The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 857: Leaderboard competition

Fortunately, it was Mo Xiaolang who reminded and arranged in time. After a frenzy of spawning monsters, his experience value finally surpassed several percentage points in a row and successfully ranked in the top five list.

And the time period is also such a coincidence, Mo Xie is not clear, whether it is because his experience value meets the requirements that he will jump out of the leaderboard, or the system has detected that many players are about to reach level 50.

Therefore, a message was sent out at 12 o'clock to remind those players who are about to be ranked first, pay special attention.

If it was the former, Mo Xie still had some worries in his heart, fearing that other competitors would have seen this ranking long ago and then began to work hard.

If the leaderboard appears at 12 o'clock, then you have an absolute advantage.

But anyway, the time has come to work hard...

Shaking six long legs quickly, after countless players backed down, Mo Xie's huge body rushed out of the stone hall, quickly rushed to one side on the middle road, and rushed to another leveling location.

While rushing forward, Mo Xie had issued an order for the commander of the Fourth Army to immediately start a full-scale attack on the monster, and no time should be wasted.

At the same time, he asked the players guarding at the entrance of the stone hall to give up the passage in advance, so that he could directly rush to the monster group.

Shaking and accelerating forward, Mo Xie quickly came to the next leveling stone hall. The player at the door had already given up a wide passage and watched this huge beetle rush into the stone hall.

Mo Xie entered the gate of the stone hall, and without hesitation, rushed face to face towards the large black beetle that was rushing crazily from the opposite side.

He didn't have to worry at all, because there was already a team of nurses taking care of him, and he had just entered the stone hall. There were already countless light clusters on his back shell in the people on both sides, giving him various blessing states...

Puff puff!

Mo Xie dashed forward with confidence, and collided head-on with a large group of black monsters. With the help of the transformation attribute of the Devourer Soul skill, his power, defense, and even blood volume were stronger than other beetles. Children are not worried about suffering.

Sure enough, all the way through, the beetles hit by him were squeezed to the sides, and a row of damage values ​​burst out on their heads.

At this time, the dense crowds standing on the stone walls on both sides had already launched a full-scale attack, and countless magic and arrows rained down like crazy...

Now all the players of the God Realm League in the underground palace know that their boss is attacking the number one throne in the region, and they suddenly attacked like chicken blood one by one.

In normal leveling, they rarely use big mana-consuming skills in order to save potions, but now in order to help the boss improve the efficiency of leveling, they are all ordered by the sub-group leader to do their best to attack output...

All long-range professions hold the blue bottle in one hand and wave their weapons in the other, and start a crazy skill catharsis!

The fireball fell to the ground, and a sea of ​​fire burned, and countless monsters simultaneously emitted a large amount of damage.

The water ball fell to the ground, and large icy bamboo shoots burst on the ground, freezing the monster quickly, and the damage value shone.

The wind howled, countless twisting and rotating tornadoes whizzed and flew among the monsters, one by one huge beetle monsters were swept into the air and landed heavily...

Lightning flies, forming a large chain of lightning in the monster group. After each lightning, a long series of turbulent damage numbers jump out.

Even the shield warriors that make up the shield wall used to just hold the shield to prevent the monster from rushing out, but now they also wield the warhammer in their other hand and constantly hit the monster in front of the shield. Even if the damage is terrible, they still I did my best.

Mo Xie ran into the crowded monsters at will, as long as he could hit the monsters, but he could not help but be very grateful when he saw everything around him.

Now all the brothers are doing their best to help him, if he still can't get the first place, he will just kill him here.

The brothers helped each other out, and Mo Xie was also excited and quickly controlled his body, rushing into the surrounding monsters for a second, and didn't want to waste any experience...

The sky is full of intensive skills, and countless red damage numbers burst out spectacularly. The body of the black beetle controlled by Mo Xie also rushes across the dense group of black monsters. He struggles to control his body to continuously hit in four directions, every time I rushed in and exhausted my whole body...

He knocked back the monster again and again, and his blood volume was also declining. Fortunately, a large group of nurses were staring at his life bar. As long as it was below a certain percentage, several green light groups would fall from the air, and he His life is filled up quickly.

Mo Xie attacked even more unscrupulously, feeling that his body was going to be numb in the constant bang...

But he knew that time was pressing, so as long as he didn't faint, he had to keep going.

While crashing fiercely, he looked at the list of rankings and kept an eye on the movements of his competitors.

But what is curious is that a few minutes passed, there was no movement on the leaderboard, and the experience points of the five people remained the same.

It was normal for Mo Xie to maintain this number. After all, this group of monsters hadn't died yet, and he still couldn't get experience points.

Are the other four also team leveling?

Looking at their names, in addition to the two members of the Brotherhood and the World Alliance, you can identify the masters of the Grand Guild, and one of the other three can be identified as a Grand Guild player, but Mo Xie has never seen the other two.

Unless these four people are also carrying out the leveling of the large unit, and they are also waiting for the distribution of experience points.

But they haven't changed their experience numbers for so long, which makes Mo Xie feel a little strange...'s noon, they go off the assembly line to eat as usual?

No, at the critical moment of leveling, how can it not be offline...

But what Moxie never expected was that the rankings were indeed refreshed at 12 o'clock. Some of the players above did not know, and they continued to go offline for dinner as usual, and then come online again.

Because there is no personal reward for the first-level players, no one deliberately grabs the first-level player.

In addition, it is very difficult to level up to be continued, but level 50 is already so difficult, so without the attention of the leaderboard, no one will take this false name to heart.

It was Mo Xie, whose original level was already close to 50, and it happened that Mo Xiaolang's reminder asked him to continue to practice level after a quick meal.

Just as Mo Xie was extremely excited, suddenly, the ranking finally moved. The hero who was originally ranked behind had no tears and no face. His experience value suddenly rose to 81 at level 49, and suddenly rushed to the front of Mo Xie.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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