The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 531: Undeserved saint

I can only help you here...

Standing in the forest, Qing Binger looked helplessly at the back of the saint who was going away, shaking her head and sighing.


As she turned gracefully, the blue light flashed, her figure disappeared into the forest, and in the next second she appeared in the Guanyun Pavilion beside Mo Xie.

"Little guy, the saint was not fooled, she is returning at full speed, and seems to know that you are at the top of the mountain." Qing Binger reminded with a smile.

"It must be a reminder from the system. Where did you take her the farthest to go?" Mo Xie had no choice but to pray that the saint could not return to the top of the mountain in the remaining time.

"I took her forward at full speed just now. She has already walked out of Yunyan Valley and entered a forest. If she leaves at the speed of leaving, she should not have time to come back." Qing Binger thought.

"No, the speed of the Light Element Protoss is extremely fast. This saint has mastered many teleport skills. I am afraid that she can accelerate with all her strength and still be able to rush back on time. She must find a way to stop her return speed." Mo Xie frowned and shook his head.

"What you said is that the Light Element Protoss possesses many flying skills. If she uses Divine Light Wings, her speed can be increased by more than three times, but this mountain has their own enchantment seal. Within this range, they themselves Can't use other acceleration skills." Qing Binger said.

"On this mountain, she is also restricted by skills?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, in order to restrict all flying skills and prevent the enemy from flying up to the top of the mountain to use the teleportation array in the first place, this Yunyan Peak has established a special prohibition, including their own tribesmen who cannot fly smoothly and accelerate at full speed." Qing Bing'er nodded. .

"I know, Long Girl Sister will go help me delay time, I will think of a way here." Mo Xie said.

"I'm going again this time, she must suspect that I deliberately helped you lead her away, but when she wants to deal with me, I will be unlucky." Qing Binger said.

"It's okay, just scare her. It's a little bit to be able to mix a little. If she really wants to do it, you should leave immediately." Moxie said.

"Well, I'll help you again." Qing Binger turned and quickly rushed to the announcement port in the mountains, continuing to block the arrival of the saint.


The golden light was shining in the air, and the moment when the saint Qingxi rushed out of the forest, a pair of golden wings suddenly stretched out on both sides of the beautiful body, and they flapped quickly, carrying her beautiful body towards the blue sky, towards the clouds. The arrow in the valley flies away.

Just as Qing Binger had guessed, the saint who rushed back to the top of the mountain directly activated the super skill of the light element divine power that could fly for a short time, the Holy Light Wing!

The huge golden wings flapped quickly, and her body quickly passed through the valleys and rushed towards Yunyan Peak.

In just two minutes, she had already flown six minutes of running distance, and the familiar mountain was getting closer and closer.

Landing at a high speed from the air, the saint Qingxi couldn't avoid the barrier's resistance, so she could only land at the foot of the mountain and then hike up the mountain.

But as soon as she walked to the mountain pass, she saw a familiar blue figure standing in front of her. Qing Binger had actually been waiting for her here.

"Your Excellency Dragon Girl, why are you here?" Saint Ching Xi looked back in surprise, and when she looked in front of her, her eyes were suddenly full of surprise.

"I said, today you must confront me with Di Ye, otherwise I would never believe you." Qing Bing'er said coldly.

"Your Excellency Dragon Girl is a bit too compelling. I said that this matter has nothing to do with us, so I confronted you honestly, but now there are very important things waiting for me to deal with, but you are blocking the way. Are you colluding with that guy secretly?" Ching-hee asked angrily.

"I don't care about what you are talking about. I just want to know whether there are any of you light-type protoss in the group of protoss that dealt with my mother." Qing Binger bit her.

"Your Excellency Dragon Girl, I swear by the order of the Saintess of the Light Element Protoss. The Light Element Protoss is absolutely not disrespectful to the Dragon. If this happens, Qingxi would rather be deprived of his divine power. Are you satisfied now? I promise you, it's over. Today, at most half an hour, I will go with you to find the ground and night to confront each other, can't you wait for this time?" Saint Qingxi looked anxiously at the distant mountain, seeming to know that her time is running out. .

Mo Xie was also anxious. He was waiting at Guanyun Pavilion, with all his thoughts on the countdown number beating in front of him. The more anxious, the more time he felt that time passed so slowly. Now there is still a long time before the contract expires 5 minutes!

I don't know how long the Dragon Girl can delay, now every minute and every second is so critical!


The time had just jumped to 4 minutes and 40 seconds, a blue light flashed in front of him, a fragrant wind rushed, and Qing Binger appeared next to him again.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"That saint has taken a poisonous oath. If I stop her again, I'm afraid I will be attacked by her immediately. I am not her opponent now, and I can't run her. What if I don't come." Qing Binger Said silently.

"Then she has come up?" Mo Xie was worried.

"Don't worry, she can only walk up the mountain now. To get here, it will take at least 4 minutes, but depending on your situation, I am afraid that she still can't stop her." Qing Binger said with a shrug.

"It's a pity, it's less than a minute..." "Mo Xie frowned. He didn't expect that it was so a little bit worse in the end, which is really unwilling.

You must think of a way to delay another minute!

But he himself couldn't leave Guanyun Pavilion for half a step, otherwise he would have left the appointment place automatically, and the countdown time would start to count again!

what can we do about it?

Mo Xie was speechless, and within a few minutes, the Saint Ching Hee would appear on the top of the mountain, and she would not lose any loss to the appointment on time.

After preparing so much, it was only a few tens of seconds, which seemed a pity.

Seeing standing still behind him, staring at the life pearl in his hand, only the drooling Thunder Roar beast, Mo Xie's eyes lit up...

There is only one way to attract the attention of the saint and let her be delayed for tens of seconds. There is other important information to attract the attention of the saint.

But what kind of information can she use to make her forget the time and be in a daze for dozens of seconds?

Mo Xie hurriedly exhaled the package and quickly searched for it, hoping to find a useful item.

The package was not big, and after a few seconds, his eyes focused on a newly acquired item, and he was pleasantly surprised.

The existence of this item should be able to shock Saint Ching Hee again...

Mo Xieyin smiled, and quickly took out the prop from the package. After thinking about it, he should pass it to the dragon girl beside him. At present, she was the only one who could call him.

"What are you doing with this?" Qing Binger looked at Mo Xie's outstretched hand in surprise, not understanding what he meant.

"Trouble the Dragon Girl to run and lie down again, this time it's up to you." Mo Xie smiled embarrassedly.

"What? Let me go... She won't believe me anymore." Qing Binger said in surprise.

"Don't worry, this time you take this thing, she will take the initiative to ask you about the situation, you only need to say a few words indiscriminately, you can make the saint procrastinate for a while." Mo Xie immediately simplified his thought Tell Dragon Girl, this is the last way he can think of...

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