The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 608: Weird war

The black clouds all over the sky suddenly turned red, and the red clouds suddenly turned the entire ground into a red patch, and everyone who saw it was surprised.

"Little guy, when you enter my demon space, you are equivalent to entering my stomach. I control all life and death." The dark demon said with a giddy smile.

"I'm afraid not necessarily, I can still move freely, but it's not that simple if you want to kill me." Mo Xie replied lightly, slowly floating forward in the red cloud sea, looking for the location of the demon's true body.

"I have forgotten that you are also a demon, and it only limits part of your abilities. But with your strength, it is too early to deal with me." The dark demon said with a smile for a moment.

His voice came continuously from all sides of the cloud, making Mo Xie unable to judge the whereabouts of the other party for a while.

And he deliberately chatted with the demon in order to buy time and figure out where the other party was hiding.

Just as the demon said, this suddenly shining cloud layer is all its demon space. Since Moxie entered the cloud layer, all the skill icons on the entire shortcut bar have been marked with bright red crosses, indicating All are disabled.

It doesn't matter if you don't use the skill, but the demon deliberately turns the entire black cloud into red, which means that the opponent has already started to be afraid of it, and intentionally confuses the location of the demon's real body.

Among the large clouds, there are rolling red clouds everywhere, and deep in the dazzling red light, it seems that there are countless ghosts hidden in all directions!

Mo Xie settled down and started to deliberately search for the center of the square according to his original position when he entered the clouds. He knew very well in his heart that the clouds looked very broad, but there were not many places where the demon could hide.

In this cloud layer, there must be a core area that belongs to the devil's lair, while in other locations, its spiritual power extends, causing a large number of illusions, which are not real existence.

As the Thunder Roar beast continued to devour excess spiritual power, it seized a lot of power from the demon, causing the area of ​​the black cloud to shrink a little, making it hard to find without looking carefully.

Mo Xie controlled his body, quickly searched for the center of the square, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Although he could not activate the skills now, the body of the soul slave he controlled temporarily gave him more power than other soul slaves. As long as he was not surrounded by large ghosts, he did not need to pay attention to the few monsters.

It was flying forward so fast, the surrounding clouds were surging, but there was no monster appearing...

This made Mo Xie firmly believe that his current position is only on the edge of the demon’s lair. If he continues to move forward, the more monsters he finds, it means that he is getting closer and closer to the demon’s real body...

In the fast forward, Mo Xie predicted the distance in his heart, and he was getting closer and closer to the center of the black cloud.

"Xiao Mo, how is the situation now?" Mo Xiaolang asked nervously on the ground.

"Still looking for the core area of ​​the demon, how is the fighting situation in your place now?" Mo Xie asked.

"The last monsters have all died, and they are currently resting, but there is still a large black shadow gathered under the black clouds. It seems that they are not going to come down. You have to be careful." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Report to me where the monsters are." Mo Xie asked quickly with a move in his heart.

He knew in his heart that these monsters must be guarding something when they gathered under the black cloud, and their location must be very critical!

Mo Xiaolang quickly found the coordinate point on the map and reported it to Mo Xie quickly.

Looking at the location of the coordinate point, it was right in front of his flight, which was about 30 meters away, Mo Xie already knew it...

He knew that if he continued to fly straight like this, he would soon enter the guard range of these shadows and must avoid their defenses.

After adjusting the direction, Mo Xie immediately flew round and round to the left. After going around a huge semi-circular arc, he quickly contacted his teammates on the ground to determine whether there were any enemies around him?

Up to now, the strength of the demon has been weakened a lot. It is unable to summon too many soul slaves to fight. The large ghosts guarding under the clouds should be its last defensive power.

Thanks to the help of the Spirit Devouring Thunder Roar Beast, this mission has reduced the difficulty for most of the players, depending on the final battle.

It's a pity now that the demon knows that the situation is not good, and hides his true body. It is indeed very troublesome to find it.

However, the dungeon mission has specific rules. Even if the players cannot find the location of the devil's body, once the time reaches a certain point, it will still appear directly, but in order to save time, Moxie must find the location of the devil as soon as possible.

And he also has another purpose, which is to find a way to figure out the secret of the demon, what kind of weird setting is hidden in this peculiar demon enchantment?

Maybe you can get some special surprises in the core area of ​​the demon space...

Confirming that there is no danger around, Mo Xie began to slowly fly upwards, gradually moving a certain distance away from the group of ghosts not far away...

As he flew higher and higher, the red light around him became more dazzling. Above the clouds above his head, one could actually vaguely see the outline of a huge red light group!

This red cluster of light floats and stretches out from the clouds, like the sun surrounded by clouds, emitting dazzling red rays to the surrounding.

Finally found!

Mo Xie was so surprised that he looked around and rushed to the location of the red light cluster.

Floating unimpeded all the way up, gradually, the dazzling red light kept shining in front of his eyes, passing through the thick clouds, Mo Xie's eyes suddenly lit up, and a huge red ball of light floated quietly in his In front of...

And around this red ball of light, there is no longer any cloud cover.

"Jie Jie...little guy, you didn't disappoint me. You could find here alone." The dark voice of the demon suddenly sounded again. The direction of the sound source can be heard clearly this time, just from the light. From the ball.

"Stop it, you have no chance of winning, why bother to work for the gods." Mo Xie said lightly.

"Don't think that you will win if you find my true body, little guy, dare you come in and fight me!" The devil sneered.

"Huh, why don't you dare!" Mo Xie looked around, but he couldn't help being surprised when he didn't find the spiritual slave who had come for reinforcements.

Could it be that this demon really wants to challenge himself...

In any case, the opponent is always the ultimate dungeon. With your own ability, can you handle it?

"Young man, you seem to be scared." The demon sneered.

"What am I afraid of, you are waiting for me!" Mo Xie mustered up his courage and quickly rushed to the red ball...

But before he dashed two meters forward, something strange happened again. A dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the red ball of light. Before he could react, the red light had already enveloped him, dragged by a huge suction. Moxie's body!

With a swish, the huge power gave him no room to resist, and he was completely sucked into the red ball...

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