The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 923: Amazing ambush

Following the old man, Mo Xie also ran towards the depths of the hill.

He wanted to see what kind of settings the system has, and what identities are these elders...

All the way through countless hills, I saw the sorrowful cries still rang out, and the corpses of the old men sacrificed along the way appeared one or two at intervals.

After paying such a heavy price, these elders are still rushing madly ahead, the lens on the top of the hill is always shining, guiding the large group to move forward in one direction.

Now Mo Xie understood that the bronze mirrors he collected were probably obtained from these old men. After every sneak attack on the secret agents, these old men would be hunted down by the elven scum. Those secret agents got these lenses from the old men’s corpses. Therefore, it has nothing to do with the task explained by the city lord, and it is not an exclusive item for the spy task.

Having figured this out, Mo Xie couldn't help sighing. The system actually set a mid-game mission. If players are not paying attention, it will be difficult to discover the hidden plot missions.

During the rapid advance, the hilly terrain on the minimap gradually reached the edge, with a large mountain range in front of it, and a wide valley was directly in front of the Moxie advance.

At this time, the screams had gradually dissipated, and the sunlight reflected by the lenses focused on the side of the mountain wall in front of the valley.

"Master En Gong hurry up. Today we are going to settle accounts with these elven scum. We won't be able to see it when we are late." The old man turned around and urged.

"I got it." Mo Xie hurried forward, rushing out of a few hills along with the old man, and his vision suddenly became clear...

In front of a large open space, two high mountains lie in front of the map. In the huge valley between the two mountains, hundreds of elderly people are already running forward, each holding a lens in their hands, and countless light spots flash in the air.

Behind them, hundreds of cyan assassins rushed to chase and kill them. Their rapid forward speed turned their bodies into a series of faint cyan afterimages, getting closer and closer to the elders.

On the edge of the hill, more and more elders rushed out from both sides. They didn't seem to be chased by the assassins, but hidden in the hills, watching the situation ahead.

"Master En Gong, please stay calm, just wait here for a while, don't disturb those assassins." The old man beside him hid beside the last hill and said.

"Do you want to combine the inside with the outside and block these assassins in the canyon and annihilate them in one fell swoop?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, we have sacrificed so many old brothers' lives and deliberately showed weakness several times just for today's plan." The old man nodded.

"But... these elven assassins are good at climbing mountains, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to stop them." Mo Xie knows the elves very well. The rocks on both sides of this canyon seem to be steep, but in fact, those elves who are good at rock climbing are not in trouble. .

The more difficult the terrain is, to the elves, it seems like walking on a flat ground.

"Don't worry, En Gong-sama, we are very familiar with the elves. Of course, we know how powerful they are, and we will never give them any chance this time." The old man smiled indifferently.

"Oh, are you also prepared on the top of the mountain?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he immediately guessed something.

"Yes, you'll know in a while." The old man nodded with a smile.

Mo Xie stopped asking, and took two steps back and hid on the side of the hill, looking at the situation in the distance...

These elven scums, perhaps because they chased and killed the old man more than once, they were very successful in the first few times, and they were also very confident in their own abilities. This time they did not hesitate to advance all the way, wanting to move forward. More than a hundred old men caught them all in one go.

Hundreds of cyan afterimages chased the elders all the way into the wide canyon...

"Master En Gong, we have to act too, you can just follow and watch." The old man stood up excitedly and rushed out of the hill.

At the same time, all the elders remaining in ambush in the hills also began to rush forward, collectively marching towards the large open space in front of the valley.

Mo Xie knew that these elders were going to seal the canyon, just looking at their number, which was hundreds of people at most, how could such a large canyon passage be sealed?

And there is no terrain advantage here, it's completely an empty space, if the elf assassins retreat, these people will inevitably be a dead end!

You know, he has seen the identities of these elders, and they are all lives without combat effectiveness, and they have titles such as builders, tailors, and foundries, just like the life corps of the God Realm Alliance...

The old men with no combat effectiveness have no ability to fight back after encountering the elf assassin.

Seeing hundreds of elders rushing forward without fear, they quickly rushed to the front of the canyon, facing the mouth of the canyon more than ten meters wide.

They squatted down one after another, wondering what they were groping on the ground densely covered with pebbles...

Jingle bells!

When Mo Xie was surprised, these elders actually fumbled out the iron chains from the warm stone ground, and grabbed the iron chains with both hands and tugged...

Clang clang!

The dull metal sound sounded neatly, and the ground suddenly opened one iron cover, and from the inside turned out a number of medium-sized crossbow machines.

I went, there is such an arrangement!

No wonder these elders are well-informed, they are already prepared for so many mechanical weapons ambush here!

So... Is the archer army ambushing the secret talkers in the hill just now a masterpiece of the old men?

At this moment, Mo Xie seemed to fully understand...

Hundreds of elders skillfully started to operate the crossbow machine, put a bundle of arrows into the quiver, and immediately climbed onto the mechanical rotating winch to lock the position of the canyon mouth.

Boom boom boom!

A series of mechanical springs bounced suddenly, and in the roaring air, countless black arrows rushed towards the distant canyon. The long arrows and sharp arrowheads shone in the mid-air with a brilliant halo.

Those elven assassins who had just rushed into the canyon after chasing the elders suddenly lost a large swath of the elders in front of them. Not far in front, a high black stone wall completely sealed the entire canyon passage!

The backs of the last few elders rushed to the stone wall, swiftly drilled into the hole, and then with a bang, all the holes were closed.

Of course, these elven scums understood the trick. They were just about to turn around, and a row of arrows rushed straight forward, making their eyes widened, and there was a look of horror in their eyes.

Bang bang bang!

A series of noises sounded one after another, and a series of thick and long crossbow arrows rushed like lightning, and shot through the chest of the assassins.

Then he hit the assassin behind him again, and one arrow shot through three or four people!

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