." The two goddesses nodded and replied.

Mo Xie simply told the two of his mission situation, which caused the two goddesses to exclaim again. They were also shocked by the major plot and super difficulty associated with this mission clue...

"One month's time limit! Can you guarantee the completion of the task?" Lianna asked in disbelief with her beautiful eyes widening.

"My God, if you follow your mission introduction, it would be more difficult to find the Saint Princess than the mission itself!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said in shock.

"Yeah, so I don't know how to proceed now. I can only upgrade the level first, and wait until the level meets the requirements of the anode general, and open his kit first." Mo Xie said his thoughts.

"That's right. At present, both General Anode and Princess Zixin used to be supporters of Saint Princess. If we can get some useful information from them, we might really find the whereabouts of Saint Princess." Ouyang Jiaojiao groaned. Nodded.

"Regardless of it, the tasks that Xiao Mo takes are more brain-burning. Just think about it. Let him worry about it. If we can help, we can help. If we can't help, we can only be an audience. But what I care about now is, The Mo family’s wolf boss hasn’t been online for a day, will he continue playing unfinished?" Liana asked.

"He really hasn't been online for one day, shouldn't anything happen?" Ouyang Jiaojiao also frowned and asked.

"I think it was the guild's transfer that dragged him down. Let's see it tomorrow. He shouldn't give up this game..." Mo Xie's eyes when they secretly exchanged the tribal statue to himself when the two were separated.

He believed that Little Wolf of the Mo family was very optimistic about the unfinished prospects, and if there were no special circumstances, he would definitely come back!

"Okay, then you level up first, let's hurry up and go...damn mission!" Lianna cursed angrily and exited the conversation interface.

"Mo, you're busy first, I'm leaving too." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled sweetly and waved goodbye.

The interface disappeared, and Mo Xie shook his head. It seemed that it was not that simple to change his job. Fortunately, he couldn't do this task now, so he didn't have to worry about being caught by the arrogant guild.

After all, the mission map of the Demon Race Wise Man is such a piece, and it is inevitable that you will run into Chen Shao's people.

Changing jobs in the future should be easier than now...

Thinking of this situation, Mo Xie's heart suddenly became a lot more balanced, so he raised his arm and issued a summoning order...

After wasting more than a whole day of online time exploring the bottom of the lake, now he can finally formally level.

While most players are still doing job transfer tasks, he doesn't have to worry about someone coming here to disturb him...

Ding Dong...

Just as a beam of light descended from the sky, the steel angry ape appeared next to Mo Xie, and he was about to start fighting monsters by himself. A crisp sound suddenly sounded in the blue sky.

Immediately after the colorful lights flickered in the sky, a beautiful rainbow straddled the two ends of the sky. Under the rainbow, brilliant golden fonts flashed from the sky one by one...

I went, what happened, it turned out to be a district announcement?

Mo Xie raised his head and looked towards the sky. There was only one reason for this abnormal situation.

That is a system-wide announcement like this, which displays some important information on the canopy of the entire unfinished country. Players from any camp can view the content of the information for the first time.

However, the district-wide announcement is not only available to officials. After spending a high amount of gold, players only need to submit what they want to say to the system for review, and they can notify the district without any problems.

This kind of district-wide notification method is not as simple as finding people in supermarkets or locating people in train stations and airports. The price of publishing a full notification message is calculated by words...

The content of the information ranges from a minimum of 10 words to less than 100 words. Players want to publish an announcement. One word is the price of one hundred thousand gold coins!

One word is more than ten thousand gold, you can come if you can afford it, and you can't decide what you want to say, you must pass the system review before it will be officially released.

For example, now, Mo Xie is looking at the sky suspiciously. This is the first time he has officially seen the appearance of system-wide notices in addition to the novice guidance messages that appear in the air in Novice Village since entering the game...

The content of this announcement also surprised him when he saw it. This time the entire district announcement was sent by players, and this player happened to be the person he didn't want to see the last time!

Shao Chen!

That's right, this system-wide announcement was issued by the name of the arrogant guild's guild president, Shao Chen.

Ding Dong...

The crisp reminder sounded three times in the air in order to attract the attention of all players, and then the information content began to scroll, and the information content continued to be played repeatedly until it was over after five minutes.

After three clear and melodious system prompts sounded, all players in the country put down what they were doing in doubt, raised their heads and looked to the sky, not knowing what happened.

Ding dong... System-wide notice: Players are arrogant, but I am the only one who releases the latest news: The Arrogant Alliance was officially established today. We have acquired four professional guilds such as Mojia Tianba in a row. We are interested in building the first alliance of the Sun Empire. All players are welcome to join our Arrogant Alliance. , Brothers talk about loyalty, we will develop together!

Ding Dong...

The continuous information content was broadcast in the sky. All of a sudden, the entire country was a sensation!

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