The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 839: Dream Mirror Lake

Then, Mo Xie also forced his eyes, and followed the army to start climbing.

It is really uncomfortable to force your eyes, especially when you close your eyes when you are moving forward, you always feel like you want to open your eyes at any time to see the road ahead, but fortunately this is desert terrain, except for the sandy mountains in front. For other settings, just climb to the top of the mountain with one mind, then slide down, and continue to crawl forward.

Along the way, the players yelled to each other, instructing their companions to climb all the way up, using their hands and feet to crawl up the tall sandy hills slowly...

"Damn, this feeling is really uncomfortable. I can't see the height of the mountain. How long will it take to climb to the top of the mountain."

"Me too, it feels weird, it's speechless."

"Go ahead, the brother in front has been shouting loudly, just follow the direction of the sound."

The crowded player team soon covered the entire hillside, like a swarm of ants, slowly gathering towards the top of the hill.

In the process of climbing, some players couldn't help but opened their eyes and took a sneak peek. They were surprised to find that the surrounding companions had disappeared without a trace. On the huge hillside, only a few black shadows were still there. Looking around in surprise...

"Brother, did you open your eyes?" a player in the distance asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't help but took a peek, where did everyone go?" the player asked suspiciously.

"Don't ask, all the people you see have their eyes open. We are already trapped in a phantom environment, and the large group is no longer in a map environment with us." A player said helplessly.

"Ah...then what shall we do?" The player just realized it.

Feelings He has fallen into a phantom illusion now, and all the people around him are guys who opened their eyes and fouled, and are now also trapped in the illusion...

"It's easy. Just slide down the hill and force your eyes to climb again. The boss has reminded you." A player sighed, sending his hands away, and his body slid down the sand **** to the far foot of the mountain.

"Let's go, let's be a company together, so as not to catch up with the big troops." Several players also gave up this climb, all slid towards the hillside.

In another environment, the black and heavy forces are still slowly climbing upwards, each with their eyes closed, crawling upwards, but in the large crowd of players, there is a faint light flashing every second. The light flashed, and the figure of a player disappeared...

This is because they couldn't help but opened their eyes, and were immediately removed from the real environment by the system, and fell into another phantom illusion...

Mo Xie lowered his head and closed his eyes as he climbed up, but he felt very uncomfortable every once in a while, and he wished to open his eyes and look around immediately.

This is because humans are accustomed to opening their eyes for activities. Once they close their eyes and are in motion, they will always be habitually affected, and they can't help but want to see the situation in front of them.

Trying to let himself overcome this habit, he climbed up with his hands and feet with a thoughtful mind, and the players of the pioneer troops were shouting from the top of his head, indicating that the first sandy mountain has reached the top, and everyone is carefully preparing to slide down the other side of the hill... …

Mo Xie climbed up to a flat ground in twos and threes, knowing that he had reached the top of the sand mountain, and he continued to crawl forward with confidence. After a while, he felt that a **** appeared again in front of his hands.

He moved forward slowly, his body had begun to tilt downward, and he was slowly sliding down.

As the sliding speed accelerated, only a large number of players were heard around, the sound of sand rubbing suddenly sounded, Mo Xie and countless players, together with countless players, exclaimed to slide quickly to the side of the high sandy mountain...

But don't worry, the slopes of the hillsides are very large, and there are yellow sand everywhere, even if it is plunged at one end, there will be no danger.

After Mo Xie slid down quickly for a few minutes, his body stopped in the bunker at the foot of the mountain, and then adjusted the direction according to the voice of the player in front of him, and began the process of climbing again.

For half an hour, they kept their eyes closed and went up and down the hill. After climbing over four ridges in a row, as Mo Xie quickly slid down to the ground, there was a tink in their ears, and finally a system prompt appeared...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully passed through the fantasy and entered the desert mirror lake map!

With the appearance of this prompt, Mo Xie could finally open his eyes with confidence, and a spectacular group of players immediately appeared in front of him, a desert wilderness that was already far away.

At the end of the desert, a blue lake is faintly visible.

Looking back, I saw that on the tall sandy hill, there were countless black shadows sliding down all the way, exclaiming, and more heads of people continued to emerge from the top of the ridge.

"Boss, finally out of the secret realm." God Realm Dragon Soul said with a smile.

"Let the brothers fix it on the spot, and when everyone arrives, count the number of people in each group to see how many people are still in the illusion." Mo Xie ordered.


All commanders immediately began to gather the legion. According to the size of the division, each division leader began to count the number of players who had not yet reached the end.

Mo Xie took the two beauties, walked out of the crowd, and walked forward, the blue lake was getting closer...

"Look at Master En Gong, this is how the illusion appears." Princess Zixin pointed to the mid-air ahead and said.

On the blue sky, the fiery red sun was shining obliquely on the blue mirror lake, and a blue light screen was refracted from the top of Mo Xie and their heads to the distance...

When he looked back, he saw a large blue light curtain just falling on a large sandy hill, forming a strange scene of countless rolling ridges.

"So..." Mo Xie was shocked. If it weren't for Princess Zixin to come and see through the illusion with the knowledge of the elves, it would be really difficult for the large army to move here.

This phantom crystal is also really magical, it can create such a mysterious scene!

"Go, let's go ahead and take a look." Mo Xie became more curious about the setting of Desert Jinghu, and hurried to the front.

After walking through the long desert wilderness, the road ahead gradually became hard, and the sand grains of the desert began to turn into hard dry soil. Some green grasses appeared sparsely around.

After stepping on the land, countless monsters can be seen by the lake not far away, and the monster refresh area has begun to appear here.

But on the small map, the small green dot where Mo Xie is located has reached the edge of the big quicksand desert map, and further forward, it will enter the new high-level map.

The desert mirror lake is the dividing line between the two maps. Once you get to the desert lake, you will start a new map system.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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