The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 481: Ingeniously

"You lied! Dare to talk nonsense in front of this general, be careful I throw you into the fire cave and immediately put you to death!" General Diye yelled coldly, not believing Mo Xie's explanation at all.

"Master General, don't get angry. I really became wanted because I killed a lot of talents. If you don't believe me, you can ask my teammates." Mo Xie pretended to be calm. At this time, he should not show his feet, otherwise the team members. All will face extremely dangerous situations!

While answering, he activated his brain, thinking about how to deal with the questioning of the Protoss general.

But Mo Xie was also very clear in his heart. He also had to quickly figure out which camp the Earth Night General was loyal to, whether he was a supporter of the Holy Princess, or was dedicated to the hegemony of the Protoss like the Holy Fire Temple...

After all, up to now, he has not been able to make an accurate judgment, so he can only deal with it first, and inquire about the other party's tone by the way.

What's more, as long as you don't say it, you can't judge what the wanted status is.

Unless the general goes to Sunset City in person, looking for the guarding general can get the correct answer.

"I believe your statement for the time being, but why did you come here?" General Diye asked in a deep voice.

"Because of the wanted status, I cannot let other people see me, so I try to choose some remote areas to improve my strength. This time I just found a hidden cave on the cliff, so I wanted to hide in the cave and have a look. I unexpectedly discovered this. Place, so come in curiously. If this behavior offends the general, we are willing to apologize for it and leave here immediately.” Mo Xie replied calmly.

His answer made the faces of several teammates all smiles, and secretly praised Mo Xie for his quick response.

"Then I will ask you again, how did you go through the maze smoothly? With your numbers and abilities, it is impossible to go through the maze quickly." General Diye asked curiously.

The moment the other party asked the question, Mo Xie's heart jumped. This question is not easy to answer. Should I tell the truth or continue to lie...

However, according to the current situation, the other party already knows the existence of the mysterious person, and helping it to conceal the news might arouse the general's suspicion.

"It's strange to say that the labyrinth has trapped us so that we can't even find the way back. When we were about to despair, we suddenly discovered that a dark shadow appeared. We followed the dark shadow all the way, unexpectedly I walked out of the maze inexplicably..." Mo Xie then detailed the situation of going out of the maze and informed the other party without reservation.

"Sure enough..." General Diye frowned, but the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

"General, do you know the identity of that dark shadow? He deliberately led us here and almost killed us by the commander just now. It's really hateful!" Mo Xie pretended to be angry.

He knew that it would be difficult to answer even after being asked like this, so he simply opposed the guest and took the opportunity to speak.

"Sooner or later, the dark shadow will fall into the hands of this general. Since you came here unintentionally, you will be wronged and stay here for two days. When I catch the dark shadow, I will naturally let you go." General Diye seems Believing Mo Xie's answer, he turned around and said lightly.

"What... I have to keep us for two days? General, time is very precious for us. Since we have nothing to do with this matter, and we will break into the forbidden area unintentionally, please raise your hand and let us leave." Mo Xie Said quickly.

Two days of imprisonment is an unacceptable result for them. You must know that the tribe will be officially established this afternoon, and the core members are all locked here, then nothing can be done...

"Little guy, I have yet to verify what you said. After I fly the eagle and get General Yanghui's answer, if you are not bad, I will naturally let you leave safely, but if you dare to lie to me, don't blame me You are welcome!" General Diye said coldly.

With a wave of his hand, all the soldiers immediately turned and lined up, followed behind his tall figure, and quickly walked out of the gate...

There was a muffled sound, the door was locked again, and the whole prison suddenly boiled...

"He actually has to verify Xiao Mo's identity, which would waste a day. If the final verification of the message is not good for Xiao Mo, we will really be in trouble!" Mo Xiaoyu shouted.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so cunning. I thought he had listened to Xiao Mo's explanation, but I didn't expect him to verify his identity!" Mo Xiaolang frowned and said.

"You can't just sit and wait, you must find a way to leave this prison." Mo Xie said silently.

Now he finally experienced these advanced powers, don't even think about fooling them easily...

But now the situation is getting more and more complicated. Before the verification message is returned, they have to continue to stay in this prison. After the verification message appears, their consequences are still very dangerous!

In any case, leave the prison as soon as possible, because the end is conceivable, and it is definitely a downside.

"Xiao Mo, looking at the current situation, the Protoss soldiers don't want to pay attention to us for the time being, they must have concentrated their efforts to hunt down that mysterious shadow." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Yeah, taking advantage of this opportunity, we must leave here as soon as possible. I can be sure that this general of the night is just like the Divine Fire Temple, and it also contains evil intentions!" Mo Xie nodded and said.

From the temptation just now, he has fully understood that since General Diye wants to fly the eagle to pass the book to the general of Sunset City, it shows that the relationship between the two is an alliance, that is, the party supporting the prince.

In this way, that mysterious shadow is actually the same mission as his own.

"Everyone spread out and see if there is a chance to go out of this prison." Mo Xie said quickly.

"I see." The teammates immediately scattered to every corner of the prison, carefully checking the situation here...

A few minutes later, a group of teammates sent bad news. Except for the four hard stone walls, the only external passages in this prison were the gate and transom.

And Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan have already tried it, and the skylight has been replaced with a hard fence. It is a special material that shone with black light, which is what Niya said that the diamond mysterious iron...

The props made of this material are extremely hard and are not afraid of flame burning. It is impossible to break it.

And the gate is made of a few inches of thick diamond black iron pouring in one piece, I am afraid that even explosives can not be blown!

"The door cannot be opened, the window is sealed, the ground and walls are as hard as steel, and digging a hole is also impossible." Mo Xiaolang spread his hands, looking extremely speechless.

"It's over, we can't get out now!" Lianna was crying, extremely depressed.

At this moment, it was the first problem they encountered that they couldn't overcome after entering the unfinished business...

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