The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 919: Hidden spy lair

Back quickly along the original road, the familiar map of the hill appeared in front of Mo Xie's eyes again, he urged the mount to rush over the large hills and once again came to the place that attracted the invisible assassin last time.

Jump off the mount to recall the pet, first find a hill to hide it, Mo Xie wonders if the assassins have been refreshed.

But now he understands the secrets that may exist here. In order to save time, he does not plan to deal with those assassin monsters. After all, killing an assassin takes a lot of time to attract strangers and arrange traps.

He intends to bypass the guard range of the five assassins and go directly to the central area to investigate the situation.

Hidden behind the hills, when Mo Xie came here last time, the hills where the six assassins lurked carefully recalled, looking for the blind spot between the assassins so that he could rush directly over.

Looking at the small map, combined with the memories in his mind, this matter is a trivial matter. He soon set up a safe forward route, which can ensure that he passes through the guard area of ​​the two assassins without causing Their alertness.

However, this line is very strict. It is necessary to ensure that you cannot take a half step wrong, or even shake your body slightly, and your shoulders may enter the guard range of one of the assassins, thus leading the assassin out again.

After determining the exploration route, Mo Xie stood up, took a breath to stabilize his emotions, and then sprang out from behind the hill, walking forward with his waist down.

The terrain of this hill is very complicated, and there are small hills everywhere, and the assassins each occupy the top of a hill, overlooking the surrounding environment, and any wind and grass are under their watch.

What Mo Xie had to do was to keep his figure as low as possible, rely on the occlusion of the hills, avoid the assassin's line of sight, and move as far as possible in the blind spot of their line of sight.

He has experienced a lot of games like this evasion of vigilance, but it was the first time he encountered it in the virtual world.

After rushing out of the hill, he rushed through the gap between the two hills in one breath, hiding behind the hill in front.

Now he has entered the alert range of the assassins, and any changes will arouse their vigilance.

Sure enough, the moment Mo Xie hid behind this hill, at the top of a hill in the distance, a faint dark figure poked his head out and looked around, just to be clearly seen by Mo Xie.

The other party was checking the environment, so he stayed there quietly.

After a while, the assassin sneaked around and looked around, and when he found no abnormalities, he lowered his head and disappeared completely on the top of the hill.

Now is the best time to move forward, but Mo Xie is unmoved, still staying there and not moving forward.

He must figure out some system rules to ensure the safety of the next step.

Since the assassin took the initiative to stick out his head to look around, he would definitely stick his head out again. Mo Xie needed to master the time and frequency of the other party's checking environment. Such things couldn't be anxious.

Hiding behind the hill and waiting quietly, time slowly passed...

In less than 30 seconds, Mo Xie finally discovered that on the hill where the Assassin Secret Agent was hidden in front, there was a dark shadow sneaking out his head, looking around, as if he was checking the current environment.

At this moment, Mo Xie finally knew the setting of the system. These assassins were really on guard duty here, which was completely different from the other four coordinate points.

This also shows that at this coordinate point, the system settings are different...

Moreover, the alert settings of the Assassin Detective also have determinable rules. They stick their heads out to alert once every 30 seconds, and the time left for him is only 30 seconds.

In terms of distance, 30 seconds is enough time for players to avoid the assassin’s sight and rush forward quickly, and quietly approach the coordinate point without disturbing the assassins.

It turned out to be so.

Mo Xie suddenly realized that since the system has such a setting, the situation on the coordinate points is a bit strange.

If the Assassin spy is not alerted, there may be other hidden plots on the coordinate point...

Seeing that on the hill not far away, the assassin quietly recovered, Mo Xie knew that it was time for him to act.

He immediately rushed out of the hill, and without making any noise, he dashed forward at the fastest speed, dashed over several hills in twos and threes, and quickly dashed under the hill where the assassin was hidden, looking for In a relatively hidden place, he squatted down and hid there.

This rush took a full 20 seconds. Seeing that the assassin's detective's vigilance would be turned on again, Mo Xie hurriedly hided, as long as he escaped this time, he could approach the coordinate point without knowing it.

By then, what special plot settings the system has may be able to figure out thoroughly.

Holding his breath and waiting quietly, Mo Xie raised his head and looked at the sky. Within a few seconds, he found a dark figure sticking his head out again, continuing to observe the situation in the distance around him, but it was it under the hill close at hand. The blind spot of sight.

Moreover, Mo Xie's location happened to be in the corner of two hills, and the nearby spy hidden spots could not be seen at all.

After observing for a while, nothing was abnormal, and the assassin retracted again to continue hiding.

Mo Xie immediately got up, moved forward against the stone wall, and quickly got into the hills before disappearing without a trace.

After rushing through the precautionary area, Mo Xie continued to approach the coordinate point, and was very careful about the surrounding movement, and quickly shuttled through the dense hills all the way, finally leaving the danger zone.

And not far ahead, as long as you walk through a few hills, you can return to the place where you found the empty space last time.

But at this moment, a strange situation appeared, and there were bursts of voices in front of him, which seemed very lively.

This discovery made Mo Xie feel particularly surprised. He quickly approached the coordinate point, hiding under a hill and poking out his head quietly...

When he got here, his voice became clearer. When he looked at the coordinate point, sneaky figures appeared in the open space, near the burning brazier.

Many black-clothed masked people are carrying black rocks. At the center of the venue is a tall, black-clad, masked man whose voice came from his mouth.

"Hurry up, it's very unsafe here. The ore is transported in at a speed, so you can't delay time." The black-clad man kept urging, and the black-clothed men around were struggling to carry the stones, one by one from the hill on the left. Drilled out, and walked in groups towards the end of the coordinate point clearing.

On the opposite side of this open space, Mo Xie was surprised to find that a large group of people in black were carrying rocks and walking into a hill on the opposite side. On the side of that hill, there seemed to be an underground hole...

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