The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 471: Temple of the Earth

Niya, who had just landed, was suddenly eclipsed by the surprised Huarong she saw before her, and she retreated to Mo Xie nervously.

"What kind of situation is this, they have long been ambushing?" Mo Xiaoyu asked nervously.

"Oh, Nana, you guys retreat quickly, it's dangerous!" Mo Xiaolang frowned and said quickly.

"What happened, what happened to you?" Lianna asked puzzledly.

"Don't ask, you two take Brother Xiao Yuan and leave immediately, we are surrounded!" Mo Xie quickly gave instructions.

"Oh, I see." Ouyang Jiaojiao didn't understand the situation, but still prepared to leave according to the instructions.

But the situation outside is not optimistic. At the moment when the two goddesses rushed towards the edge of the cliff, there was a burst of dense footsteps at the mountain crossing on both sides, and countless burly figures in golden armor rushed out and rushed towards The direction of the cliff seems to know the players’ situation well...


At the same time, the ambush circle of Protoss soldiers surrounded by Moxie and others under the city wall is constantly under the control. The sound of metal armor flapping, like a horn of death, slammed the hearts of the three people...

Up to now, Mo Xie still didn't understand what happened. Such a secret action seemed to have been expected by the Protoss. He set up ambushes here and waited for them to throw themselves into the trap!

The percussion of the armor continued to sound, and the large-scale golden armor figure advanced step by step, and the encircling circle shrank and narrowed. The sharp epee and the sharp tip of the hair were about to bear on them.

"Xiao Mo, are they trying to kill us?" Mo Xiaolang asked helplessly.

"Depending on the situation, don't resist first to figure out what's going on." Mo Xie said in a deep voice, and stretched out his hand to block Niya behind him and said softly: "If you are in danger, run away from here. Don't look back. Leave us alone."

"I see, Master En Gong." Niya responded gratefully.

In front of the three of them, dozens of golden armored warriors formed a semi-circular encirclement in a dense circle, pressing toward them step by step...

Faced with a pair of black clear eyes and golden weapons that are getting closer to their bodies, the three of them understand very well that today is bad luck, and they did not expect the system to play such tricks...

However, Mo Xie always felt something was wrong with the situation. How could the system actively dig holes for the players?

Is this another clue to the mission?

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Suddenly, just as the three players felt uneasy and didn't understand what kind of predicament they were about to face, behind the encirclement formed by the golden armor fighters, a man's voice was full of anger.

This voice is unusually strong and full of majesty, just like the sound of a military command issued by a general who leads thousands of horses on the battlefield, giving people a strong sense of oppression that has to be replied...

"Who are you?" Mo Xie boldly asked in a loud voice.

"You are already prisoners of the deity, and dare to ask about the identity of the deity." The majestic man's voice sounded.


The sound of armor clashing continued again, and the golden armor soldiers who formed the encirclement suddenly separated on both sides, revealing a three-meter-wide channel in the middle.

At the end of the passage, a particularly burly and tall golden figure appeared in their sight and strode in front of them...

This golden armor warrior, in terms of size alone, is already a head or so taller than an ordinary Protoss warrior, and the body of the iron tower with a tiger back and waist is stronger, and the golden armor on his body is also more dazzling, and the golden cloak behind him It dragged forward on the ground behind him, looking very awe-inspiring...

But what surprised Mo Xie and the two teammates was that the weapon of this golden armor warrior was completely different from that of the ordinary Protoss warrior. He carried a thick golden shield on his back and a huge golden tiger-headed war hammer slung around his waist.

As he stepped forward, the golden shield looked like a giant tortoise shell behind him, and the tiger-headed warhammer hanging from his waist looked like a huge siege hammer.

Protoss Shield Warrior?

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up together, because they all saw that the golden armored shield warrior, who was walking towards them, had a line of golden font names above their heads!

He is also a high-level one, and his identity must be very noble.

At this moment, the two sighed together. Although their current situation was very dangerous, it was only for these ordinary Protoss soldiers.

Because ordinary people are not given too high artificial intelligence by the system, once surrounded by them, players don't even have a communication channel. If these are directly operated, they can only be killed inexplicably, and they will not even know what the situation is.

However, the appearance of this Golden Shield warrior indicates that the system has set a specific mission clue here. As long as he appears, there may be a chance to come back and save a small life...

Earth Temple: Protector of Earth Hao Temple

Golden ruler

Level: 60

The 60-level golden commander status, and one of the protectors of the Earth Temple, the status of this golden shield warrior cannot be underestimated!

As Di Hao, led by the guardian of the temple, strode forward, his heroic face covered by the golden halo finally appeared in front of the players...

A majestic face with Chinese characters, a thick beard, thick eyebrows, big eyes and a tall nose, and a small golden ground tattoo in the middle of his broad forehead. This temple guardian looks extraordinary. , Quite like a general.

And what puzzled Mo Xie was that even though he was now in a hostile state with the golden armor leader in front of him, the person's system settings seemed very decent and could not make people treat him as an enemy.

"Bold thief, dare to trespass into the forbidden land of the Protoss, what does he intend?" Di Hao issued a loud questioning voice, his tall body standing in front of the players.

A large number of Protoss warriors immediately gathered behind him, sealing all the passages just now!

"What to do with Xiao Mo, this looks like a quest plot, but in case we choose the wrong one, we still have a dead end." Mo Xiaolang hurriedly asked in the team channel.

"Don't worry, take a look at the situation first, try his tone, and then say that the six channels of the Protoss are not united. We have to figure out what is the relationship between the Earth Temple and the Divine Fire Temple." Mo Xie replied softly.

"That can only be done, just don't know what's going on outside?" Mo Xiaolang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about us, we were caught too..." Ouyang Jiaojiao's voice immediately sounded on the team channel.

"What? Why were you caught too?" Mo Xiaoyu's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, sister-in-law, they surrounded the cliff underground and the edge of the cliff. The three of us had no chance to escape." Mo Xiaoyuan replied helplessly.

"I'm dizzy, this is definitely a trap! What kind of rescue mission, we are here to die!" Lianna questioned angrily.

"It's really strange. The Protoss seems to know that someone will come to the rescue, and it has already arranged traps waiting for us." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"Besides Niya, who else knows that we will come, can't Niya believe it too?" Mo Xiaolang looked at behind Mo Xie in disbelief, the elf beauty who was still on alert.

Looking at Niya's seemingly unknowingly nervous look, Mo Xiaolang was also completely stunned.

"Don't be in a rush to doubt Niya, let's take a look at the situation first, what the reason is, we will always find out." Mo Xie said softly.

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