The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 339: Safe return

Mo Xie phoned Mo Xiaolang about his escape situation, and after agreeing to meet him tomorrow, he hung up the phone, went to Meimei's for a bath, and then returned to the room.

It took a long day to go online today, and Mo Xie was still a little uncomfortable, so he jumped into bed and started to rest early...

Lying on the bed, he carefully recalled the situation of today's game, thinking about how to quickly help Mofeng Akabane to heal his injury.

The never-night imperial city, the valley of flames to the east?

This place name was firmly remembered by Mo Xie, as long as he had the opportunity to go to the imperial city that never sleeps, he must visit this place.

Although Demon Phoenix Chiyu said clearly that this map is only the place where the Goddess Fire Phoenix once lived, but she has now been reborn from Nirvana once. The memory of her previous life has long been forgotten, and she can't even remember the existence of a brother. May have left the original place of residence.

But no matter what, there will be some clues there, and this is the only way to complete the task.

Thinking about things, Mo Xie quickly fell asleep, and didn't even know when the two goddesses would return...


The door was closed, and the two goddesses went out for a night, and finally returned to the apartment at 23:00.

This time they didn't call Mo Xie to pick them up, thinking that this guy was still in the virtual world, looking for a way to escape.

After entering the room, Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao still returned with loads of loads, carrying large and small bags in their hands, and hurried to the living room panting, and threw all the bags on the sofa.

"Did Xiao Mo rest, or is he still waiting to be continued?" Lianna looked at Mo Xie's door and asked curiously.

"I don't know, uh, do you want us to go in and have a look?" Ouyang Jiaojiao shook her head.

"No, let him keep busy, I hope I can escape early tomorrow, otherwise things will be troublesome." Lianna said.

"Then Ahong called us and said, do you want to tell him too?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"No need, what did we tell Xiao Mo about the matter between our sisters? Besides, A Hong doesn't seem to want us to tell Xiao Mo, so she should wait for her to come back to make a decision." Liana said thoughtfully.

"It's okay, then wait until A Hong comes back. But how do I feel that there seems to be something weird between A Hong and Xiao Mo..." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"What's weird, she called tonight, and we mentioned that Xiao Mo was particularly good this time in To Be Continued, and we didn't say anything else." Lianna asked puzzledly.

"But A Hong doesn't seem to want to hear us mention Xiao Mo. Every time she talks about Xiao Mo, she always interrupts and changes to other topics. This is not like A Hong's previous character." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"You think too much. What will happen to Ahong and Xiao Mo? Hurry up and take a bath and rest. I am exhausted today." Lianna packed the box on the sofa and walked to the door of the room with the trophy.

"Who asked you to buy so much, deserved it." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"When did you buy less than me, and you said I..."

The two goddesses walked into the room with a smile, but Mo Xie was still asleep.

He did not expect that Sister Hong would call the two goddesses tonight, and she would be back soon...

And the return of Sister Hong will bring a huge change to Mo Xie's life!

He slept well all night, and the sky was shining the next morning, and Mo Xie's cell phone rang an alarm bell, awakening him from his sleep.

The time now is only 6:40 in the morning.

But this is the time set by Moxie, just to go online early, and to safely return to the Iron Mirror Mountains in the morning when the number of online players is scarce.

Dressed and got up quickly, after washing up, he went into the kitchen and got busy.

It took half an hour to prepare a simple breakfast. Mo Xie started by himself. After eating, he put the remaining two breakfasts in the incubator and left a note on the dining table. He hurried back to the room and lay down. Go to the control chair and continue to log in to the game.


The beam of light descended from the sky and landed in the dark dense jungle.

Standing on the thick deciduous ground, Mo Xie immediately recruited his riding pet, and moved quickly towards the side of the map for the first time.

Now that he has a map system, he can easily distinguish the position. As long as he walks out of the forest in this direction, he can return to the map around Sunset City, and then return to the Iron Mirror Mountain Range.

The mount quickly gallops through the dense forest, and a large number of monsters can be seen everywhere.

Avoiding the location of the monster refresh area, Mo Xie speeded up all the way, and the black curtain of the minimap was constantly opened.

He had never been to this smoky forest before, but now it seems that this is just a field map where ordinary monsters gather, and it is also the favorite leveling scene of average players.

Fortunately, he didn't rush on his way last night, otherwise he would be easily spotted by other players.

It was still early in the morning, all the way until he approached the edge of the forest, Mo Xie did not see a few online players either.

After all, the eight-hour online time limit per day allows players to rest and work at ease, arrange game time reasonably, and do not have to worry about this wonderful virtual world all the time.

But this situation will soon change.

As long as a guild successfully establishes a tribal alliance, the restrictions on the online time will be gradually relaxed...

And this advantage is a point that all large professional guilds value very much. As long as whoever establishes a tribal alliance first, then the players of this guild can spend more time online than other competitors, and they can do more and more things. many.

If the tribal alliance is established for a longer time, this advantage will become more obvious...

Therefore, the price of the first tribal statue, as Mo Xie predicted, as long as someone is willing to sell it, it will definitely be snapped up by all guilds, and it is not a problem to sell it at a sky-high price.

And this matter, the moment Mo Xie handed the statue to Mo Xiaolang, the other party was already operating in secret.

He quickly rushed out of the forest. Under the early morning sun, a large map of beautiful grassland appeared in front of him, and in the middle of the distant grassland map was the location of Sunset City.

Mo Xie had no plans to approach Sunset City, and commanded the mount to rush towards the Iron Mirror Mountain Range from the moment he rushed out of the forest...

All the way through the vast grassland, into another map, he seized the time and hurried forward quickly.

Finally, at about 8 o'clock in the morning, the mountain range that Mo Xie was very familiar with appeared again in front of the map.

finally came back……

Although it was only a day away from leaving here, Mo Xie felt that several days had passed, and he almost couldn't come back!

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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