The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 499: The anger of the son

The blue sea of ​​fire is still far away, but it is constantly pouring toward the exit of the fire cave. Once the blue flame rises to where Moxie is, the entire volcano will completely become a dangerous purgatory, and no one can go out alive!

The power of the sky fire, not only the Dragon God cannot resist, even these gods will be completely burned to death...

Mo Xie knew in his heart that this was a crisis link deliberately set by the system. If he did not complete the task before the skyfire broke out, then this task would be completely completed with the arrival of the skyfire, and there would be nothing for him.

With both hands brandishing a long knife fiercely, Mo Xie began to frantically busy.

The chains were cut by him continuously, and he quickly leaped over the long ropes, surrounding the huge body of the dragon, extending to one side...

The percussions of jingle bells are still intensively resounding on the surrounding cliffs, but the protoss soldiers have not played much role, because so far, they have not even untied a chain. I am afraid that when the fire comes, they too That's it.

The battle in the valley is still in progress, the frost dragon in the sky is flying and hovering, the dragon head is hanging down to the ground, and the dragon's mouth opens and closes, the brilliant blue light group pouring down to the ground.

This battle is still a one-sided situation so far. Shenlong launched an attack frantically, and General Diye wandered around the ground to avoid. Because of the distance of the attack, Qing Binger was not in any danger for the time being, and General Diye had not taken any action yet. opportunity.

But on the top of the ice-blue dragon's head, the original long blue mana bar was originally only half left. After this period of crazy attacks, gradually only the last 10% remained...

It's a pity that not only did the blood bar remain at full value above General Diye's head, but the blue bar remained untouched. This scheming guy has been standing still.

In fact, General Diye didn't want to take the initiative to attack, but he was the shield warrior profession of the Earth Temple, he was a progressive defensive combat profession, and he could not fly.

It is good for him to face this dragon flying freely in the air. It is good to be able to block the attack. If he wants to fly into the air to start an attack, it is too reluctant for him.

However, seeing the divine power of the Frost Dragon is about to be exhausted, General Earth Night has prepared his good fighting skills, and it is also his only powerful trick to deal with enemies in the air...

But he only has one chance, and he will never use it lightly without 100% certainty.

"Little girl, this rare talent is hard to come by. This general promises you, as long as you are willing to cooperate with our Protoss, I promise that after the matter is done, your mother will return safely." General Diye smiled while avoiding Said.

"When will the upright Protoss become the world of you shameless people! If I believe you, I am afraid that not only the Human Race and the Elf Race will suffer, I am afraid that our Dragon Race will also be within your scope of eradication." Qing Binger said coldly. Shouted.

"The Protoss have always been the masters of this world. How can the proud Protoss subdue to others, whether it is the cunning humans who scornfully take our position, or your dragons think that they are the guardians of this world, without exception, they belong to our Protoss. Subjects! Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish, as long as they are willing to surrender to us, I promise to make you the patriarch of the new dragon clan!" General Diye said excitedly.

"What is your status in the Protoss? You are not even the head of the temple. Why can you give me a promise?" Qing Binger asked disdainfully.

"If I want the position of the head of the temple, if I wanted it, I had already got it when the previous head of the head died. Now it is only temporarily occupied by an orphan and widow. To put it bluntly, they are just my puppets, Holy The title of concubine is just a joke!" General Diye replied with a sneer.

"You really are concealing evil intentions. If you let your son know, do you think he will let you go?" Qing Bing'er asked coldly.

"That incompetent guy, it is enough to give him a commanding position to guard the gate. What is his ability to deal with this general? Little girl, I advise you to stop dreaming, the sky is about to break out, and this general has blocked the gate. No one can go out except me. If you want to save your life and rescue your mother, you must obey my orders from now on!" General Diye reminded loudly.

"Unfortunately, you have a lot of calculations, but you have forgotten someone. Look at the back. Your son must hear you clearly." Qing Binger sneered.

"What..." General Diye was in excitement, and suddenly turned around to look...


The explosion sounded instantly. The exit that was originally sealed by the huge golden shield flashed with golden light for an instant. The huge shield was hit and flew quickly by a force. As the huge rock collapsed, dust was everywhere at the entrance of the cave. A tall figure was holding a long sword in both hands. Step by step, walk out of the hole slowly.

"Di Ling! Why are you here?" General Di Ye asked in surprise.

"You traitor, my concubine and I have long suspected that you have a ghost in your heart, so I asked to join your subordinates to participate in the action. Unexpectedly, you dare to arrange rebellion secretly!" The handsome face of the earth spirit was clouded with clouds. Slowly walked out of the hole, stood there and questioned angrily.


General Diye waved his hand, and the huge golden shield that was blasted into the air automatically flew back to his hand.

"Shizi, don't listen to outsiders' instigation. I just said casually just now to promote the surrender of Nielong." General Diye said lightly.

"I am not a fool in your eyes. I have also investigated a lot of things you did during this period. You secretly colluded with the Temple of Fire, scattered the elite of the temple, and secretly cultivated your strength, wanting to take away the rights of my mother and concubine. All this is not something you can shirk off." Di Ling Shizi sneered.

"Then what do you want, here, do you think you have the final say?" General Diye knew that the matter had been exposed, so he didn't bother to quibble. Anyway, he had a chance to win, and he really didn't put all of them in the world. In your eyes.

"Old Pifu, the mother and concubine have secretly ordered that as long as you dare to oppose your son, I have the right to directly deprive you of your general position. If anyone else dares to conspire with you, all will be killed without pardon! No one will be held accountable for nothing. "Di Ling shouted.

His voice echoed throughout the valley. On the cliff, the busy Protoss soldiers stood up one by one, seeming to have new ideas.

"Damn, who gave you the right to remove my general duties? Don't listen to his nonsense, come, and take me this guy who doesn't know the heights!" General Diye panicked obviously, thinking that he would cooperate with Shenhuo Temple. With the overall situation under control, he felt that things were not as simple as imagined.

Especially this elder son, who used to pretend that he didn't know anything, and looked timid and timid, but he didn't expect it to be a big trouble...

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