The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 862: Trouble with title

But what I never expected was that even You Wei's status and status would actually come to play games and formed a professional league army of his own!

What's wrong with this world?

Mo Xie suddenly felt the pressure, and thought that with his own efforts, even if he was unsatisfactory in reality, he could still find a path to success in the virtual world.

However, the suppression of the Chen group made him manage to persist. Now You Wei is also developing a game guild, which is even more headache.

In terms of financial resources or fame, Mo Xie has no possibility to compete with her...

Although the Chen Group has a lot of money, Mo Xie is not very scared. If it is really offended, he will go to other provinces and cities to develop studios and avoid them far.

But in front of You Wei, this woman only has to say a word, I am afraid the God Realm League will not exist the next day...

Because the social level of the other party is simply unimaginable, the people who usually talk on the phone are already the wives of the head of state.

A person like this is not at the same level as Mo Xie at all, and is a person who can't afford to offend him.

"What's wrong, Xiao Mo, you seem to be shocked?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"You are shocked. It seems that You Wei also wants to dominate in the virtual world. We must be careful in the future." Mo Xie said helplessly.

"I know you think so, but don't think so badly about people. It's said that You Wei doesn't get along well with others in Lingyue Pavilion. It seems to get along well." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"You are a fan of her, right now, what interests can be involved, so we can live in peace. If in the future we get the right to war in the Sun Empire, we will take the brothers to the other side's Yongye Imperial City. , Confront You Wei directly, she wants you to withdraw your troops, do you withdraw or not?" Mo Xie asked silently.

"This... isn't she so shameless?" Mo Xiaolang was a little worried by what he said.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if this happens, I am afraid we still have to give her face, how do you want to play in the future?" Mo Xie smiled bitterly.

"The game world has rules for the game world, and she shouldn't bully others." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Hey, this is what I was most worried about before. We can fight for hegemony based on our strength. We are afraid that someone will have a strong relationship and will bring the injustice in reality to the virtual world. If this is the case, I would rather leave." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"Forget it, Xiao Mo, don't think about being so pessimistic, maybe it won't happen." Mo Xiaolang persuaded.

"I hope so...Anyway, in the future, Peerless Wushuang Pavilion, we must stay away." Moxie said.

"Got it." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"I'm going back to the city to pick up the task now. You continue to level up and try to reach level 50 soon." Mo Xie greeted him and took out the city return scroll.

The appearance of You Wei did have a great influence on him. Actually speaking, even Mo Xie himself is a loyal fan of You Wei.

As long as there is a new movie appearing, and the starring is You Wei, he will almost finish watching one of them.

But what makes him speechless now is that such a perfect You Wei, you can just live in the movie, why come to the game world...

The depressed Mo Xie turned into a beam of light and disappeared in place.

Opening his eyes, the light dissipated, and he returned to the central teleportation formation of Sunset City.

As soon as he appeared, Mo Xie immediately realized that his influence was completely different now. The eyes of countless players in the teleportation formation were almost all focused on him...

After all, the current God Realm League is very well-known within the city of Sunset, and the three words Mo Sad, have been notified by the full server just now, and become the first person in the Yaori Empire. Now the name on his head is divided into three lines. ...

Empire first

League of Gods: Alliance Leader

Mo Sad Level 50

The title plus the alliance status, plus the name, is completely different from ordinary players. It is also a matter of minutes to attract the attention of others.

"Wow, it's Mo sad, master, take me." A group of beautiful players screamed frantically.

"Boss Mo, add me to the God Realm League!" a group of players who have repeatedly applied to join the God Realm League, but have been brushed off shouted excitedly.

"Master, give some equipment."

Seeing the excitement of the surrounding group of players, Mo Xie looked around, only to realize that the opponent's target was actually himself...

He was already 20 years old. It was the first time he encountered such a situation in the past 20 years. He felt a panic of fear and was grateful that he mobilized his mount and rode all the way to far away from this dangerous place.

Since the beginning of junior high school, Mo Xie began to feel low self-esteem. Other classmates moved up quickly. He was the only one who was short and thin, and his introvert personality made it difficult to play with others, and others seemed reluctant to find him. play.

Poor grades and withdrawn personality are the unanimous evaluations of his teachers. Until he started playing online games, Mo Xie could not find a reason to be happy.

However, he did not expect that he should be so popular now, which really frightened him...

He rushed across a street madly, making sure that no one was chasing him. Mo Xie called up the character attribute interface this time and quickly blocked the title of the first camp. The system reward he had just obtained was too eye-catching on his head.

However, this title is still good, as long as it is used, some additional attributes will be added.

Title: First in the camp


Health +500

Mana +500

Magic damage +5

Physical defense +30

Magic Defense +30

The attribute attached to a title is enough for the blessing attribute of a purple equipment now, and Mo Xie's strength has been further improved.

It's a pity that this title is too conspicuous, and it is displayed in pale gold fonts. In the future, people will not dare to display it easily in places with many people, so as not to be targeted.

Especially when fighting, holding on to this title is to find trouble for yourself and be the first target to be killed by the enemy.

However, it seems that he is not tall, and he is in the crowd with the title, and it seems that it is difficult to be found by the enemy.

This was the first time Mo Xie felt that being short is also good.

After canceling the title, he proceeded with confidence. Looking at the city map, the nearest to this place was the location of the City Lord's Mansion. Mo Xie rushed towards the center of the city and went to the City Lord's Mansion to pick up the new level 50 main quest... …

Fast rushing through several spacious streets, a small open square appeared outside the front street. A magnificent tall mansion is located in the center of this square.

Coming to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion again, Mo Xie was curious. His mission route was to be an enemy of the Protoss. I don't know what kind of mission story the City Lord will give him this time?

And this time it reached level 50. The system reminded me of two main missions, and one of them was received from General Yanghui, which also made Mo Xie very much looking forward to.

Different mission routes are taken by the enemy. What is the arrangement of the system?

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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