The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 878: Private mine

But this discovery made Mo Xie and all the players very pleasantly surprised.

The Yufeng Feizhou hidden here is already the top organ equipment in this virtual world!

"Back then, the Protoss was powerful, and the Protoss dynasty ruled over other races. The Protoss was honored. All races were servants of the Gods, including the Dragons. They also helped the Protoss guard the city. Unfortunately, the dominance of the Protoss family is internal A crack appeared first.” The mechanism master looked at the silver flying boats above his head in surprise, and began to tell the story ten thousand years ago...

"So the Protoss internal fighting started." Lianna added with a smile.

"At the beginning, the three most powerful tribes of the Protoss were the three major tribes that controlled the power of the fire system, the power of the wind system, and the power of the thunder. These three tribes held the three most powerful weapons at the time. Among them, the wind system was the tribe. With the control ability of the Yufeng Shenzhou, it can lead the tribe to soar in the air and launch a very rapid offensive against the enemy. It is recognized as the first tribe." The mechanism **** craftsman introduced.

"If you shoot the first bird, whoever is the strongest must be the first to be unlucky, but what are the other two weapons?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Yes, because the wind clan has the most powerful power, when the civil strife started, the other tribes united to catch their attention. The fire clan mastered the fire and prairie fire weapons, and the thunder and lightning clan controlled the sky and earth nets. The weapons of the Hefeng family were similar in power. They united to besiege the territory of the wind family. Soon, they killed the entire wind family and fled. Many of the **** boats were burned in the air. The wind family was part of the gods. In Douzhong, the first one to be exterminated! Since then, the manufacturing method of Yufeng Shenzhou has been lost forever, and only from the ancient books can we see some of the image records of those silver flying boats." The carpenter said excitedly.

"Poor Wind Gods, this cave must be their secret base for building flying boats. The battle is coming too fast. They had to clear up this place and hurried out to help fight, in order to prevent those built spacecraft from falling on the enemy. In his hands, everyone has this secret setting." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"The situation is roughly like this. This is the base where the wind type gods built the flying boat 10,000 years ago." Mo Xie nodded.

"Little guys, apart from discovering these flying boats here, don't you find the existence of ore caves?" The mechanism master seemed to ask very eagerly.

"What kind of ore does the mine referred to by the master?" Mo Xie already knew what the ore was in the master's heart, but he still asked deliberately pretending not to know.

"It's a kind of golden ore with a very dazzling light." The mechanism master said quickly.

As soon as his words were uttered, all the players knew in their hearts that the ore the master said was the Buddha's gold stone mine in the mine below.

"What kind of ore is this, and what does it do?" Mo Xie asked.

"The name of this ore has been lost, but the old man knows that it is a very rare and precious ore. The wind type gods must use this material to build the flying boat. According to the ancient records, the place where the Yufeng Shenzhou is produced should be There is this kind of ore," said the organ master.

"Master, can you tell me more in detail, we can also look for this kind of mineral." Mo Xie asked.

"This ore is actually a mixture of metal and stone. After refining, it can be decomposed into two precious materials, a silver metal called floating iron, which is extremely hard but very light, and the other is Tu Shi , A kind of black stone, can be divided into countless spiritual power after burning, it is the main material to drive the flying boat." said the organ master.

"I understand, Master, don't worry, as long as we find this material, we will definitely report it to the Master." Mo Xie didn't want to reveal the secret of the Buddha statue so early, so he continued to pretend not to know.

"You must find a way to find this kind of ore, the old man needs them too much." The organ master exclaimed excitedly.

"Master, rest assured, as long as the ore is found, we must protect it for you to research." Mo Xie nodded.

"This is not possible. Such precious ores must be handed over to the empire for development. But now that the human emperor is controlled by the Protoss, if the ore is found, it will have to wait until the holy princess appears to manage it by itself. This is the empire’s precious wealth and this type of ore strategy It is of great significance. It must be protected by the Emperor's regiment, and you don't have the right to own it." said the organ master.

"What? We don't have the right to have it yet?" Lianna asked in shock.

"Yes, this kind of ore is very important. Whoever masters it has powerful power, so no forces can own this kind of mineral vein privately." The organ master shook his head.

"Master, don't worry, as long as we find out, it will be handed over to the management of the Imperial Army." Mo Xie replied lightly.

He knew that such precious and magical ore would not be easily occupied by players by the system, and these flying boats might not be able to keep it...

"By the way, you guys, the Yufeng Shenzhou you found is even more of a great accomplishment. The old man expresses his gratitude to you on behalf of the imperial family. These old people of Shenzhou will temporarily take them back to study and wait for them to be handed over to the holy princess to form a flying army. The Protoss, Holy Moon Empire is no longer our opponent." The mechanism **** craftsman said with a smile.

"No, Master, do you even want to take these spaceships?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in exclamation.

Things changed so suddenly that a group of commanders and all the players were stunned...

"Why, why should we hand in all the treasures we found?" Zhou Jianing asked angrily.

"Xiao Mo, you can't give it to him, we can use it ourselves, and no one will give it." Liana quickly looked at Mo Xie.

"This is not for you, this is the empire's territory, not yours. All the treasures found belong to the empire." Seeing that they were reluctant to bear it, the organ masters immediately shouted with a straight face.

At the same time, he stepped up to the stone platform, waved his big hand, and the sky shone with silver light...


The nearly fifty silver spaceships hovering in the air all turned into silver halos in an instant, and flew into the body of the organ master craftsman.

"Everything was taken away by him. This is a looting!" Zhou Jianing exclaimed angrily.

"Old man, take it back and study, you continue to search for ores." The magician of the mechanism instantly turned into a brilliant colored light, disappearing before everyone's eyes.

"Damn, I ran away so soon, our spacecraft!" Ouyang Jiaojiao shouted distressedly.

"Let him go, everyone don't worry." Mo Xie waved his hand and said.

All of a sudden, the cave fell silent.

All the unwilling gazes were also focused on him.

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