The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 551: Magical passage


There was a slight muffled sound from under the boulder, followed by the sound of clicking the mechanism turning...

Before Mo Xie could react, the huge boulder in front of him was slowly cut to one side, and a circular black hole appeared in the middle of the black rock base on the ground!

This cave is large enough to accommodate three players entering and exiting at the same time. The inside of the cave is inclined downward, and a row of stone stairs can be seen.

Mo Xie immediately turned over and jumped off the entrance of the cave, standing in the waist-length cave, slowly walking down the stone steps.

When his head just sank into the hole, it was already pitch black.

He quickly took out a torch, and as the fire illuminates, on the right side of the circular hole, not far from him, a tall stone bulge can be clearly seen on the smooth stone wall, which is very special. Eye-catching.

Mo Xie stretched out his hand curiously, but just touched it on the bulge of the stone, and the bulge suddenly sank, and then the buzzing sound rang again, and the boulder above his head returned to its original position, completely sealing the entrance of the cave.

This is actually a switch!

Not only did Mo Xie admire the master's abilities even more, now that the entrance of the cave was closed, people outside would never see the secrets here anymore, and he could explore forward with peace of mind.

Stepping forward along the stone steps, the light of the torch shone on the straight underground passage, leaning all the way to the ground.

This kind of setting must be the reason why the giants of the agency had to make the secret passage less than the height of the moat in order to avoid the barrier of the secret passage.

Set off boldly all the way, before entering the city, there is only one entrance, and no other fork in the road.

The blueprint handed over to him by the agency master is the core area of ​​the entire agency secret passage. The distribution of the secret passage underground in Sunset City...

Entrusted by the holy princess, the master unexpectedly dug a maze-like mysterious passage underground in the city, which can lead to any building in the city, and even every corner of the city.

Walking straight along the secret road, Moxie’s small map is completely dark. In this artificial environment, the system does not display any terrain, so he can see nothing, he can only walk along the road all the way forward. .

Fast forward, ten minutes later, the ground at the entrance of the cave in front has become visibly wet, and on the roof of the cave and the stone walls on both sides, water constantly seeps from above.

Seeing this, Mo Xie knew in his heart that he had successfully reached the underground of the moat outside the tower, and more than ten meters ahead, he had successfully reached the city limits!

For such a long time, he has never had a chance to return to Sunset City, but now he returns to the main city again in such an obscure form, which made him feel deeply moved in his heart.

Holding a torch, walking quickly across the wet ground, a hole ten meters away from the front stretched out, and a horizontal secret road suddenly appeared, connecting with the secret road where he was.

This is the labyrinth map in the city. Mo Xie quickly took out the blueprint and quickly walked to the junction of the two caves under the light of the torch.

Ding...System: Warning! Players are not sad, you are entering the main city in violation of the rules. Once discovered by the city guards, you will be punished immediately. Please choose to leave quickly!

The warning prompt of the system suddenly popped out, and Mo Xie was amused.

This Nima also uses the system to warn that even if he takes the road, he is in danger, and he still cares about this...

Waving the warning message, looking at the horizontal passage in front of you, extending to the left and right sides, you can't see the end at all, because this horizontal passage directly leads to the tunnels on both sides of the city in Sunset City!

And on this passage, there are countless branch roads densely connected, leading to any other areas of the city.

Mo Xie looked at the countless intricate connections on the map, and quickly found a circle in the center of the city, where the City Lord's Mansion was located.

After confirming the position, compared to where he should be currently, Mo Xie immediately moved forward along the lateral passage to the right, looking for the central axis of the city.

In a short while, he came to a three-way intersection, and he was on the other side of the city. On the left hand side was the central axis of the city. If he walked straight along it, he could quickly find the underground of the city lord mansion.

Putting away the blueprints, Mo Xie excitedly held the torch and moved forward quickly, moving forward along this secret road, and no longer cared about other forks that would appear in short intervals.

The City Lord's Mansion is the best building to find in a city, because in each of the main cities to be continued, the City Lord's Mansion is always in the most central position, which represents its significance.

Except for the two imperial cities, the other main cities have the same settings.

However, the area of ​​the main city is very large, even if the location is locked, it will take a lot of time to arrive as soon as possible.

Mo Xie went straight ahead, keeping an eye on the surrounding situation with his ears. According to the agency master’s explanation, in this agency secret passage, the master set up many trap passages to deal with those enemies who chase the underground passage. Ensure that your own personnel can escape smoothly.

These areas are all shown with thick red lines on the map, including the passage where Mo Xie is walking, and a dangerous area appears every hundreds of meters.

But don't worry, the dangerous defense system needs the Trident key in Moxie's hand to open it, and it is still dormant now.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Mo Xie had been advancing quickly underground, getting closer to the city center...

Sure enough, it didn't take long. The secret road in front finally came to an end. In front of a smooth stone wall, a circle of circular passages extended to one side.

Mo Xie immediately followed the circular passage and chose the right side to move on. This circular passage was built around the huge city lord mansion, and there must be a passage into the mansion.

After walking down half a circle, he had already seen countless forks connecting the periphery of the city, and there was only one passage into the City Lord's Mansion, and it was the passage behind the City Lord's Mansion.

He immediately walked into this passageway, which was not very deep, and found that the passageway had formed a gentle **** upward, and the first step was connected to an exit that did not know where.

Walk quickly along the stone steps to the end. This is a small platform. There is no exit on the top of the head, just a thick layer of granite.

It seemed like a dead end, Mo Xie stood there, frowning and searching around, looking for the mechanism to open the passage.

But the three stone walls are smooth and there is nothing unusual, and there is no strange place on the stone platform under your feet. Mo Xie deserves to raise his head and use torches to illuminate the rock above his head...

At this time, a new discovery was finally made.

On the rock slab overhead, a circular iron ring is attached to the stone wall, which is similar to the color of granite. It is really hard to see unless you look closely.

He quickly stretched out his hand, pulled the iron ring out of the groove, and then tried to pull it down...

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