The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 378: Important package

As Niya used the life spirit orb, a green light connected between the spirit orb and the veteran, and she saw a string of green serious injury recovery figures, constantly jumping out of the veteran's head.

Mo Xie looked very confused, because the current situation of the veteran was very strange. The name and combat power above his head were not introduced in detail, and Mo Xie had never seen his life bar and magic power bar.

In other words, the current situation of this veteran is just like those ordinary non-combat professions in the main city, without seeing their attributes and health bars.

But as the green light flickered, strings of green numbers kept floating out, and the situation in front of Mo Xie also changed dramatically...


The green font was beating quickly, and the pale face of the veteran gradually became rosy, and his body was slowly moving, trying to stand up from the pile of fallen leaves.

Just as Mo Xie was about to go up and help, the veteran waved his hand to stop his behavior, still insisting on standing up slowly...

When the veteran struggled with his back against the wall and slowly got up, a slender figure with a height of over 1.8 meters suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xie.

At the moment when the veteran successfully stood up, the green beam of light suddenly disappeared, and Niya held the divine bead in her hand and turned respectfully towards Moxie.

At this time, the severely injured recovery font on the top of the veteran's head suddenly stopped, but the name on the top of his head emitted a purple halo, which seemed to have undergone an astonishing change...

With the purple light shining, the system name above the veteran's head was replaced with a new name...

The name originally displayed in purple font has now become the same red name as Mo Xie's head!

Commander: Yangyue management level

Seriously injured state, combat effectiveness prohibited

Grade 1

Seeing the name change on the top of the veteran's head, Mo Xie quickly checked the opponent's attributes, but at first glance, the situation was still shocking!

He finally understood the situation now. The veteran he saw not long ago was already in a near-death state, so he could not show any of his combat attributes.

At present, the veteran has received the treatment of the Life Spirit Orb and is free from the dying state. Although he will not die, he is still in a critically injured state...

After receiving medical treatment, the veteran's combat attributes were finally released, but the attributes displayed above made Mo Xie's eyes straighten.

The name of the veteran is Yang Yue, and his previous position was the commander of thousands...

However, due to the last defeat and the power of the Protoss, the thousand-lord master was also in a wanted state, and was also expelled from the Sunset Legion, with the name prefix and even the legion name disappeared.

And now, the Pearl of Life has helped the veteran save his life, but his injuries are still very serious, his combat effectiveness is completely banned, and his level is only 1 level!

With this attribute, as long as you encounter the most common mobs, you can instantly kill him!

"Master En Gong, your holy relic is here." Niya's voice came from her side, and the beauty held the Pearl of Life in her respectful hands.

"I got it." Mo Xie waved his hand and swept the divine bead into the package.

"Young man, thank you very much. Fortunately, the old man met you and finally saved his life. If you are lucky, you may still see my general." The old soldier said gratefully.

"You are welcome, the general anode is already in a safe place. This time when we get back the package and letter and understand the general requirements for the next mission, I will send you to a safe area. When the time comes, I will send you Master General took it back and let you reunite with him." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"How is the general situation now?" the veteran asked quickly.

"He was also seriously injured, and there seems to be a problem with his mentality. I am confused and clear at the moment. I am afraid that he will have to rest for a period of time. After the injury is healed, he can return to normal..." Mo Xie met the general in the woods and accepted his advice. The task, the matter of escorting him all the way to the ghost fortress, was told exactly...

"It turned out to be like this, young man, you are our great benefactor. The old man was offended just now." The veteran bowed in excitement and saluted.

"The elderly are exempt from gifts. Our top priority now is to get back the package and letter from the General as soon as possible. You still need to tell me what is going on here," Moxie said.

"That's it. Back then, the Protoss suddenly launched a disaster. The kid in command of Yang Hui besieged our General. The battle was fierce and there were countless casualties. But we were caught off guard. Seeing that the whole army was about to be wiped out, I took the guards and escorted General At sunset, a **** road broke out in the city and fled all the way to the outside of the city. But the soldiers of the Protoss and Yanghui were in hot pursuit, and finally chased us in a small forest, besieging us. Seeing that we will all die there, Lord General In desperation, I entrusted a package and a letter to me, and asked me to bring a team of soldiers out of the siege anyway..." The veteran frowned, recalling the night.

"The general told me that the enemy's target is him, and the importance of this package and letter far exceeds the value of his life, so he has to come to attract the attention of the enemy and let the old man take the opportunity to leave with the letter and package." Said.

"Oh, what the **** is this that is so important?" Mo Xie opened his mouth wide in surprise.

It can make the general anode value so important, and also let the Protoss not hesitate to send spies to stay in this woods for more than ten years, which shows that packages and letters are indeed very important!

"The old man doesn't know what's in it. After leading his team to break through the siege, the general is already surrounded by heavy enemy troops, and the old man is also being watched by the enemy. He can only continue to flee to a distance, and then he has fled here, but the enemy Chasing all the way, and in this forest, there is only the old man left..." the old soldier said angrily.

"But those protoss masters and soldiers continued to look for the old man in the forest, and there was no sign of leaving. In order to complete the general's entrustment and prevent those things from falling into the hands of the protoss, the old man thought of a way and wrapped it up. The letter was hidden in a hidden place and locked with a treasure chest. But when the old man had just hid the treasure chest, the enemy had already chased it again, so I had no choice but to continue to flee." The old soldier said.

"So the Protoss suspects that something is hidden in that place, but it can't get it out, so it has been tracking you." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"Yes, their people have changed from batch to batch here, and they are getting stronger and stronger. The old man was accidentally injured last time and was seriously injured by them. He almost couldn't keep his old life." The veteran nodded.

"I understand, the old man can rest assured, this time I will find a way to take away the packages and letters, and I will never let the Protoss succeed." Mo Xie smiled.

"Young man, those Protoss masters are very strong, and the old man is not capable of fighting right now. Just you and this elf girl, I am afraid..." the old soldier said worriedly.

"Don't worry about the elderly, I won't fight with them, just leave here as long as I get something." Moxie said.

"Okay, when do you plan to act, the old man can tell you where to hide things." the old soldier asked.

"Let's go to the place where you hide the package first, and let's figure out the situation of the other party first." Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

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