The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 539: Holy Light

"Divine power can also be collected?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Of course we can, or how do our people leave the Sun Valley? Due to the impact of the curse of divine power, we are the same as the other five veins. Everyone cannot leave the temple too far away, but sometimes when we have to leave the temple, Only by bringing some supplementary powers can we delay some time to go out." Said the Saint Ching Hee.

"It turns out that this is the case. The so-called curse of divine power is not due to the limitations of the temple, but the influence of divine power?" Mo Xie finally realized.

"Yes, according to ancient records in the clan, originally our Protoss did not have six veins, but a unified holy city. There were six temples built in the city, which enshrined six divine powers, and each had its own believers. Later, there were disputes among the believers among the six major temples, which caused the entire Protoss to split. Eventually, they were divided into six and attacked each other. They all wanted the other five branches of the government to reunite the Protoss. In this long dispute, the human race Taking advantage of the situation, he not only seized the throne of the Protoss, but even deliberately separated the six major temples from the south to the north, and forced the six masters of the time to sign a contract. Only then did they have thousands of years of peace." Tao.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the case?" Mo Xie only really figured out the unfinished ancient legend and the true source of this dispute.

"Each temple has an ancient holy thing that is the source of every believer's divine power. These six holy things have super powers. No one has ever been able to control or destroy them. Our six-channel apostles will live forever. Guarding their respective sacred objects, gaining power and life from the sacred objects, and multiplying them from generation to generation. Therefore, the existence of the curse of divine power shortens the distance for our apostles to enjoy the divine power of the holy objects, which has become the current situation." Qing Saint Hee explained in detail.

"According to your statement, in fact, there are no restrictions in the temple. As long as you walk around with the holy artifacts, your people can also make homes in the world." Moxie said.

"This is indeed possible, but the power of the sacred object is too great. If you want to move it, you have to pay a certain price. I don't have the ability to move the sacred object." The saint Qingxi shook her head.

"Well, it seems that this limit is not small." Mo Xie understood the system settings.

The three of them walked along the river bank all the way, walking on the streets of the golden city, constantly passing through large areas of magnificent buildings, the distant cliffs finally appeared in sight.

I saw the cliff on the other side of the valley, which was even larger in scale. In the middle of the entire mountain wall was a huge gate that was hollowed out. There were countless holes in the entire cliff, like countless windows of a castle. Mo Xie was surprised to see it.

"That's where the temple is. The master instructor must be anxious. You hurry up with me." Saint Ching Hee reminded with a smile.

"The temple is hidden in the belly of the mountain, you are amazing!" Mo Xie sighed, and hurried forward, following the two beauties to the opposite cliff...

In front of the cliff, there is a huge square. The water in the center of the square is shining. The giant fountain pool is spouting with a fountain several meters high, and waves of water mist float back and forth in the air.

There were countless golden figures around, watching Mo Xie and Qing Bing'er curiously at this time. The Holy Light Temple has been around for too long, and no outsider has ever appeared.

Saint Ching Hee led the two through the square, directly under the cliff, walked up the high stone steps, passed the long queue of soldiers, and entered the wide gate.

Inside the door is a quiet hall, and the end of the hall cannot be seen from a distance. It seems that this is a large gathering place for the tribe of the Holy Light Protoss.

Saint Ching-hee turned directly to the left and walked to the left side of the main hall. There was another deep hole there, and two rows of soldiers blocked the door. Seeing the saint coming from a distance, she quickly gave way to a passage.

The three of them walked into the curved cave and circled all the way up, climbing a height of about ten meters, and another cave opening appeared.

"This is the place where the church guests are in charge. I'll go in first to inform and call you in later." Saint Ching Hee reminded, step into the gate guarded by the soldiers.

The two stood at the door, facing several golden armored soldiers, waiting quietly.

Mo Xie knew in his heart that what he was about to see this time was already a top-ranking figure in the game world, one of the six leaders of the Protoss.

To be precise, he should now be one of the five head teachers of the Protoss.

He is still not sure what will happen after seeing this master teacher, and will there be some changes in the direction of the plot as a result?

While waiting quietly, time slowly passed, Mo Xie waited a little impatiently, wanted to send a private chat to his teammates, and asked about the situation outside, but when he opened the friends bar, he found out that it was located on a special map and his private chat function It has been temporarily closed, even the pet interface cannot be opened, and the management function of the spirit beast cannot be studied.

At this moment, a familiar female voice came from the doorway.

"Your Excellency Dragon Girl, don't be sad, you can come in now, please ask the head teacher." The clear voice of the saint Qingxi sounded.

"Understood." Mo Xie replied, leading the Dragon Girl forward, passing by the soldiers, and into the deep cave...

The golden light kept shining in the entrance of the cave not far away. Inside was a well-lit environment. When the two of them walked out of the entrance, there was another spacious hall in front of them. Right in the middle of the hall on the left hand, a huge golden **** The stage emits brilliant golden light.

Saint Ching Hee was standing under the altar, bending down respectfully to face the altar.

As soon as Mo Xie and Qing Binger walked over, they clearly saw the top of the sacred platform, five or six meters above the ground, with a golden throne in the middle of the sacred platform, sitting on top of it was a gorgeous golden robe with his head The mysterious woman wearing a golden veil...

The distance is too far, Mo Xie not only can't see her specific appearance, let alone the name on her head, but the saint Qingxi salutes her so respectfully, the other party must be the Master of Holy Light.

"Qingxi, you step aside first, I didn't ask you, so you don't have to speak." The voice of a majestic woman came from the top of the platform.

"Respect to comply with the decree." The saint Qingxi retreated and stood on the right side respectfully, staring at her toes.

Seeing the awe of the saint Qingxi, Mo Xie was extremely surprised. Such a proud saint was so obedient in front of the head teacher, it can be seen that the majesty of the head of the light is really amazing.

"Sure enough, it is the little dragon girl of the dragon clan, this is Mo Sad?" The faint doubting voice of the Master of the Holy Light sounded.

"Master Qiqi, head teacher, I am not sad." Mo Xie lowered his head and replied.

"You can call me Qing Binger." As a dragon, Qing Bing'er certainly wouldn't be too polite to outsiders.

"The Dragon God is the Dragon God. Although you are still young, you have actually got the Frost Talent. In time, the Dragon Race will add another master." The Master of Light smiled faintly.

"Did the saint tell you everything about us so quickly?" Qing Binger asked with a smile.

"Your Frost Talent can be seen clearly at a glance, and she doesn't need to say anything. I haven't seen it for hundreds of years. I don't know how good your patriarch Yanfeng is?" The Master of the Holy Light asked lightly.

"Do you know our patriarch?" Qing Binger's eyes widened in surprise.

There are not many members of the Eastern Dragon Clan, and there are only a few adult dragons, and they live on one side in the south and the north, and they never communicate. The only one who is the patriarch sits in the Dragon Clan Forbidden Land and is responsible for completing the stepping ceremony for the newly grown dragon .

And the patriarch of the dragon clan of this generation is the patriarch of Yanfeng mentioned by the head teacher, a super divine dragon with the divine power of the earth system...

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