"I know your thoughts, but now there is any way, the other party has made it clear that they don't put us in their eyes and can take care of us at any time." Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

"Yeah, they are too rich, they just used the money to create a super legion!" Mo Xie sighed.

"It's our existence now, which is blocking the way for others to continue their rapid development. Their purpose is to dominate the whole area. We are like little ants at all." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Don't underestimate the ants, as long as you plan properly, I don't believe you can't deal with them." Mo Xie sneered.

"Then you quickly think of a way, how can we deal with them, our time is one day away," Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"I see, in fact, I have a plan in my heart. Not only can I avoid their entanglement, but there may also be a chance to give them a bit of color to see..." Mo Xie said lightly.

"What's the plan, can we show them the colors? Tell me, what method?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"I'm still working on this method, some details must be carefully planned, and I will tell you after I figure it out." Moxie said.

He is not talking big words. After the situation in the cave just now, the strength of the arrogant alliance has given him a new understanding. In the face of such a powerful professional army, the opponent wants to destroy the God Realm alliance without any effort.

However, the battle in the mine just now also gave him an unexpected reminder...

He just wants to put his ideas into practice, he still needs to think about it for a while, after all, this is not a trivial matter. If you don't fight a tiger, you will be injured by a tiger.

"Well, I'll wait for your good news, what are you going to do now?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"The eyeliner is still following me, indicating that they will not directly attack us, you try to speed up the development, I will involve their attention." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Then you must be careful." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

Both of them understood that the situation is very urgent now, and the only way to delay time is for Mo Xie to keep throwing out some useful game materials to attract Luo Feng's curiosity.

When the other party wants to know more secret plots, they won’t rush it, unless they are not interested in Moxie, and that’s really dangerous...

Now that the secret of the mine is thrown out, Mo Xie knows that he can hold on for a few days, but he has to make the next plan as soon as possible and continue to delay the time until the God Realm League is upgraded to an alliance scale...

After finishing the private chat, Mo Xie continued to walk in the city, pretending to be a laid-back appearance, and wandering around the commercial plaza first, looking at the products sold in the players' shops.

It has been so long since the service was opened, and the types of goods in the commercial plaza have finally begun to change drastically.

With the continuous improvement of players' level and strength, more and more people are going to explore the map in the wild, and with the opening of copies, the types of goods sold in each player's shop have become more and more diverse.

In particular, the various props produced in the dungeon have made the commercial plaza more exciting...

Of course, the dungeon equipment is not valuable, because the various weird gadgets that come with the hang up, especially the life skill books and advanced life and occupation tools, have become popular items on the market.

Mo Xie read it roughly, and a tailor's intermediate package making map was sold at a high price of hundreds of gold coins!

As for those advanced self-made maps with special functions, they are even more difficult to find...

Seeing that there are so many skill books, Mo Xie knew in his heart that the spring of professional life was now approaching.

The construction of his commercial base was finally ahead.

All the way through the large commercial plaza, with the eyeliner behind him, Mo Xie came to the middle of the building complex. From a long distance, he saw the crowds of shops at Lianna's purchase. It seemed that the business was very lively.

He hasn't come here for a long time to see the situation. He didn't expect the number of players crowded in front of the store to be so scary...

Mo Xie also curiously squeezed to the door of the store. On the huge advertising sign, the three words Liu Fu Lou were particularly eye-catching.

"Look at it, everyone, the rare deputy props, all kinds of different styles, quickly get the fancy, and they were bought by others one step later."

"A lot of potions are sold, which are cheaper than pharmacies. Those who want to farm and level up quickly buy them."

"Various spells are sold in large quantities, and the weapon for dealing with and brushing copies is only ten gold coins."

In the store, the players of the Commercial League were selling all kinds of weird life items, and there were so many kinds that even Mo Xie was taken aback.

He curiously looked at the huge counter in the store, where all kinds of strange props were placed, and even all kinds of living materials were sold as commodities.

It's a pity, there is still a lack of production maps, otherwise, how can I buy the materials?

However, the store's business was surprisingly good. The off-hand equipment produced in the mountainside caves was especially good for selling. Within a short while, Mo Xie sold more than a dozen pieces in succession, and all of a sudden, several thousand gold coins were obtained!

He knew that during this period of time, the God Realm League was divided into many teams. After strict selection, the first team of players recruited without any problems, under the leadership of several goddesses, secretly hid in the cave. Leveling, these deputy props should be their spoils.

As for the other teams of the God Realm League, they were led by Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan, scattered around the wild maps to upgrade.

Some core players took on the job of continuing to recruit people, and the development of the entire God Realm League was in order.

This is due to the management talents of Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan, after all, they were both core managers of the professional guild.

After looking at the store for a while, Mo Xie understood the current development situation in her heart. It seemed that Lianna's investment was very shrewd. At least a few months later, she could not only recover the cost with profit, but also several times the money. Earn it back.

After strolling for a while, Mo Xie hurried through the crowd, planning to return to Shennong Mountain, and went to leveling alone.

As for a few eyeliners, let them stare if you love to stare.

Unexpectedly, when he had just walked out of the commercial plaza and planned to send to the city gate to continue to the field, a private chat application suddenly popped up in front of him. The applicant was actually Brother Hao who hadn't contacted for a long time.

At this moment, Mo Xie suddenly became alert...

Since the surveillance incident of the arrogant alliance, he tried to call Brother Hao, but every time he called, he was strangely hung up, as if he was blacklisted and could not call directly.

Therefore, Mo Xie never took the initiative to contact him, only worried that the other party might be in trouble.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Mo Xie still connected to the private chat.


The horizon interface popped up, and the familiar face of Brother Hao appeared again.

"Xiao Mo, the situation is a bit troublesome." Brother Hao's first words made Mo Xie's heart chuckle, feeling that things are not good...

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