The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 835: The location of the maze

The anode general looked at his hands in surprise, the sheepskin scrolls were scattered, and a dazzling light rushed into the air from the scrolls, and a strange map appeared.

It is also a holographic three-dimensional projection map...

In the halo, there are continuous sand dunes and high ridge-like sandy land crisscrossing each other. The scene seen on the entire map is a desolate scene deep in the desert.

Mo Xie looked at this projected map excitedly, and knew in his heart that the so-called Jinsha Digong was hidden in the desert of quicksand...

No wonder the system will set it as an elite map, which really hides a lot of valuable resources!

The dune area of ​​this projection map is a desert terrain that Mo Xie has not seen.

But at the moment when everyone's eyes gathered on the projection map, this map actually moved slowly like a movie!

The scene slowly moved from left to right, and as the sand dunes dangled in front of him, a more surprising situation entered Mo Xie's eyes...

Fonts started to appear on the map!

I saw the map moved, and in the dunes that appeared afterwards, black or red stones were hidden inside or under the dunes, and there were font standards on the top of the dunes...

Ferromagnetic veins!

Flame crystal mine!

Ordinary veins!

Wherever there are minerals in the sand dunes, there are rows of small font descriptions, which makes Mo Xie extremely happy!

On such a large desert map, it seems that no grass grows on the surface, and every place is filled with yellow sand scenes, so that players know that there may be more than one precious mineral vein hidden in this map, but they don’t know where to start. Where to start exploring.

But now, this treasure map not only marks the route to find the underground palace, but also clearly marked all the veins along the way!

Even if there is no Jinsha Digong, the treasure map itself is already a very rare treasure!

Mo Xie was very excited. He didn't know the refresh time of the mirages after death, but there were only 100 mirages in the entire quicksand desert at the same time. After the players killed them all, they could only get 9 copies of the complete possession. The treasure map shows the preciousness of these treasure maps.

If the mirage's death refresh time is longer, the number of treasure maps will be even scarcer...


Just as Mo Xie was thinking about it in surprise, the projection map kept shaking, finally frozen in front of a huge sandy mountain!

This sandy hill is very tall, and it seems that it is several times higher than the nearby sand dunes at a glance, which is a height of thousands of meters!

However, this sand mountain is not marked with any fonts. The image just freezes for a few seconds. After a few seconds, the halo flashes, the projection image disappears without a trace, and the sheepskin scroll in the hands of the anode general also disappears into white light...


Is this kind of treasure map or a consumable item?

Mo Xie watched the scroll disappear in surprise, and his heart was even more shocked...

If the Treasure Scroll is a consumable item, you should use it with caution in the future, otherwise the mine location and the entrance to the underground palace will never be seen again.

If the treasure map is so precious, Mo Xie even suspects that after the mirages are killed, they will never appear again...

In other words, the 9 treasure maps are all the clues left to the player by the system, and there will never be one more!

"Don't worry, young man, if you can find the location of the Golden Sands Palace, we will definitely go and help you figure out everything." General Anode stared blankly at the disappearing props, and said in surprise.

"The mechanism inside should be set up by the elven ancestors. By then, our elves should be able to help a little bit." The elven queen also nodded.

"Then thank you two, I will inform you again when that time comes." Mo Xie nodded, worried about the exploration in the desert, and hurryed to leave and prepare to leave...

"I want to go too, it's so boring to be bored here," Qing Binger said.

"Master En Gong, take me, I also want to go out and have a look." Princess Zixin unexpectedly asked.

"This..." Mo Xie looked at the Elf Queen, wondering if he should agree.

"Master En Gong, take Xin'er out to see, as long as she is safe." The Elf Queen smiled.

"Okay, you all come with me." Mo Xie thought for a while, anyway, it's a big army operation, it doesn't matter if you bring them, by the way, you can have a good relationship with them and use their power to help a lot.

However, he also knows that the system's restrictions are very strict, unless the players facing enemies are similar in strength, the restriction rules that help players fight will be lifted.

Now, even if the anode general and the elven queen are willing to help themselves, they can't participate in many battles and can only watch from the side.

With two beauties, Mo Xie hurriedly left the hall.

Qing Binger would take the dragon body and rush to the sky with the two of them, and soon rushed across the grassland above the territory and outside the city, and landed on the edge of the desert.

The limitations of the elite map prevent the Dragon Girl from continuing to fly and can only be sent here.

Mo Xie recruited the mount, and when he was still worrying about how to take the two beauties forward together, Qing Binger and Princess Zixin smiled at each other, and the graceful figure jumped up at the same time, sitting directly behind Mo Xie.

The three of them rode together and quickly rushed towards the long yellow sand.

This time, Mo Xie didn't worry about the danger of quicksand. After all, there were two masters sitting behind him, and he could detect the surrounding situation at any time.

In a fast gallop, he rushed through the sand slopes and the vast yellow sand plains, and continued to rush forward toward the map that the legion had explored on the left. Soon at the far end of the desert, he saw a black and overwhelming team of players.

When Mo Xie urged his mount to chase behind the players, a large group of players from the God Realm League had already been surprised by the appearance of two beautiful women.

"Boss, how did you bring them?" God Realm Dragon Soul asked excitedly.

"Bring you a companion, so that the journey won't be boring." Mo Xie smiled and explained all the situation in the command channel...

"What... the underground palace where the Protoss weapons are hidden! Then why are we looking for it?" Lianna said in surprise.

"Even the general and the queen said that it was a weapon that the human race couldn't use, and it was useless if we found it." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"You got it wrong. That means it can't be used, but the players can't use it without saying that the specific situation will be understood when we find it." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"I am also the idea of ​​Brother Wolf. Weapons that the human race cannot control, can't the players also do it? Can you wait to find it and see, if it is really unusable, it will be dismantled or destroyed directly, and the Protoss will never be given any opportunity." Smiled.

"We still find those mines quickly according to the situation of the treasure map, and then make careful annotations. It would be bad if there is no treasure map in the future."

Li Hong reminded.

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