The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 907: Identity disguise

Mo Wei carefully shuttled through the woods, and once again came near the mission coordinates.

Just like he had just guessed, when he just came to the area a few meters away from the coordinate point, he saw a group of beasts standing on the forest clearing ahead!

I saw a dozen black leopards nearly two meters high on the edge of the clearing, and five summoners were protected in the middle.

And near the small trees around, there are dozens of black archers opening bows and shooting arrows, carefully guarding the surroundings.

These five summoners have replaced a batch of archer pets and recruited fifteen black cheetahs for personal protection. Looking at the brave appearance of these black panthers, they must be melee pets of the assassin category. This is Mo Wei's nemesis!

The demon instructor belongs to the cloth armor class. As long as it is a cloth armor class, the most feared are the leather armor class assassins and archers. The distance of the archer's long-range attack can suppress the wizard. Once the assassin's super high attack and agility are close to the wizard, That is even more a nightmare existence!

Now that the Unknown Summoner monster has placed a strong defense line around it, if Mo Wei wants to get closer, he must first find a way to avoid the arrow rain attacks of those archers walking outside. Even if he rushes over, he will encounter the black panthers. Heli Siege...

Mo Wei has always believed that in the game, the most difficult job to play is the summoner.

Summoners have no attack skills and rely solely on pets to fight. Therefore, Summoners' leveling speed is recognized as the fastest, but it is also recognized as the weakest.

Why do you say this? Because the summoner has many pets, it is a very difficult problem to command the pets well, especially for a single player and the opponent. As long as the command is improperly exposed, the end will be very miserable.

But if the summoner can command the pet as easily as activating a skill, then few people take advantage of the summoner's pet group.

This is a profession that is easy to play, but difficult to become a master.

Now Mo Wei is in trouble. The system has set a very perfect defense line for these summoners. One person can deal with five summoners' pet groups, and the difficulty is imaginable.

Before Mo Wei found a way to deal with the enemy, he hurriedly hid behind a small tree, fearing that the enemy would see his position.

He must come up with a solution before he can continue to clean up these guys.

However, just as he was hiding behind a tree and preparing to consider the battle plan, a slight sound suddenly sounded above his head. As he looked up, his heart shrank suddenly!

Just three meters above his head, among the dense foliage, a black archer was standing there, with both hands spreading his bow and arrows to aim forward, but his eyes were looking at Mo Wei under his feet.

One person and one strange stare at each other blankly on the tree and under the tree, the scene is very strange.

Mo Wei was almost scared to start an attack immediately, but he was surprised to find that this monster had actually discovered his existence long ago, but he did not take the lead.

Until the two guys looked at each other, the archer pet still locked the longbow in the distance, and did not intend to attack, and within two seconds of watching Mo Wei, it raised its head and continued to observe the surrounding environment without anyone else.

It can't see me?

Mo Wei stood there not daring to move, but he was extremely surprised.

Those summoners actually arranged archer pet guards on the trees, and they also discovered their existence in advance, but they did not directly attack, which is strange.

As Mo Wei turned his head to look at the nearby small trees, he was even more surprised to find that these small trees also hide an archer pet, and he was completely exposed to the sight and range of these archers!

It is strange that none of the archer pets on the three small trees around him wanted to attack him.

If they didn't see it, Mo Wei didn't believe it, the only explanation was...

This summoner corpse!

His name is still the name of Night Summoner, is it because of this reason?

If this is the case, there may be other ways to accomplish the task...

Mo Wei was going to give it a try, so he boldly walked out of the small tree and approached the coordinate point.

Sure enough, as he appeared in the sight of countless archer pets, none of these guys attacked, only if he didn't exist, they continued to stare into the distance.

Now he became more confident, and walked all the way to the middle of the woods, approaching the five summoners.

Walking out of a small tree, there was a majestic black panther three meters in front of him. It only deceived its head slightly, glanced at Mo Wei with blood-red eyes, then turned its head and continued to alert.

It turned out that it was the disguise of this corpse. These monsters regarded him as their own...

Among so many archer pets, there are no summoned beasts belonging to this corpse, all of which are summoned by five summoners, no wonder their number has been significantly reduced.

In this case, killing a summoner can reduce a part of the summoned beasts, and the speed of dealing with them will become faster and faster.

Mo Wei already had a plan in his mind...

And this plan is not too difficult to implement, even in the protection circle of the summoned beast, he can still use it.

After walking through the protection circle of a dozen black panthers, there are only five summoner monsters left in front.

Seeing Mo Wei coming, the five summoner monsters only glanced at them, and then continued to pay attention to the front.

Seeing them like this, Mo Wei was even more surprised in his heart, and walked behind them and stood there quietly, but he had already jumped out of the package interface...

Looking at the small trees around the clearing, Mo Wei chose the best environment, and quickly connected the two long ropes in the parcel together, and the rope loop was also ready.

He tried to move again, walking in the direction of a small tree on the left.

As soon as Mo Wei's footsteps moved, the fallen leaves on the ground made a killing sound. Suddenly, the crowd of summoning archers turned their heads to look at them, and even the black panthers turned their heads to look at the same five summoners. Looking back...

This scene was scary enough. Mo Wei stood still, feeling cold all over.

But the surprise is that these guys' IQs are still not enough, they look back and continue to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Mo Wei took a breath and quickly took a few steps forward, and flew to the side of the selected small tree. With a sudden wave of his hand, a black prop flew out, embarrassing from the branches of that small tree. Through.


A piece of useless ore he threw out made a low sound immediately after it hit the ground.

This sound is enough to cause the surrounding summoned beasts to alert, but this effect is what I want...


In an instant, all the archer pets and a dozen black panthers turned their heads, all their eyes gathered in the distance from the sound, their bodies suddenly turned into a dozen afterimages, and they rushed forward.

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