The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 928: Thousand Bull Iron Crossbow

Seeing that the old man was confident, Mo Xie stopped asking, just wait a while to see, what kind of surprise was it?

In the quiet waiting, time passed quickly, and it was 14:44.

Before Mo Xie started asking the craftsmen, the private chat sounded in advance, calling the person: Mo Xiaolang.

"Xiao Mo, where you are now, I will bring the first batch of brothers over right away." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Come on..." Mo Xie immediately reported the coordinates of where he appeared, and told the other party the task he had just received.

"Impossible, such a high reward?" Mo Xiaolang was obviously shocked.

"So I think it's one. I didn't expect the unfinished continuation will finally appear." Mo Xie laughed.

"Do you think you were so lucky, and you happened to find it?" Mo Xiaolang said.

"So what do you think, such a high task reward, have you seen it before?" Mo Xie asked back.

"Don't think it is because the task reward is high. After all, this is for the enemy of the hostile camp. It is normal for the system to set the reward very high." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"That can't be ridiculously high, if I really kill all the spies inside, I might get more than 50,000 merit points." Mo Xie reminded.

"I still think this is the normal reward setting of the system. Think about it, this time it's a level 50 or higher quest, and the enemies it dealt with are no longer monsters and protoss, they are directly enemies of the camp, and the reward is doubled. The author said that this is to deal with enemy agents on our camp map, and triple rewards are also normal.” Mo Xiaolang explained.

"Well, no matter whether it is or not, come here as soon as possible." Mo Xie thought for a while, it seemed that he was right.

As the players' strength increases, the game process also begins to enter another stage. The enemies they face gradually shift from monsters in the wild and enemies of the same camp to the opposing camp.

The rewards gradually increase from low to high, which is completely normal, but you may not have adapted yet, this kind of high rewards between rival camps.

What Mo Xiaolang said is also very reasonable. After all, this is in the map of his own camp, and he ran into a camp enemy near the core area of ​​the imperial city. The town general issued such a high mission reward, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. ...

Mo Xie, who thought he could take advantage, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, waiting for the arrival of his teammates.

Time passed again for five minutes. At this time, the hills and sky, countless light spots were shining, and among the hills in the distance, more and more figures came quietly...

Mo Xie's eyes widened and found that the large group of elderly people who came this time were all wrapped in heavy leather on their backs, and they were very peculiar.

Immediately afterwards, surrounded by a large group of elders, especially tall, the magical craftsman Kuang Geng, who was shining with colorful light above his head, also walked into the hill with a giant hammer, getting closer and closer to Moxie.

Mo Xie hurried through the crowd and came to the front of Master Divine Craftsman.

"You have already come, we have prepared some accessories, so we are late." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"Master Divine Craftsman, what weapons have you prepared?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"After a while, you will know that we had secretly arranged a continuous crossbow arrow formation near the spy's lair. You should see the effect today. This time, in order to open the door to their lair, the old man personally built a mysterious weapon to see if they can still Stop it!" Kuang Geng sneered.

"I hope so, we must completely destroy the spy lair today!" Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

"Why are you only one person, your companion?" Master Kuang Geng looked around curiously and asked suspiciously.

"My people are on the way and will come to support them soon." Mo Xie smiled.

"Well, you don't have to worry about being discovered by spies in this operation. They have nowhere to escape, just kill them all the way and block their exit." Kuang Geng said with his fist waving.

"But Master Craftsman, can you be sure that they only have one exit?" Mo Xie was still a little worried. Every spy in the lair was worth a lot of merit, and none of them could be let go.

"Don't worry, the old man's friends are watching them every day, and they have not been forced to come over for a long time. They have not had the opportunity to open a second exit. It is impossible to escape. The old man is only worried that the Protoss will come to make trouble." Leading people to move forward, he said worriedly.

"When my people come over, they will protect these old people. You can rest assured." Mo Xie comforted.

"Then the old man can rest assured, let's go." The master Kuang Geng nodded and waved his arm, and all the craftsmen began to move forward.

In the hills, a densely packed team of hundreds of people began to move forward. Mo Xie also hurriedly contacted Mo Xiaolang and his teammates and learned that they were close to the hill map. They could all be there in ten minutes, and he immediately felt relieved.

At this time, the large army slowly approached the nearby hills that the spies were on guard. With a wave of the master Kuang Geng, dozens of elders around him stepped forward, scattered and rushed around...

"What are they going to do?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Get rid of those annoying flies first, and then go straight to the entrance of the nest." The master Kuang Geng smiled faintly.

These artisans with no offensive power can actually deal with spies. Mo Xie was curious and wanted to know how they fought, so he followed these old men to the front a few steps in advance.

The elders seemed to calculate the distance to the enemy, slowly moving forward in small steps, and then settled on a position.

They squatted down, unloaded the bulging package behind them, and constantly took out some strange metal props from inside...

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, knowing that these craftsmen would use mysterious weapons to attack, so he stayed there curiously, watching them quickly assemble pieces of strange-shaped accessories.

The creaking sound kept ringing, and in Mo Xie's eyes, a black shiny metal bracket gradually took shape, and several elders quickly assembled a peculiar jet black longbow, which attracted Mo Xie's attention.

The elders quickly set the longbow on the bracket, and saw that the arm of this iron bow was very thick, and the bowstring connecting the bow arm was also extraordinarily thick and long. The arrow must be very far away, and very strong!

As soon as the longbow was assembled, these old men took some thin metal tubes and started busy. After connecting each section of the metal tubes together, it became an arrow shaft more than one meter long.

In the end they connected a spiral black arrow cluster to the tip of the arrow shaft. They saw a small circular hole in the center of the arrow cluster. Mo Xie was even more unclear.

Soon ten long arrows were successfully assembled and placed on the ground next to the arrow rack.

"Thousand Niu Iron Bow and Upwind Bloodthirsty Arrow are ready!" an old man said.

"Zhang the bow and shoot the arrows, ready to kill the enemy." The voice of the master Kuang Geng came.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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