The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 615: Dark Shield

According to the 30-level dungeon plot set by the system, it is actually divided into two mission routes, pros and cons.

However, most players follow the guidelines of the dungeon plot and complete the requirements of the Protoss step by step, until the leader of the elves is finally killed, and the task is declared to be cleared when they get the dungeon treasure chest.

But this time, Mo Xie took the lead in completing a different plot, and thus opened the second dungeon mission route. Once the hidden mission route is announced, players can freely choose to help the elves or help the protoss in the third ring mission of the dungeon.

However, in the future hidden mission route, you can only help the elves conquer the temple, face the guard of the devil, until you get the reward box after defeating the devil, and then the protoss destroys the temple and escapes here. The story of the entire instance ends here. ...

"Master Devil, please reward me." Mo Xie smiled and opened the final reward dialogue.

"Little guy, it's really hard for me to repay you for your life-saving grace. What's more, I have been imprisoned by the Protoss for so many years, and the ones that can reward you are really not available. Let's see that you are the Prophet of the Demon Race. If the enemy is fighting in close quarters, I will give you something that can protect yourself. I don't know what you want?" the dark demon asked thoughtfully.

"Protect yourself? What kind of baby is this?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"In fact, it is not as complicated as you think. It is not a weapon or armor, but a kind of spiritual power. Look..." The dark demon smiled and stretched out his hand, his palm spread out, and a black ball of smoke was on him. Dancing back and forth above the palm, it looks like a trick.

"This is the so-called defensive shield?" Mo Xie asked puzzlingly, but realized in his heart that he was going to get a baby now!

He understands very well that whether it is equipment or weapons, it must always be updated as the players' level increases, but the black smoke ball in front of him clearly shows that it is a so-called body shield that is transformed by spiritual power. Treasures, but will not be eliminated easily...

"For yourself, it is very simple to use it. Once it enters your spiritual power system, it will obey your instructions and play a protective role at any time." The demon reminded, suddenly turning his wrist and holding the black smoke ball in his hand. Stop, a black light swiftly extended upward along his arm...


The black light flickered, and a pitch-black triangular shield suddenly suspended in front of the demon. It was more than one meter long, covering most of his entire body.

For a moment, the teammates were not surprised to attract them, and they curiously watched Mo Xie's upcoming treasure...

"I'll go, the mage can also get a shield, isn't Xiao Mo the same as the boss?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked incredulously.

"Look carefully, this kind of spiritual shield must be limited in use." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

Everyone has been swayed by the spirit shield displayed by the demon, and they are attracted by surprise...

"This is a natural defense state. You don't need to control the spirit shield with your hands. It will automatically block in front of you to resist damage until the spirit power is exhausted." The demon said.

"The spiritual power is exhausted, will it disappear forever?" Mo Xie asked worriedly.

"My dark spiritual power is endless, even if it temporarily runs out of spiritual power, it just dormant quietly. When you kill the enemy, it will automatically absorb a part of the spiritual power to recover, and will soon be able to help you fight again. Waiting for your strength to grow. The higher you are, the stronger your spirit shield will be, and the more methods you can use, such as this..." The demon smiled slightly.


In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the still floating black triangular shield suddenly flashed, and suddenly split into three identical shields, and quickly turned around the body of the demon...

"The triangular shield array can ensure that you have no worries in large-scale battles. If you are strong enough, these shields can not only help defense, but also can help you deal with enemies who approach you without authorization during high-speed rotation." The demon introduced.

It's so amazing!

Everyone was stunned by the scene they saw before their eyes...

"Not bad, is this really for me?" Mo Xie was so excited that his voice started to tremble.

"Little guy, you and I are of the same race again. You saved my life again. Let you control the spirit shield. But don't pay too much attention to the power of the spirit shield. Only the person who uses it can experience it. Its real benefit, with your current strength, its effect is very limited." The demon smiled slightly, his wrist flicked, and a cloud of black light flew in front of Mo Xie instantly...

With a whirr, the black light ball quickly approached Mo Xie's side, and instantly dispersed into large black smoke, directly entering Mo Xie's body.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you successfully get the reward of the devil and the body guard spirit shield system!

"Little guy, take care of yourself. I will also find a safe place to repair my injury. I hope I will see you next time. By the way, don't discard the right eye of the idol. It will be very useful in the future!" Ling smiled and turned around, his slender body turned into a black whirlwind and rose into the sky...

"Old...old man, can you meet again next time?" Mo Xie looked up in surprise, and saw the black whirlwind flying directly into the blue sky.

You know, this is a copy map. If he leaves here, it is almost impossible for him to see the existence of this dark demon again...

"Don't worry, little guy, you will meet by chance." The demon's laughter came from the sky, and the black smoke gradually disappeared from the end of the players' sight.

Right eye of idol?

Only then did Mo Xie notice that there was still a blue crystal in his hand, which was shining with blue light, as if the sea was wide.

Eye of Wisdom: Special props, exclusive mission clues for level 40 dungeons, which can open specific plots.

Let me take it, the peculiar items of the 30th dungeon are actually related to the 40th dungeon?

Mo Xie was so excited that he quickly saved this item for the next copy before trying his luck.

The devil had gone away, and the players immediately surrounded Mo Xie with excitement, eager to see the situation of the spirit shield...

"Xiao Mo, where is your spirit shield hidden? Get it out and have a look." Lianna asked excitedly.

"Yeah, Xiao Mo, use it to satisfy our curiosity." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"Let me take a look." Mo Xie touched his head. After the black smoke got into his body, the system prompt only reminded the spirit shield system to open, but he didn't know how to use it.

In the skill column, it is still the same as before, no new skills can be found.

I didn't see anything in the shortcut bar.

The character attribute interface is also missing.

Strange, where is this thing hiding?

Mo Xie was very puzzled, thinking in his heart, and suddenly thought of a sentence the demon had just explained, the spirit shield system appeared with the master's will...

"Spirit shield, body protector!" Mo Xie hurriedly said silently in his heart.


Suddenly, a black smoke appeared on the wrist of his left hand, and he formed a small triangular shield in front of him very quickly, the length of which was less than 50 cm...

With the appearance of the spirit shield, a black triangle shield symbol appeared in Mo Xie's status bar.

Elementary Spirit Shield: Current Spiritual Power: 9898, Spiritual Power value can be converted into your current damage number and deducted, if the Spiritual Power value is insufficient, the spiritual shield will dissipate. In a peaceful state, 1 point of spiritual shield spiritual power can be restored every second.

Every 10th level of the player, the spirit shield will automatically increase the level.

So this is ah.

Mo Xie looked at the introduction of the spirit shield, handily sent the screenshots to his teammates to study, then raised his left hand, and suddenly found that there was an extra black symbol like a triangular shield on his left wrist!

This guy is hiding here...

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