The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 801: Gold Heavy Shield

Seeing the appearance of the golden treasure box again, all the commanders and surviving players were extremely excited, but were afraid of the large swaths of poisonous smoke in the square, and did not dare to come forward easily for the time being.

"Check, how many brothers have you killed?" Moxie said.

"The sub-groups are making statistics. Xiao Mo doesn't have to worry too much. He will be killed. He will only lose some experience points and will not lose the level. The equipment exploded by the brothers is also obtained by our own people and can be returned in a while. They." Mo Xiaolang comforted.

"Brothers who died, everyone will be rewarded with 100 Alliance Points." Moxie said.

"No problem, I will distribute it to them when the statistics are over." Mo Xiaolang smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Ma Da, Long live Ma Da!"

In an instant, the voice of surprise in the Alliance Channel continued to sound, and the players who had just been resurrected heard this exciting news in the main city.

You must know that alliance points are not something that you can get casually. Even people in the God Realm Alliance have to rely on the usual completion of alliance tasks and various orders to get some points.

And these alliance points can allow players to redeem various top-quality equipment from the alliance warehouse, or directly exchange points into gold coins, which is also not a small income...

100 league points are equivalent to 1,000 Oceans’ income, no wonder they are so excited.

And Mo Xie’s purpose in doing this is to inspire those brothers who died, and to let everyone in the alliance understand that as long as they fight to the death in the battle, they can get corresponding rewards and will never treat anyone wrongly. No one will suffer.

Of course, Mo Xiaolang understood Mo Xie's thoughts, so he did not hesitate to follow his request and immediately added 100 points to the points accounts of the players who had died.

During this period of time, the poisonous smoke on the square gradually dissipated, and the players' bodies gradually disappeared. In the center of a large open space, a huge golden light group appeared in front...

In the golden light group, a golden treasure chest was dazzling, and immediately attracted everyone's eyes firmly.

Countless players gathered around, watching Mo Xie lead several core commanders, striding towards the location of the golden treasure chest...

All players understand that the gold treasure chest is currently the top reward. Open the gold treasure chest and you can get at least five top-quality items, and there is a certain chance to get god-level items that exceed the gold quality!

Up to the current position, I haven't heard of anyone who has won God-level equipment rewards in the entire unfinished period. Could it be that today, God-level equipment will come out?

All the players beamed with excitement, watching a group of bosses walk to the treasure chest.

"Brothers, let's make a bet, who the bosses will send to open the treasure chest, hurry up to bet."

"Attention, I'm definitely betting Sister Na, whichever time she picks up equipment is not Sister Na first, no one dares to fight with her! I will buy Sister Na for 500 gold coins!"

"Come on, Sister Na is great, that was when Mo Da was not there, now Mo Da is on the scene, Sister Na definitely has no chance, I bet Mo Da out of the box 800 gold coins!"

"Brother, don't you understand? Although Mo Da is the boss, he is also a man. How can he fight with beautiful women? I heard that Mo Da cares about Hong sister the most. I guess it must be Hong sister to open the treasure box. I bet Sister Hong 500 gold coins."

"Don't say anything, I think Sister Jiao has the best character. The bosses will definitely let her open the treasure chest. I bet Sister Jiao 500 gold coins..."

A large group of players had nothing to do, and they started betting on who opened the treasure chest.

Mo Xie brought a few teammates to the golden treasure chest.

"Xiao Mo, you should go ahead. Look at those guys who are buying us who opened the treasure chest and bet. There are so few who choose you. This time they lose them." Lianna said with a smile.

It’s so lively on the Alliance Channel, they all see it...

"That's not right, I found that Brother Wolf buys the least, what is going on?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"You have to ask, the boss is a well-known strict wife, who would buy him." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

His words immediately caused a chuckle of the beauties, and Mo Xiaoyu's jade face immediately turned red.

"Boy, you don't know if you are not married. When you get married, you will be worse than me." Mo Xiaolang smiled indifferently.

"Their betting won't affect us to open the treasure chest. This time, Xiao Mo will go. The lucky points should still work. At least we are more confident to open the best items than us." Li Hong said thinking.

"I think so too. The last time the golden treasure chest was opened by Xiao Mo, but that treasure chest limited the types of props. This time, the chances are more." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Understood, let me go." Mo Xie glanced at the shrinking Lianna, knowing that no one dares to bear such a lot of pressure and can only do it by himself.

Under the gaze of a group of teammates and countless players, Mo Xie walked up to the treasure chest alone.

Cheers immediately resounded through the player group, and those players who bought the Treasure Box of Great Opening were even more excited...

They were busy collecting huge betting bonuses, and other players focused all their attention on Mo Xie, looking forward to what kind of baby he could produce...

Standing in front of the treasure chest, Mo Xie also took a sigh of relief. After trying to calm down, he stretched out his hand through the golden light ball and touched the edge of the lid...


A crisp sound sounded, the huge treasure chest slowly opened, and the box covered with golden light was like the last time, it was impossible to see what was inside.

Mo Xie bent down and stretched his palm into the light ball. A cold prop was immediately touched by him.

what is this?

He didn't easily give out the reward directly, but carefully felt the appearance of this item with his hands...

This is a square prop. The surface is flat, but it seems to be carved with strange patterns and the tentacles are a bit strange.

You know, the props in the treasure chest are just a miniature version of the appearance of the props. Only after taking out the treasure chest can you know its specific size.

But Mo Xie already felt that the first item he touched was obviously a shield-like appearance. It might be the shield weapon of a shield warrior...

If it were a shield weapon, Mo Xie would be quite satisfied, after all, there was only Mo Xiaolang a shield warrior in the core team.

And the existence of the shield warrior is equivalent to the thigh of a team, without a strong thigh in front of it, even if it encounters something that can be killed, it can only choose to give up because of the unbearable attack.

But if there is a strong top in front, other teammates don't have to worry about encountering danger, they only need to continuously output firepower. This is the greatest support of a strong shield fighter for the team.

Although Mo Xie was very satisfied with this shield, he didn't know what the quality of the shield was. In case of a green and blue shield, it would be a big loss...

Do you want it?

Mo Xie looked back at Mo Xiaolang behind him, and decided to take another risk.

"What's wrong, what do you think of me?" Mo Xiaolang asked puzzled.

"I found a shield-like prop, I decided to take it out." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Shield?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up, obviously looking forward to it.

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