The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 804: Ownership

After opening the treasure chest three times in a row, Mo Xie unexpectedly touched two pieces of gold equipment and a sub-artifact tool. Such good luck made everyone feel incredible.

Now they understand that the treasure chest exploded by the golden commander is indeed a very powerful treasure, and you can draw a lot of top products at random.

You must know that the strength of the golden commander is not something the current players can contend. If it weren't for the orc army to attack the city and let them kill each other and consume more than 90 HP, I am afraid no one can handle this guy.

Crossing the level of difficulty, it is the first time that the golden leader has died, which may be the reason for this explosion of luck.

"This sacred mine hoe, given to Brother Zhao and the others, can also help us train more senior miners in the office in a short time." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Okay, let them use it temporarily, we can call it back anytime when we need it." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Great, with this mining hoe, I guarantee that our mining efficiency can exceed the speed of other guilds more than twice!" Zhao Ge said in surprise when he got the news.

"Use this mine **** well to maximize its efficiency." Mo Xie opened the mailbox with a smile and directly sent this sub-sacred artifact mine **** to the other party's email.

You know, with this mining hoe, the life team of the God Realm League can quickly cultivate more senior miners, even veteran miners, which will be a very big contribution to future resource collection. !

It is because of the early appearance of this sub-sacred artifact mine **** that the strength of the God Realm League has been developed, and it has been accelerated by a leap since then. This is something that Mo Xie and the commanders did not expect now...

After sending the mine **** away, everyone's eyes focused on Mo Xie again, expecting him to gain something new.

The golden treasure chest can be issued at least 5 to 7 rewards, and only then three have appeared, and there are at least two more rewards worth looking forward to...

Mo Xie also turned around and walked to the treasure chest again.

He stretched his hand into the golden light group, and soon reaped the reward, and a book-like prop entered his hand.

Mo Xie frowned. The book-like props knew very well in his mind that it was either a skill book manufacturing atlas or an architectural atlas. Such Tao has extraordinary value, but some are worthless. If you want to get the best, Can only rely on luck.

But the book props that appear in the golden treasure chest, logically speaking, are not ordinary atlases.

Summarizing the experience of the previous three lottery draws, he decided not to change it. He would take whatever the system gave it. If he was lucky, it would depend on the system's failure...

He immediately retracted his hand when he thought of it, and quickly took out the album he had touched from the treasure chest.

Seeing that Mo Xie had already moved, all the commanders suddenly gathered around and looked at the golden scroll in his hand.

"Wow, it's golden again?"

"Golden book, what is this?"

"Look at the name..."

A group of teammates looked at the booklet wrapped in golden light in surprise, and couldn't wait to know its purpose...

Even Mo Xie was stunned by his hand. The four shots were all items of gold quality or higher. This treasure chest is indeed incredible!

He hurriedly looked at the name of the golden album in his hand, and his eyes suddenly sparkled...

Great Wall of Great Wall Wanli Chang: A perfect architectural atlas. After using it, you can obtain the building permit for making the Great Wall. After spending a lot of money and materials, you can build connected walls on the map of the territory to protect the territory from infringement. The unique construction atlas will disappear immediately after use.

Note: Once the atlas is used, the construction of the building must be completed within the specified time. Once the construction time is exceeded, the construction will be stopped immediately.

"Isn't it, the system is such a spoof, has the Great Wall of China been created?" Zhou Jianing asked in surprise.

"What kind of atlas is this, can you really build the Great Wall?" Lianna blinked excitedly.

"This should be a defensive building map, can you build a circle of defensive walls around the territory's location map, right?" Mo Xiaoyuan said puzzledly.

"It's almost like this, but the system also has limitations. After the atlas is used, there will be construction time. You must prepare enough funds and materials within the limited construction time to make the Great Wall longer and longer..." Mo Xiao The wolf said thoughtfully.

"That said, this is a very good baby!" Li Hong's surprised eyes sparkled. As one of the three persons in charge of this territory construction, she has become more and more fond of this virtual territory construction. The gameplay is also very concerned about this type of architectural map.

"On the map where the territory is located, an uninterrupted wall can be built within a limited time. In other words, we can designate a location at will to build the Great Wall, and protect the entire territory within the defenses of the Great Wall. But unfortunately, this is The uniqueness construction map will disappear after use." Mo Xiaoyu reminded.

"Understood, this Great Wall production map cannot be easily used at present." Mo Xie looked at the golden atlas in his hand and already knew its precious value...

With the existence of this map, it is like enclosing the land, and the scope of the generals is unlimitedly expanded, as long as it does not exceed the map range.

Such a baby can't be used casually, and it must be reserved until a critical moment in the future to be used.

"Save the map, we can use it in the future to plan the development of our territory, but it is not needed now." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"He who knows me, too, Brother Wolf." Mo Xie and him looked at each other, and both sides understood.

Putting the atlas into the package, Mo Xie turned around and opened the treasure chest for the fifth time...

Just after reaching into the golden light group, new props appeared again.

In the fifth lottery draw, Mo Xie felt a soft texture, like a woman's dress-like prop, and couldn't help but move.

According to the equipment settings of the system, the equipment of ordinary players is not divided between men and women. The same mage robe, worn by male players is a gorgeous cloak, and when worn on female players, it becomes a beautiful skirt. put.

And the prop he touched this time was obviously a long dress worn by a woman, which is really inexplicable.

But judging from the gender of the props, this long skirt is definitely not a common product!

No matter, take it out and have a look...

For the fifth time, Mo Xie did not replace the props, and took out his hand directly from the treasure chest. A red gauze skirt with red light suddenly appeared in the eyes of countless surprised players...

The scarlet gauze skirt with red light seems to be shining with a faint flame in the sun, it looks very strange!

"Skirt...sacred long skirt!" Lianna and a group of beautiful women had their mouths open in surprise.

At the same time when Mo Xie found out the fifth item, the huge golden treasure chest was shining brightly, and suddenly disappeared without a trace!

After taking out the five rewards, the golden treasure chest finally disappeared, which meant that the lottery was all over.

Although there are only five chances to draw, for players, it is already very satisfying.

Five rewards, three golds and two artifacts, this is a result that everyone did not expect at all.

They couldn't help feeling very shocked by the gold reward, and they also expressed their adoration for Mo Xie's hand.

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