The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 696: Strong return

Just looking at the eyes of General Anode, Mo Xie knew very well in his heart that the mighty general who was so powerful and proud of the battlefield had finally returned!

Such an anode general can be compared with the great general Yanghui in Sunset City...

Only an anode general in this state can hope to help the human race against the protoss conspiracy!

"General, do you still recognize me?" Military doctor Lan Qing asked softly.

"My chief medical officer, how could I not recognize it, otherwise who will take care of the injuries of me and the soldiers." General anode said with a smile.

"General, you have finally recovered!" Military doctor Lan Qing was inexplicably excited, once again kneeled on one knee and saluted respectfully.

Puff and puff!

Suddenly, countless soldiers in the cave knelt to the ground.

"Get up all, the armor is in your body, none of us kneel, unless the moment we close our eyes!" the general anode shouted.

"Yes!" the soldiers answered neatly, standing upright like a javelin.

"Little brother, although the general's eyes were dim when he was seriously injured, and his head was not so good, he still has a good vision and didn't miss you!" The anode general strode to Mo Xie, raised his palm-like palm, and patted him again. On his shoulders, he almost made him squat with a grin.

"Now that the general is healed, it's time to show the traitors some color!" the general shouted coldly.

"Respectfully obey the general's order, I will swear to the death!" All the soldiers shouted excitedly.

"The military doctor ordered you to quickly treat all the wounded soldiers. I will lead them back to Sunset City and avenge our dead brothers!" General anode shouted.

"Yes." Military doctor Lan Qing nodded excitedly, turned and sat on the ground, and began to refine the pill again.

Now Mo Xie understood that the golden pill made by the military doctor just now was the kind of healing potion recorded in the catalog, but it was just the addition of the golden orchid material.

It can be seen that the elixir recorded in the Jindan catalog will be a valuable asset in the future!

The military doctor kept refining the pill and handed it to the wounded soldiers waiting in line. Mo Xie and the players were watching. Apart from him, the first time they saw such a magical plot, the other players were amazed.

"All the core teams have entered the cave?" Mo Xie asked.

"Almost all have come in, and there are some other tasks. Come in with the boss later." Mo Xiaoyuan replied.

"Very well, I plan to give you a new task, but I want to stay at the entrance of the cave, what do you think?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"What task, as long as it is exciting enough, I don't have to say." Mo Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

"It's absolutely exciting. I want you to be the commander-in-chief of the outlying army. All the nine sub-groups will be dispatched by you." Moxie said.

He had long wanted to arrange a trustworthy person to command the nine legions with hidden eyeliners outside, but after thinking about it, the only candidates qualified for this task were the partners of the core management.

The goddesses had no experience in large-scale tasks and were excluded by Mo Xie. Mo Xiaoyu had too many responsibilities. This time was the busiest period of financial expenditure, and he was constantly offline to handle work, so he was not competent.

In the end, there were only three candidates left, namely himself, and Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan.

But Mo Xie had to take charge of the overall situation, and Mo Xiaolang had to execute various orders, and he had to be in charge of the mountain cave, so only Mo Xiaoyuan was left.

"What, I'm going to be the commander of the outer legion?" Mo Xiaoyuan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, only you are suitable. Don't underestimate this commander. Although the outer army is not very reliable, in my plan, whether it can fight the arrogant alliance in the end depends on the role of the outer army and your mission. Very important!" Mo Xie said sternly.

"As long as it's good for the tribe, you can do whatever you want me to do. What is the specific task?" Mo Xiaoyuan nodded simply.

"The task is not in a hurry, I will tell you in private." Mo Xie smiled mysteriously.

"Well, I'll accept instructions at any time." Mo Xiaoyuan is already very familiar with this little guy. From the familiar smile on his face, he knows that the other party has some magical thoughts.

And every time Moxie's whimsical thoughts actually made them taste a lot of benefits...

Looking at the cave, there were a large number of wounded soldiers waiting to receive treatment. Mo Xie and the players exited the cave, allowing the elves to watch the situation and notify him after the treatment is over.

A group of people came to the nearby cave and met with the team that was leveling. After joining the tribal army, they began to enjoy a steady stream of experience points...

When the time came to 21:34 in the evening, an elven tribe ran up quickly, indicating that the treatment in the cave had come to an end.

Mo Xie turned and led a group of commanders into the cave hurriedly, and saw a large swath of soldiers' spirits in front of him. The blood bars on the top of his head were all full, and the colors were significantly different from before.

Their injuries recovered, and their restricted strength returned to their original level, almost the same as the Golden Guards in the main city.

However, there was another wounded soldier standing there, and military doctor Lan Qing seemed to have no cure.

And this soldier is the veteran...

"Don't be sad, only the old brother's injury can't be healed, and I really can't do anything." Military doctor Lan Qing said helplessly.

"It's okay, as long as I keep this life and see the general recover again, I am also satisfied." The veteran smiled indifferently.

"No, you have paid so much for me, and you have to help you recover from your injury anyway." General anode said with a frown.

"What is the situation that he cannot be treated?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"His injury is more serious than that of others. The most important thing is that he was attacked by the Protoss in order to protect the documents, and his meridians have been damaged all over his body. I can only save his life and cannot restore his spiritual power." Military doctor Lan Qing said.

"Can't recover spiritual power?" Mo Xie glanced at the veteran. His strength is in the entire NPC legion, and should currently be second only to the combat effectiveness of the general.

Judging from the broken armor on the veteran, his rank should be the rank of captain, which is second only to the rank of ordinary generals, and is the so-called chief officer.

Such a powerful NPC cannot be cured, which is a huge loss.

"As long as I help him restore his spiritual power, can his injury be completely healed?" Mo Xie asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, his aura has been exhausted and he cannot recover by himself, so Jin but also has no effect on him." Military doctor Lan Qing nodded.

"It's not easy to restore spiritual power, unless he regains his strength from today, but after the meridians are damaged, it will be very slow to recover as before, at least more than ten years." General Yang sighed and couldn't bear it. Said.

"How difficult is this, I can help him." Mo Xie already understood the situation, opened the package with a smile, and took out the last remaining spiritual vein spar.

In order to save people, he can't care much now.

You know, this spar was reserved for the purpose of summoning the spirit beast. It seems that the spirit beast can only continue to rest in the space temporarily...

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