The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 837: Endless desert

The exploration routes of the two legions on the left and the middle have been proved to be not the correct route for the treasure map. Only the right legion led by Li Hong is the true treasure hunt route.

But Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang did not give up to continue exploring the map, but led the large forces all the way to the end of the map...

The Moxie Corps on the left is now struggling to climb the sandy hills. The high sandy hills are full of yellow sand. The players have worked hard to climb to the half-hill slope. If they are not careful, they will fall off the hillside. The players The laughter resounded throughout the desert map.

The Mo Little Wolf Legion faced the desert plains of Pingchuan River. Except for the occasional monster spawning area, all that could be seen was the long yellow sand.

After half an hour of continued exploration, Li Hong finally heard good news...

"Xiao Mo, Brother Wolf, we have found a lot of mines here. Those high hills are just covered with a thick layer of yellow sand. The entire interior is actually a layer of rock. We found the entrance and found that inside It's really a mineral vein!" Li Hong said excitedly.

"We have found at least three different mineral veins. Would you like to come and have a look?" Lianna said excitedly.

"No, you continue to search for the mines and mark all the findings. Don't forget the entrance of the Golden Sands Underground Palace." Mo Xie reminded with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, you are very lucky, don't miss the mineral vein." Mo Xiaolang also reminded.

"Know, don't worry, you won't miss one." Li Hong replied with a smile.

There have been major discoveries over there, the poor left legion, the players are still struggling to climb the high sandy mountains, one after another, the sandy mountains seem to have no end, the players finally climbed up a ridge, and the front appeared again. Higher ridges await them.

Everyone was panting. They simply climbed to the top of the mountain and rested for a while, then quickly slid down the **** all the way, and then climbed another ridge...

Mo Xie was equally tired and couldn't stand it. Sitting on the ridge looking at the higher ridge ahead, his heart was numb.

Lian Qingbinger and Princess Zixin, who were originally interested in joining in to join in the fun, are now extremely depressed.

"What kind of ghost place is this? I climbed up one mountain and there was another mountain. If you know, I won't come." Qing Binger said silently.

"These mountains are so strange, why don't they seem to have an end?" Princess Zixin was also surprised.

"There can be no end, but Binger can't fly, otherwise the end of these ridges will be visible in the sky." Mo Xie smiled and comforted.

After taking a rest, Mo Xie once again led a large group to continue to climb these annoying ridges, climbed to the top of the mountain again and again, and then climbed the new ridge again...

His current situation is like when he first entered the underground barrier, the road ahead seemed endless and endless.

The same goes for the little wolf in the middle. The desert plains in front of him are endless, and they walk as if they will never reach the end. No matter how you speed up, there will always be a lot of yellow sand in front of you, and nothing new appears on the skyline. .

On the one hand, the more they climbed, the more speechless, the more they walked, the more speechless.

The two legions seemed to have walked into the endless desert. After nearly an hour passed, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang finally felt that the situation was a little bad.

"Xiao Mo, have you finished walking the map over there?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I'm still climbing the mountain. The ridges are always endless. I looked at the small map and basically didn't travel much distance in this hour." Mo Xie replied helplessly.

"It's the same with me, but I'm a desert plain here. After walking for an hour, the map feels like it doesn't move. This must be the hell." Mo Xiaolang said.

"There is something wrong with the situation, let my brothers take a break first, let's take a look at the situation." Mo Xie's heart tightened. He is a ridge. It is forgivable for him to stay still, but he still can't make an inch after taking the plain for a long time. Then it must be something.

"I think so too. The system doesn't know what other ghost settings are. I'll figure it out first before talking." Mo Xiaolang sighed.

"That's OK, I will investigate here too." Mo Xie nodded and immediately issued an order to stop all the players temporarily and stop moving forward.

Seeing the high yellow sand ridge in front of him, he finally felt something wrong in his heart.

Looking at the small map, the position of the large army remained within two-thirds of the map, leaving the last piece of shady, which could not be opened...

"Dragon soul, drag wildly, you two will take a part of your brothers separately and look at the situation along the sides of the ridge. It is best to find the end positions on both sides of the ridge." Mo Xie ordered.

"Yes." The two led thousands of brothers separately, moving towards both sides of the ridge separately.

When the two teams walked far away, Mo Xie still couldn't be sure, what trouble he had encountered now, this ridge walked on like this, I am afraid that he would not be able to walk for a lifetime.

"I'll just say that these ridges are weird, which caused us to walk for such a long time." Qing Binger grumbled angrily while sitting on the desert.

"Unfortunately you can't fly. If you could fly, you would have known what was going on here." Mo Xie smiled bitterly.

"But it doesn't look like a place where a barrier exists..." Qing Bing'er frowned and said suspiciously.

"Or, let me try it." Princess Zixin followed out for the first time when she encountered such a weird thing, she couldn't help being a little eager to try.

"Is there any way for your Royal Highness?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

"I just want to try, I can't guarantee to solve the mystery here." Princess Zixin shook her head and said.

"His Royal Highness just try, whether you succeed or fail, I won't blame you." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, let me try..." Princess Zixin walked to the ridge, stretched out her right hand, flipped her jade palm, and said something in her mouth: "Little Zi, come out!"


In an instant, the purple light group in front of Mo Xie's eyes was shining, and a group of purple halo suddenly appeared in the mid-air in front of Princess Zixin. As the halo dissipated, a pair of beautiful butterflies with the size of a palm and a beautiful purple pattern grew , Fluttering around her.

"This is..." Mo Xie didn't understand what this butterfly meant.

"It is my childhood friend and my contract elves. The high-level elves of the elves have a contract partner, and my mother and father also have one." Princess Zixin explained, waving her hand into the air...

I saw the purple butterfly rushing into the air quickly, flying towards the side of the ridge.

In front of Princess Zixin, a purple light group appeared again in the air, like a purple crystal ball, and pictures began to appear inside.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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