The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 921: Mysterious assassin

The tens of thousands of archer regiments didn't see it, but Mo Xie saw a group of ragged old men, a full number of forty or fifty people, struggling to carry the ore discarded by the masked men.

They quickly picked up the ore from the ground and then moved it between the hills.

Seeing these elders had dispersed and left, Mo Xie was worried that they would no longer appear. Just as he was about to find out with the past, the hills suddenly shone with brilliant rays, as if countless points of light were shining in the hills, and it seemed even more Of mystery.

Looking at the large areas of hills, the dazzling lights are constantly shaking, as if a piece of lens is reflecting the sunlight and sending a signal.

Lenses, sunlight...

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, but he picked up a lot of bronze mirror fragments in his package. Could it be related to the current scene?

However, these lenses were obviously obtained from spies, how could they appear in the hands of these old men.

When he was surprised, strange things appeared in the hill again. Several directions around Mo Xie sounded the screams of the old men at the same time. It seemed that these old men were also under attack...

What exactly is going on?

Mo Xie was surprised. Judging from the current situation, the archers first attacked the masked man’s moving brigade, and then the old men appeared to steal the ore, followed by the reflective lens warning, and the old men were hunted down one after another...

All the system settings completely confused him.

No matter what, let’s check the situation first...

Mo Xie hurried to chase after the recent screams, and soon rushed across several hills. On the ground between the hills in front, there was a white-haired old man in a gray cloth robe with blood flowing on his chest. The man pierced the body.

In the hills ahead, several figures disappeared in a flash, and the murderer had already chased down the other old men.

Seeing that the old man hadn't died yet, Mo Xie rushed forward, squatting next to the old man, looking at the name on his head...

From this look, Mo Xie was even more surprised.

Because the name on the top of the old man's head is in blood red fonts, he is also a criminal wanted by the camp!

Banished special mission without celebrities

Level: 55

The exiled unknown person is still a special mission...

Looking at the situation in front of him, it seemed that the system had just staged a big show for him, so that Mo Xie could only watch but couldn't participate in it.

And the purpose of this big show is obviously a bigger task, waiting for him to crack...

The old man in front of him who had been fatally hit had blood constantly gushing from the corner of his mouth. He could not continue to live, but he had not been killed immediately.

Mo Xie knew in his heart that this was the key element of the mission.

"Old man, what's the matter with you, who hurt you?" Mo Xie asked quickly, and at the same time immediately exhaled the package and took out the general token from it.

He knew very well in his heart that this was the key plot of the mission, and he must hurry up to ask the situation clearly, otherwise he would have to spend a lot of thought to understand the situation.

Therefore, he must reveal his identity the first time to gain the trust of this mysterious old man.

"Who are are also those dog things..." the old man said tremblingly.

"Don't worry, the old man, I was ordered by the general of the city to find the whereabouts of the holy princess, and I have the responsibility to protect her safety. This is my token." Mo Xie quickly grabbed the token and leaned close to his eyes.

"Finally waited... you hurry, go and protect the master, he knows that your Royal Highness..." The old man's eyes lit up, but just after he said a few words, his head dropped, his body shone with white light, and he completely died ...


When Mo Xiezheng was speechless, the other one that the old man was holding on loosened, and a shattered lens shining brightly fell to the ground.

this is……

Reaching out and picking up this ancient mirror fragment, it looked exactly like the fragments he had obtained by killing the spy.

Could it be that they all communicated through broken lenses, but how could these fragments fall into the hands of those spies?

Now that he couldn't care too much, Mo Xie immediately stood up and looked up at the top of the hill, directly flashing countless lights, all pointing in one direction...

Now he understood that those elders who had escaped for their lives were all guiding their teammates, and as long as they chased after that position, they would definitely find something.

But the spy lair behind him...

Mo Xie made a decision immediately, and later came to check the specific conditions of the spy's lair, and first clarified the identities of the mysterious elders.

Fortunately, there is a 24-hour task time limit, otherwise this task is really terrible!

Mo Xie spread his legs and ran wildly, rushing directly to the other side of the map of the vast hills, in the direction pointed by those light groups...

Rushing wildly all the way, after passing through several hills, one can always find the bodies of some old men lying on the ground, which have not been directly refreshed by the system.

Their chests, throats and other important parts are pierced or cut off by sharp blades, and their hands are very harsh!

Mo Xie's heart burned with anger. Who was it that would kill these old men so painfully?

He continued to rush forward without stopping, and his position gradually caught up with the shining lens halo of the old men in front of him.

As he dashed across a hill again, the two figures in front were running wildly, and the figure of an old man rushed in front, followed by a slender figure wearing light blue leather armor and holding a pair of daggers.

Mo Xie saw clearly that this was the killer who was chasing the old man and was about to catch up.

While the old man rushed wildly, while waving the lens in his hand, the messy light ball shone back and forth, seeming to remind himself that this place is dangerous!

Mo Xie hurriedly rushed forward. Since he had run into him, he would definitely not allow the killer to easily succeed, and he could just figure out the identity of the killer and find out their exact origin.

While accelerating forward, seeing the cyan assassin chasing him not far behind the old man, he seemed to be about to attack!

Mo Xie still had a certain range between the two of them, and it seemed that he was powerless, but he immediately took out an iron rod from the package, locked the other side's back without hesitation, and threw it over.


The iron rod gleamed in the air with a black cold light, hitting the assassin's neck accurately, and staggering the opponent for a few steps, turning around in surprise...

At this time, the danger of the old man in front was temporarily relieved, but Mo Xie faced the anger of the assassin.

The situation behind him may have also alarmed the old man who was running for his life. He turned his head in doubt and saw that the assassin had already given up on him, and strode towards Mo Xie on the other side.

Come, come, who is afraid of whom!

Mo Xie gritted his teeth and quickly locked in front of the assassin with a short ruler in his hand. While accelerating forward, he swung the short ruler as black smoke **** rushed towards the opponent.

While attacking the opponent, he was also trying his best to check the name on the top of the opponent's head. What is surprising is that the slender figure of the blue armored assassin looks familiar, but there is a vague name on the top of his head, as if deliberately by the system. The name is generally blocked and cannot be viewed directly.


The black smoke rushed to the assassin, but to Mo Xie's surprise, the assassin, who could not see the name and attributes, looked like a ghost, swaying from side to side as he rushed forward, with a faint string behind him. Cyan afterimage.

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