The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 699: Dragon Girl's Wish

A group of people were very excited by the latest news revealed by Mo Xie. The original worry has finally disappeared.

"Xiao Mo, how do you plan to use this secret?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I'm going to let Brother Xiao Yuan take charge of this matter. Their outer legions can help us complete this plan." Mo Xie smiled.

"What do you mean, our main legion attracts the arrogant alliance's large forces, wait until the best time, immediately activate the killer move, and bury them all in this map?" Mo Xiaolang thought about Mo Xie's proposal.

"Yes, this plan does not need to be known to the outer legions. Even if we distribute them everywhere, the eyeliner doesn't know what we are going to do. Moreover, with the strength of the outer legions, Luo Feng will not take it seriously. An elite army will be sent to hunt down." Mo Xie said.

"Let the outer legions fight with the arrogant alliance on the map, wait time to get to the place we need, and then give them a fatal blow... This method is good, I think it is feasible." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

"We don't understand, you two think it's OK." Lianna said.

"That Xiaoyuan has a very heavy mission this time. You lead the outlying legions scattered everywhere. You must not only save yourself, but also arrive at key areas on time, and be careful of the enemy's eyeliner." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, and no one will know what we are going to do." Mo Xiaoyuan said, patting his chest.

"I will go to the General Tomb and see it again in a while. You will now spread out to various parts of the Iron Mirror Mountain Range and look at the key areas mentioned by the General." Moxie said.

"Understand, we disperse and be careful of the tail." Mo Xiaolang nodded and warned.

"I know." Everyone immediately turned around and followed Mo Xiaolang towards the cave entrance.

Mo Xie quickly used the City Return Scroll alone and appeared in the main city's teleportation array.

Anyway, he was online tonight for a long time. Facing the eyeliner staring behind him, he wandered around the city unhurriedly, and finally ran into the crowded commercial plaza, and disappeared without a trace after a few laps.

When a few eyeliners got the news from the spies who had been guarding for a long time at the city gate, Mo Xie had already rushed out of the city gate and entered the vast field map.

Anyway, he was about to turn his face, he didn't care about playing these tails a few more times.

But what Mo Xie didn't expect was that these eyeliners dared not report the matter of losing him. So far, Luo Feng didn't know the situation.

Running fast all the way, Mo Xie kept moving forward in the direction of the Dragon Mountain Range.

More than half an hour later, he has once again returned to the periphery of the General Tomb map where the core army of the arrogant alliance got together and leveled.

Far away, he had already jumped off his mount, hidden in a small forest, and quickly summoned Qing Binger out.

After a while, the huge Shenlong body soared into the sky, carrying Mo Xie into the night sky, flying to a very high altitude from the ground, Shenlong quietly hid in a patch of clouds, and sneaked into the general tomb above Mo Xie's request... …

When the dragon fell quickly, when Mo Xie stepped on the top of the ridge again, a huge white mist enveloped him. When he came here at night, he couldn't see the ground.

The rumbling sound of running water kept ringing in his ears, and in just a few seconds, his clothes had been completely wetted by the water mist.

The blue light flickered, and the humanoid Qing Binger descended from the sky.

"Binger, you must do me a favor this time." Mo Xie said.

"What's the matter? Tell me, I see if it can be done." Qing Binger asked curiously.

"I want you to help me temporarily change the direction of the two water columns here and drop them to this side. Do you have a way?" Mo Xie asked nervously.

"You said these two waterfalls..." Qing Bing'er turned her head and glanced carefully.

"You don't need to change the situation of the waterfall. You only need to change the falling direction of the two water columns and block the valley mouth. The longer the time, the better." Mo Xie quickly told her his thoughts.

"If you just change the direction of the water column, it doesn't seem to be difficult." Qing Binger replied thoughtfully.

"Really, can you try it?" Mo Xie was overjoyed, wondering what method this magical dragon girl would use to change.

"I just need to change back to the dragon body, and block the sides of the water hole with the head and the tail. Maybe they can change the direction of the flow, but the water flow is too strong. I have to try it before I know how long it lasts." Qing Binger said .

"Good idea, then you should try it out." Mo Xie urged with bright eyes.

"Wait, what good is it for me to help you?" Qing Binger asked with a smile while blinking her beautiful eyes.

"This...just say, what conditions do you need? I will definitely not regret what I can do." Mo Xie was anxious to fight the boss tomorrow night, and now he can only obediently submit to whatever conditions.

"Let me think about it, what conditions should I make now?" Qing Bing'er tilted her head, as if she was talking about how to do it.

Mo Xie had nothing to do now. The Dragon Girl was originally in a temporary contract with him, and he couldn't give orders, and he couldn't offend this little ancestor, lest she would get angry and things would be out of control.

"It's a pity that I don't need anything now, what can I do?" Qing Binger seemed extremely distressed.

"Or, owe it first, OK, you think about it before you mention it." Mo Xie reminded silently.

"That's okay, now I don't have anything I want, then in the future, if I have a wish, you must do it." Qing Binger's eyes lit up and smiled and warned.

"It's okay, but I'm going ahead. I'm just experimenting to see if the water flow can be changed. If it succeeds, you will help me tomorrow to move the water column to the valley mouth as long as possible," Moxie said.

"Okay, then remember, you still owe me a wish." Qing Bing'er nodded, her body flashed with blue light, and a huge ice blue dragon appeared again.

The dragon hovered and danced in the air, and quickly stretched out its huge body on the ridge, and landed slowly in a straight line, with its head resting on the side of the water column on the left ridge, and the tail just falling on the edge of the water column on the right.

When she slowly approached the water column, there were two muffled bangs, and the huge water curtain suddenly flew all over the sky, almost shooting Mo Xie directly off the cliff!

Fortunately, he had been prepared, and he quickly bent down and squatted there. The short man finally exerted an excellent effect. Two huge water jets swept over his head, swiping and changing directions, and hurriedly toward the side of the general's grave. And down...

Two water columns floated down from the air, forming two huge water curtains, which immediately impacted on the edge of the triangular valley, like a big river bursting its bank, and the water waves suddenly rushed outward...

No one could approach such a fierce water wave, which made Mo Xie ecstatic!

If this effect can be maintained for a long time, then tomorrow night's plan can really be realized...

"Enough is enough, come back soon." Mo Xie was afraid of alarming the arrogant Alliance players on the map, and quickly called Qing Binger.

The blue light flashed, the water curtain flew across, the water column returned to normal, and the slender figure of the dragon girl landed in front of Mo Xie again.

"This thing is very simple, how long do you want me to stay there, it will be too boring for a long time." Qing Binger asked with a smile.

"It doesn't take long, just a few hours." Mo Xie pleaded excitedly.

"That's pretty much the same." Qing Binger nodded in satisfaction.

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