The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 687: Difficulty of development

Mo Xie's worry, of course, is very clear to Mo Xie. The arrival of the life team is something he has been looking forward to, but if he wants to let them create value as soon as possible, there is still a relatively long running time.

First of all, it is necessary to find a fixed mineral vein and provide it to all the miners in the life team for collection, and improve their mining proficiency as soon as possible, so that it is possible to obtain more high-quality ores.

Secondly, we must provide them with a large number of production workshops, so that they can manufacture various props with peace of mind, and only after improving their skill proficiency, can they produce higher-quality equipment and props.

The last and most important point is that the commercial team must be able to get more sales contracts in order to maintain self-sufficiency and even create more profits.

This time, the commercial team will move over, all of which are middle-level and above management, and the number has reached nearly 300.

And this is only the management level of the business team, not counting the ordinary members, you know, it is a huge team with nearly two thousand!

These people generally accept tasks in their own homes. They go online to collect ores or make props every day, and they can complete the number of administrators.

And these people are also required to be paid...

It’s just that according to the rules of the industry, at the beginning of the game, they only receive a basic salary to maintain their living. Once they are upgraded to a middle-to-high-level craftsman, they automatically activate the work contract and start to receive the high salary that belongs to the original part.

In other words, no matter whether Moye can give them enough tasks, as long as they reach the skill level stipulated in the contract, such as senior blacksmith and senior tailor, then they must enjoy the second stage salary specified in the contract.

When they later upgrade to a higher master-level craftsman or miner, they will get more wages.

This is a fixed standard in the industry, and the contract cannot be changed in black and white.

"Don't worry, we are in a special situation this time. Since the mine has been given to the Arrogant Alliance, then our starting point is a little higher, starting directly from the crystal mine." Moxie said.

"Are you going to let them go directly to the secret cave of the cave?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"There is nothing wrong with it. If the gathering skills cannot reach, continue to mine in the basic mine. As long as the standard is met, immediately enter the crystal mine. If we want to play, we will play the advanced one." Mo Xie laughed.

"What about the herbalists?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"They also have a way. Do you think I was playing there when I was leveling at Shennong Mountain? I will send a map to Xiao Yuan when I go online. It records in detail the location of a medicinal material collection area in Shennong Mountain." Mo Xie smiled.

"Damn, you guy is a thief, Shennongshan, this name must mean that there are rich medicinal materials?" Mo Xiaolang asked incredulously.

"At that time, you will know, there is still another day at the night of the full moon, and I have things busy again." Moxie said.

"Why are you busy on the night of the full moon? Do you want to transform into a werewolf and harass the three goddesses and the big star?" Mo Xiaolang joked.

"There is a mission, the night of the full moon can be opened. At that time, the injuries of General Anode and those old, weak and disabled soldiers can be healed, and we have one more guarantee..." General Moxie, doctor Lan Qing, told the other party in detail .

"This is really good. As long as those NPC soldiers regain their combat effectiveness, it is really good news for us to protect the cave." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

General Anode, according to the system classification, should belong to a level 80 NPC, the same strength as the general Yanghui in Sunset City.

As for the soldiers, according to the map, they should be more than 50 powerful NPCs, but not higher than 70, depending on the quality of the system.

Needless to say, the wounded veteran, from the broken armor he wore, was a 70-level lieutenant, one of the more powerful fighters in the main city.

The existence of such an NPC army will be a very powerful guarding force for guarding the caves and mazes.

It is a pity that the curse of the elves cannot be lifted in a short period of time, otherwise it will be a powerful combat army...

"I have already thought about it. I don't need to worry about collecting medicine or mining. The problem is that the production workshop is more troublesome. If you rent a workshop in the main city, the price is too high. We must wait for our territory to be established to avoid this. A lot of money." Moxie said.

"As for the summoning order, after I go online for a while, I will send a message to my old brothers, telling them you are going to the General Tomb, and let them give me some information at any time to ensure your safety there." Mo Xiao Said the wolf.

"Okay, as long as there is their leveling distribution map in the General Tomb, I will try to avoid them." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"That's it." Mo Xiaolang finished smoking, threw away his cigarette butt, and immediately turned to log in to the game.

Mo Xie was not in a hurry, he returned to his room, picked up his mobile phone and contacted Brother Zhao.

The first phase of the base project has been completed and will be put into use soon. He plans to take a time tomorrow to check it out and save the online time until the night, just in time for the mission of the full moon night.

Besides, the time agreed by Thunder Security is also tomorrow. They are about to carry out a full range of security projects for the base, and Mo Xie wants to see how they did it.

"Mr. Mo, hello." Brother Zhao's voice came from the microphone.

"Brother Zhao, your studio is about to be built, are you satisfied now?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Very satisfied, we didn't expect that there is such a good working environment! Mr. Mo, you haven't been here for a few days, come and have a look." Zhao Ge said excitedly.

"If you are satisfied, I will come over tomorrow. But Brother Zhao, there is something I want to ask." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Mr. Mo, please tell me." Brother Zhao understood that he had important questions to ask.

"Your studio must have had long-term guilds in the past. I don't know how many of these guilds continue to cooperate?" Mo Xie asked.

"You mean the previous guilds that came to us for ordering. There are still three or four guilds that are still cooperating, but there are no orders yet. After all, the game is still in the early stages." Zhao Ge said embarrassedly.

"You mean, it's still not certain now, whether these guilds can cooperate in the future?" Mo Xie asked.

"Yes, to be continued is different from the previous games. Each of our games has a working group stationed. We can provide what game props the guild needs. But now there is only one game platform to be continued. These big guilds all control their own life team..." Brother Zhao explained helplessly.

"I understand this. Apart from these big guilds, do you have any other customers?" Mo Xie asked.

"We don’t have many fixed customers. We also put props on some designated intermediary platforms. We haven’t contacted customers. However, it seems that several guilds often ask us to buy a lot of equipment and materials. Yue also said hello to book a lot of materials with us, but at that time we did not have the qualifications to collect, so we did not agree to them." Zhao Ge said.

After listening to Brother Zhao's answer, Mo Xie suddenly understood the current situation, and it was indeed very bleak.

Because of the uniqueness of the game platform, the commercial team has lost all major customers, and even those small customers are only pre-determined materials, not large amounts of equipment.

If this is the case, all business cooperation can only start from scratch, and the difficulty of survival will also be very difficult!

Because of the unfinished existence, various relationships in the past industry have been disrupted and need to be re-planned.

But for Mo Xie, this is not only a difficult challenge, but also a huge opportunity...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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