The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 420: The grievances between NPCs

The prestige value acquisition method that I learned from Shenjiang Wuxin, although it sounds dangerous and difficult, is more reliable than constantly scrolling through the bulletin board and waiting for advanced tasks to appear.

You should know that not only is it difficult to generate high-level tasks for the rewards on the bulletin board, even if players are lucky enough to generate some golden or red rewards, they may not be easily completed.

If the requirements of these high-level reward tasks are to be successfully completed, it will definitely be more difficult than dealing with level 40 elite monsters...

In this way, killing monsters is much more cost-effective than brushing tasks.

"Go kid, this is the fastest way for you to gain prestige. Besides, those ghost monsters have been sneaky. No one knows what they are planning. If they collude with the gods, the human race It will be completely dangerous!" The master said unintentionally.

"You always mean that you have long suspected that the ghost race and the **** race have a private connection?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Yes, in ancient times, the Protoss controlled the world, while the demons were expelled. The Ghosts became the accomplices of the Protoss. They helped the Protoss secretly carry out some unseen secret operations to eradicate other ethnic groups that did not submit to the Protoss' jurisdiction. As the Protoss declined, The human race rises, the **** race loses power, and the ghost race is exiled. It is hard to guarantee that they will not bear hatred in their hearts." The master said without a heart.

"There is still this kind of thing, how is the situation of the Demon Race now?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Don't worry, kid, since you want to know so much, the old man will tell you some of the major races." The master smiled lightly and satisfies this guy's curiosity, and roughly describes the hidden plots of some major races... …

Mo Xie hurriedly listened carefully, because these situations belong to the unfinished hidden background information, the official has never introduced it, but now, he unexpectedly got some plot clues...

You know, according to the official basic setting for this virtual world, the races to which the virtuals belong, in terms of scale, are the five races with the largest number of human races, gods, elves, orcs, demons, ghosts, and so on.

Among them, the human race in power, the protoss assisting by the side, and the elves and orcs scattered around are the most important components of the two camps.

In addition to these four major races, there are also two powerful races, but they do not appear in any main city controlled by the human race. They only exist in the wilderness and some special areas.

These two races are the most mysterious demons and ghosts.

According to the vague introduction in the official advertisements, the demons are actually of the same blood as the Protoss, but because of some beliefs or cultivation reasons, they gradually divided into two, becoming the six temples of the Protoss and the demons. A new force like Altar.

When the gods and demons split, the human race had not yet risen, and the demons disappeared from direct sales, and never participated in the formal stage.

Therefore, as long as there is a place where the Protoss appears, the demons basically retreat and are always difficult to see. Those weird figures wearing black robes covering their whole body and holding only black rulers appear.

The situation of the ghost race is similar to that of the demons. They are actually another branch of the human race, but these guys pursue eternal life, give up living in the sun, and enter the underground and dark corners to practice mysterious powers. , Taking the corpses of humans and animals as the shell is an evil force...

"I understand, the gods and demons are actually a family, and the human race and the ghost race have such grievances..." Mo Xie said with wide eyes and excited.

"Now the Protoss is starting to move around again. In order to re-emerge, the Ghosts will inevitably hug the thighs of the Protoss. Therefore, the enemies we have to face are far more than the Protoss and Orcs. The ghosts hidden in the dark corners are also A huge threat! Now that you need a lot of prestige points, follow the instructions of the old man to see what the situation of the ghost zombies are. They are some frontier sentries arranged by the ghosts near the human territory. Maybe While you can get reputation points, you can also get some other clues." The master said unintentionally.

"Okay, don't worry, old man, I know what to do." Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

He thoroughly understood the setting of the system. The existence of the ghost clan is actually a clan that was declared expelled by the human royal family. As long as the ghost clan is killed, it is equivalent to killing enemies of different camps, and you can get a lot of reputation. .

The key is that according to Wuxin's statement, the ghost tribe should always be in collusion with the **** tribe. If you can kill the ghost tribe to gain prestige, you can get some clues to the task, it will be even more perfect!

"Go, don't forget to collect materials and improve your strength." The master said with an unintentional wave.

"Goodbye old man, I will definitely come back to you as soon as possible." Mo Xie nodded, turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave...

Passing through the pyramids made of large pieces of material, walking past the giant stove, quickly rushing out of the cave, and walking out to the foot of the mountain along the water curtain.

Soon, Mo Xie returned to the misty Spirit Source Tianchi map again.

Although he didn't ask just now what kind of peculiar settings are hidden under this spiritual source Tianchi, but now it seems that since the master craftsman chose to live in seclusion here, there must be more precious mineral vein resources under the Tianchi!

But according to such advanced settings in the map, it seems that the quality of the veins here must be very high, and now players simply cannot mine.

While walking towards the edge of the pool, Mo Xie hurriedly opened the friends column to tell all his teammates the good news.

As he quickly set up the private chat conversation interface, the moment he pulled all five teammates into the interface, Didi's crisp voice continued to sound, and six familiar screens opened in turn...

"What happened, how did you pull us all in?" Lianna was in the cave, fighting the gibbons together with Niya's people, and obtaining the certificate of honor as soon as possible.

"Xiao Mo, what's new with you?" Mo Xiaolang was still refreshing the bulletin board and found that all his teammates had been added to the conversation interface. He immediately guessed in his heart that something important must have happened.

"Everyone, I have found the main quest just now, and at the same time I received the next quest, I also got another way to gain reputation..." Mo Xie excitedly explained what had happened just now...

"Ah, mythical master of organs! It's amazing, you actually encountered such a thing!" Lianna exclaimed.

"You can get a lot of prestige points by killing monsters without scouting tasks?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked excitedly.

"Xiao Mo, your clue is too strong, we must hurry up and try it." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"First, figure out what the strength of those ghost zombies are and whether we can deal with them, and then we must know as soon as possible, how much prestige we can get to kill a ghost zombie monster, and then we can all know whether it is a cost-effective task. It's still cost-effective to clean monsters." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"It's not too late, we will start now, where are you, Xiao Mo?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"I'm rushing to the west of the city, you first go to the west of the city to explore, looking for a field map above level 40, I will catch up with you as soon as possible." Mo Xie said quickly.

"Okay, except for Nana who continues to fight for the certificate of honor, everyone else will go to the west of the city to gather!" Mo Xiaolang immediately issued an order...

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