The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 689: Peculiar waterfall

The triangular valley is half the size of a football field, a huge sarcophagus is placed in the innermost position, and the ground is scattered with broken statues of soldiers.

Mo Xie stood in front of the half-section of the general statue entering the valley mouth, not daring to enter the place where the BOSS exists at will, lest he trigger the mission plot in advance.

Observing the surrounding environment, based on Moxie's previous game experience, this place seemed extremely dangerous.

Because in the nearby map, there are dense monster refresh areas everywhere, but no monster is seen where the boss is.

Moreover, the terrain of this valley is wide and it looks like a large battle site set by the system.

In other words, if you can't deal with this BOSS, he has the ability to summon the younger brother, and it may be difficult for him to deal with this guy alone.

However, the system also stipulates that in order to pass the task test of the alliance administrator, players must deal with the boss with a team of no more than 20 people, otherwise it is impossible to burst the general token.

This also shows that the strength of BOSS is not as powerful as imagined.

Standing in front of the statue and carefully observing the surrounding situation, I saw that the cliffs on both sides were extremely steep, and they were covered with green moss, as if they were very wet, and such cliffs were more difficult to climb.

It is estimated that the system is specially designed to prevent players from using the terrain to get stuck in the BOSS.

Moreover, the valley terrain is like a funnel, narrow inside and wide outside. Once the battle starts, the best chance is to force the boss in the corner to deal with it. Once let it run out, I am afraid it will be difficult to surround it again.

After observing the environment for a while, Mo Xie already had a battle plan to deal with the boss.

But this plan can only be used when dealing with BOSS normally under normal circumstances, but there are arrogant alliance people everywhere, it is impossible to not attract their attention in the process of fighting BOSS.

As long as the boss utters a loud roar, the nearby arrogant Alliance Legion will immediately rush over...

This is really a trouble!

What can I do to avoid the attention of the arrogant alliance and deal with the boss safely?

Mo Xie hid under the statue and began to think carefully.

Now that he knew the environment of the General Tomb, he wanted to deal with the boss but it became a problem.

By the way, the mountain walls on both sides are wet, but there is no water source around. What is going on?

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and the system would never lay out some useless clues. Since such a peculiar environment had appeared, it showed that it must be useful.

He quickly walked towards the end of the valley and carefully walked into the end of the cliff where the sarcophagus was placed.

Here is the junction of two tall ridges. It is a right angle of 90 degrees, so it forms a triangular valley. The walls on both sides are not high, and they are very smooth and steep.

Standing in front of the sarcophagus, Mo Xie was not as tall as the lid of the coffin, and he didn't know what was going on inside.

But he understands that the lid of the coffin cannot be opened easily. Once opened, the BOSS will be brought out and the mission will officially start.

He looked at the mountain walls on both sides, and he saw that the black stone walls were abnormally slippery, and large patches of moss were densely distributed on the surface of the black rock. He touched it with his hand, and his hands were all water drops.

Where did this water come from?

Mo Xie looked up curiously, only to find that the entire cliff was wet, and it seemed that there was a pool of water above the cliff.

Only when the water pool is full, it will slowly flow along the mountain wall, so as to soak the entire cliff.

Looking at this situation, Mo Xie's brain began to turn. There must be something peculiar to the strange setting. Could it be that there is also a systematic hidden terrain here?

He looked at the cliffs on both sides. The black rocks were very thick, belonging to the kind of hard rock like granite that cannot be nailed into by iron.

This confirmed Mo Xie's guess that the system does not allow players to use the terrain here.

But now, since the peculiar situation has been discovered, it is not Mo Xie's character if he does not figure it out.

With a wave of his arm, a command was issued, and a blue halo shone in front of him, and Qing Binger's beautiful figure suddenly appeared.

"Binger, do me a favor, can you go to the cliff and see what's going on on it?" Mo Xie asked.

"Okay, I'll go up and take a look." Qing Bing'er nodded happily, turning into a blue halo again, and rushing to the top of the cliff.

With the help of Dragon Girl, Mo Xie no longer worried, standing in front of the sarcophagus waiting for her news.

Looking at the huge sarcophagus, the height is about 1.8 meters, the width is about 1.5 meters, and the length is even more amazing. It is more than three meters...

Such a big sarcophagus, the general boss lying in it, is probably also a huge guy!

Looking at the countless broken stones and broken statue fragments on the ground, this place was supposed to be a large tomb, but it was deliberately set by the system as a scene of destruction, leaving only a coffin here quietly.

If you are a general lying in a coffin, I am afraid that you will wake up angrily from your sleep and kill all the guys who desecrate your body...


The blue light flashed, and Qing Binger had quickly returned from the top of the cliff, standing beside Mo Xie.

"What's the situation above?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"The tops of these two cliffs are all pools, and there are two waterfalls on the other side of the mountain." Qing Bing'er replied.

"Of course it is waterfalls and pools...Is the scale of the waterfall large?" Mo Xie asked again.

"There are two huge waterfalls and water pools. On the other side of the mountain is a rushing river, which can wash us all away." Qing Binger said.

"It's a pity that I can't go up and see..." Mo Xie was overjoyed.

"What's the matter? My divine power is now restored. It's just a trivial matter to take you up." Qing Bing'er stretched out her hand, grabbed Mo Xie's shoulder, and quickly jumped upward without waiting for his consent...


The lights and shadows flickered in front of him, and the huge force lifted Mo Xie's arm and rushed straight up, so scared that he almost exclaimed.

In less than two seconds, my feet stepped on the hard ground again, the mist was filled in front of my eyes, and a loud rumbling sound came from my ears. The momentum was extremely great...

When Mo Xie opened his eyes and looked at the situation in front of him, he was shocked by what he saw!

At this time, he and Qing Binger were standing between two mountain peaks on an extended platform.

The huge roar in my ears is the huge waterfall on the mountain peaks on both sides.

As if the two dragons were spitting water, the two ridges spewed huge columns of water toward the other side of the mountain, crashing to the foot of the mountain.

Mo Xie looked up and saw that between the two peaks on the other side, two waterfalls hanging in the air gathered together to form a large open pool.

With the help of the height of the terrain, the turbulent pool water rushed crazily downstream, forming a huge river with no end in sight!

What map is this?

Mo Xie looked at the vast map scene on the other side of the mountain in surprise. If he wanted to know the name of this map, unless he jumped off the cliff, the system would naturally pop up a prompt after entering the environment of the new map.

But the result of doing this will definitely be broken and broken, and then with the rushing river, I don’t know where to rush...

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