The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 818: Advanced map rules

The God Realm League made such a big movement, and at the same time it alarmed countless ordinary players who were leveling around God Realm Town.

"What are they doing? Is there another big deal?" A player turned his head and watched the dark crowd outside the city rushing wildly, asking curiously.

"Who knows, the God Realm League is developing so fast, there are so many people at once!" another player said in surprise.

"What's this? I first went to God Realm Town. These players are only one-third of them, and there are more people." A player pouted and said disdainfully.

"People recruit so many people, why don't they recruit you?" Another player deliberately angered him.

"There is no way, we are too lazy, the level is too low and people look down on it, but you guys will wait with me, and wait until my brother's great cause of leveling is completed, you must join the God Realm League again." The player said with his fist waving.

"Cut." A group of people didn't bother to pay attention to him, and quickly went to clean up the blame.

They all wanted to join the God Realm League, but it was a pity that they were too late. The recruitment conditions of others were very strict, and they could only continue to level up frantically to see if there was any chance to join this rapidly developing emerging guild...

Looking at people's large forces moving at every turn, it must be a large-scale event. These ordinary players are envious and can only find ways to improve their strength and then look for opportunities to join.

The rumbling hooves faded away and disappeared at the end of the map...

Mo Xie was already standing on the edge of the grassland. The ground ten meters in front was already filled with yellow sand. At the end of his vision, there were countless sand dunes, and the howling wind came out on his face...

"Mo Da, there is a desert of quicksand in front of me. I once took a team of brothers in to explore, but unfortunately, after walking 500 meters, I encountered a quicksand trap. The whole team of brothers died..." God Realm Dragon Soul sighed.

"There are traps and monster spawning areas everywhere, everyone be careful." Mo Xie immediately issued a warning in the Alliance Channel.

He first walked forward and slowly walked into the sandy desert boundary.

Ding...System: Warning! Players are not sad, you are entering the quicksand desert of level 50 elite map. Since your level is low, please come and explore after reaching level 50!

The familiar warning notice appeared again, Mo Xie waved his hand and bounced off, and immediately jumped off his mount.

According to the information of this map, if players enter the desert by riding a ride, they are committing suicide!

Because the mount is too big, it is easier to trigger quicksand traps...

You should know that the quicksand desert is named after the quicksand traps. The quicksand here is not fixed in one place, but randomly appears everywhere. If you are unlucky, you may die!

Many brothers only understood the peculiar setting here after paying the price of hanging up once, and mastered a way to avoid quicksand.

But this method is even more terrible, because only the area where the monster refresh area is located will not be attacked by quicksand...

And now the level of players, who dared to easily rush into the elite monster refresh area, is exactly the same as falling into a quicksand trap.

Therefore, he came with so many player teams this time, otherwise it would be difficult to move at all.

Judging from the special settings of the 50-level map, the system deliberately increased the difficulty of map exploration by countless times, and prevented some idle players from wandering around without leveling all day, preventing them from going to more advanced map environments.

The system tells players that if the strength is not enough, it is best to stay in the map near the main city to level up and improve their strength. Advanced maps are not so easy to pass through...

Walking into the long yellow sand scene, the warning prompt jumped out in front of each player at the same time, and everyone's face became dignified.

What they are facing now is not a large group of monsters rushing forward, but dangerous quicksand that may appear under their feet at any time. As long as this kind of quicksand appears, nearby large groups of players will immediately be trapped and unable to extricate themselves, and it is difficult for people nearby to help. busy.

"Open the package, take out the wood, and discard it everywhere." Mo Xie glanced at the large desert around him, and immediately issued the first order.

This was also the first method he and Mo Xiaolang came up with to deal with the quicksand after learning about the situation here, as long as they discarded a large piece of wood on the sand, in case they encountered quicksand, they could give an early warning.

But how can he fight quicksand? He hasn't seen quicksand appear several times, so he can't come up with a solution, so he can only take one step at a time.

Under his order, the players of the God Realm League immediately exhaled the package, and while walking forward in small steps, while discarding the wood, they walked through the desert for tens of meters, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of wood.

After a while, Mo Xie was the first to enter the big map of the quicksand desert. The golden sand dunes in front were shining with golden light in the sun, and the sand under the feet overflowed the back of the feet.

His current position is already on a **** in the desert, with a sloping sand **** in front of him. Washing down the sand **** is equivalent to officially entering the quicksand desert!

In the large golden desert ahead, clusters of dense black spots are clearly visible, forming a large horizontal black scene in front of the players.

"Great, there is the level 51 elite monster refresh area, all of them are desert poisonous scorpions. Each poisonous scorpion is bigger than us." God Realm Dragon Soul introduced.

"Are they attack types?" Mo Xie asked immediately.

"It's all magic attacks, medium and long-range venom spray skills, which cause magical damage, but also make the opponent into a poisoned state." God Realm Dragon Soul replied in detail.

"Magic attack, poisonous state..." Mo Xie frowned. The last thing he wanted to encounter was this type of monster.

Especially large-scale team spawning monsters, no one wants to fight against this kind of monster, because the opponent's poison skills will consume a lot of life, which is equal to a lot of red bottles.

Team leveling is of course the most cost-effective without consuming potions. This kind of monster is not suitable for leveling.

"Which way can I find the second type of monster? What type are they?" Mo Xie asked.

"This...very big, the entire outskirts of the quicksand desert are all these sand scorpion monsters. We can't get through in the distance, so..." God Realm Dragon Soul said embarrassedly.

"I understand. The large troops are on standby. Be careful of the surrounding ground. I will first check the situation." Mo Xie knew that there is too little information on this map. Dangerous environment.

Therefore, he intends to summon the dragon girl out and look at the map from the sky...

Anyway, it is not to let the dragon girl help in the fight, and it will not violate the contract conditions between the two.

As long as he could use the link, Mo Xie would never let go, but this time, his thoughts seemed to be in trouble.

Qing Binger was summoned in his heart, a blue light flashed in front of him, and the tall and beautiful figure appeared in front of Mo Xie.

"What the **** is this?" As soon as Qing Binger appeared from the blue beam of light, she was frowned by the surrounding environment, as if she was very dissatisfied with the current situation.

"Binger, take me to the sky and check the surrounding situation." Mo Xie immediately asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. I just sensed that this seems to be a cursed area. I can't change back to the form of the dragon **** in this environment." Qing Binger looked at the endless yellow sand around her, and said in surprise. .

"Under what circumstances, even you can't turn back into a dragon body?" Mo Xie finally became nervous.

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