The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 627: Elite map

After finally persuading Sister Hong to stay, Mo Xie seemed particularly happy. He quickly stood up and walked towards the stairs. The two goddesses also accompanied Sister Hong to the second floor to clean up the room.

When Mo Xie quickly came to the lobby on the third floor, the Mo family trio had already started to log in to the game and were working comfortably in the equipment.

He hurriedly walked to the side of the hall, lifted a layer of dustproof blanket, and suddenly revealed a new white equipment.

After a simple debugging, Didi's electronic voice sounded. This new device only waits for the owner to bind the identity before it can be officially put into use.

Mo Xie walked down the stairs excitedly to the second floor, walked across the living room and the corridor, and walked quickly to the door of the room belonging to Sister Hong.

The three goddesses were simply cleaning and sanitation inside. At this time, they had quickly arranged the room almost, and just put all the clothes in Sister Hong's suitcase into the closet.

"Mo, let's go, we're done here too, the two of us can handle Ahong's affairs, so hurry up and go." Lianna laughed.

"It's a long time in Japan, A Hong has decided to stay, and you're afraid that you won't have the chance to see her." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled jokingly.

"Okay, Sister Hong will leave it to you. If you need help, just call me." Mo Xie touched his head with an excited smile on his face.

"Go, we will take care of her." Lianna nodded.

Seeing Mo Xie leaving excitedly, the two goddesses couldn't help shook their heads and looked at Li Hong who had been silent.

"What the **** is going on with you and Xiao Mo, we have never seen him so nervous, does he really like you?" Lianna asked softly.

"I, I have nothing with him, don't get me wrong." Li Hong shook his head quickly.

"There is no misunderstanding. If you are not married, he is unmarried. It is normal for you two to have something." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled and comforted.

"But...I always treat him as my own brother..." Li Hong looked at the back of the man who had already disappeared at the door, feeling helpless.

Before that night happened, she had never thought that this silent young man who had rarely spoken had another side she had never seen before...

A little brother who parked a car, even owned such a big villa in just a few months, and set up her own studio, and I don’t know how long she will become the other’s subordinate. This change is indeed Amazing……

For Mo Xie, Li Hong felt like he had never known him...

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you are scared now. Let's go to work on the third floor first." Lianna shook her head, holding sister Hong's arm, and the three of them walked out of the room to the stairs on the third floor...

When they arrived at the lobby on the third floor, Mo Xie had just been wrapped in a control chair and officially entered the game world.

"This is where we work, and there are three colleagues who don't know you are here. I will introduce them to you later in the evening." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Yeah, I see." Li Hong nodded, her beautiful eyes looked at everything around her curiously, the situation here was like a dreamland to her.

"Jiaojiao will log in to the game first. I'll teach Ahong to control the device. If you don't understand in the game, ask us at any time. By the way, Ahong first think of a game name for herself." Lianna reminded.

"The name of the game...what are your names?" Li Hong asked curiously.

"The name of the game is whatever you want, we are all messed up..." Ouyang Jiaojiao told each other the game of the two.

"Jiaojiao's name is nice, Nana, you are really messed up. Then I'll be called the Broken Heart Witch." Li Hong laughed.

"I think you might as well call an extinction teacher, your current mentality, I am afraid that you even have the mind to become a monk." Lianna rolled her eyes and said silently.

"You're right, I'm so sad now, even my relatives treat me like this, I don't know if I still have the motivation to live..." Li Hong said with a sigh.

"Don't think about it. Your father and brother don't know how to cherish you. But you still have our two sisters. Besides, Xiao Mo cares about you so much. We are all your relatives." Ouyang Jiaojiao quickly persuaded.

"I know you are good to me, don't worry, I won't abuse myself. I also think of the name of the game, it's called Extinction Witch. I'm going to be cruel and never be bullied by others!" Li Hongmei His eyes widened, and he said coldly.

"It's really called the Extinction Witch... well, that's up to you. After you go in, remember to choose the sun empire camp, the race you like, but remember, after the novice village comes out, you must choose the sunset city..." Li Anna waved her hand and asked Ouyang Jiaojiao to log in to the game first, and then told Li Hong about some things that must be paid attention to after logging in to the game...

The three goddesses went busily separately, and Mo Xie at this time was already happy to start exploring the game world again.

Sister Hong returned, and the last thing he worried about disappeared. He only felt that his body was full of strength and hope now...

Thinking of seeing Sister Hong by his side every day, Mo Xie couldn't wait to scream up to the sky in excitement.

Standing on the ridge, there was a raging wind blowing, because of a good mood, even if these winds were blowing on the face, it seemed to him like a beautiful scenery.

Looking at the friends list, Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao went online one after another. Mo Xie understood that everything was ready, and it wouldn't be long before he could see the goddess in his heart every day in the game world.

Rest assured, he was ready to officially explore this huge mountain map.

I saw the surrounding situation in the morning. The map here is very huge, with ridges connected to the ridges, and there are plains and cliffs everywhere.

And the most amazing thing about this map is that the alert range of monsters seems to be due to the terrain, which is several times larger than the movement range of ordinary monsters. The footprint of a monster can almost edit the entire mountain plain.

In other words, as long as he accidentally arouses the hatred of a group of monsters, the group of monsters can keep chasing him until he escapes from this grassland and climbs to the next ridge to ensure safety.

This setting is very magical, but the strong wind on Shennong Mountain is even more magical. Such a big whirlwind almost blows people up in the air. I just don’t know if this setting has other hidden meanings?

Mo Xie began to move forward along the ridge. On the right is the junction of the map when he came, and on the left is the direction of the vast mountains. Halfway down the steep mountain is a large mountain grassland.

If you want to continue to explore the mountain map, you must find the next passageway down the mountain.

After walking along the ridge for a distance of thirty or forty meters, a winding mountain road appeared on the right side of the ridge. The stepped stone steps with a width of about one or two meters were already the only passageway to descend nearby.

Mo Xie immediately began to descend along the stone steps, and quickly entered the other side of the hillside of the tall ridge...

There are thick bushes everywhere on both sides of the mountain road. In a beautiful verdant landscape, countless black dots stick out from the bushes from time to time, and pairs of red eyes are watching vigilantly nearby.

Mo Xie's mood suddenly became tense. Unexpectedly, on a steep mountain slope, the system actually set a large area for monsters to refresh.

It seems that the environment of Shennong Mountain is more sinister than other maps.

Mo Xie even suspected that this map might not belong to the elite map range, and the monsters in it should all be the refresh area of ​​elite monsters above level 30!

Otherwise, how could the monster in the grassland under the mountain have such a large area of ​​alert?

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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