The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 950: Fierce deployment

It was already 19:33 in the evening. After more than an hour of long wait, Mo Xie finally waited for the return of a scout.


The voice rang from outside the hall, and a golden-armored knight rushed into the hall door, rushing all the way to the conference table, and fell to the ground on one knee.

"What happened? Tell me quickly." The guard general's eyes flashed and asked excitedly.

"General Jincheng has an order and ordered me to immediately meet with the guarding general. A suspicious enemy hiding spot was found in the Changyuan Mountain Range on the right side of the city. According to observations, there are at least tens of thousands of elf soldiers stationed there." The scout said respectfully.

"Sure enough, there is news, immediately report to General Jincheng, continue to carefully explore the Changyuan Mountains, fully ascertain the enemy's deployment, and remember not to startle the snake." The guard general said.

"Yes." The scout stood up and immediately turned and left.


Before the scout left the hall, two voices in unison rang outside the hall.

I saw two golden armored scouts rushing forward quickly, rushing into the hall side by side, and kneeling before the conference table.

"If you have any findings, report them one by one." The guard general said lightly.

"Enlighten General, General Jincheng's scout team, the left-wing exploratory team found that there is a hidden nest in the ** forest on the left side of the city, and there are no less than 100,000 enemies inside, all of which are elite orcs!"

"Tell the general, I am waiting right in front of the barracks. I found a suspected enemy bunker in Remnant Cloud Mountain. The number of enemies hidden in it cannot be calculated. Please make the decision!"

The news reported by the two scouts immediately surprised all the generals in the hall...

"Damn gods, their people are everywhere!"

"They actually surrounded us secretly!"

"Kill them all and let them know that the Emperor Corps is not that easy to provoke!"

The generals were so angry that they stood up one by one, wishing to lead the soldiers to kill them immediately.

"Everyone is quiet, and we will discuss the long-term plan at this time." The guard general waved his hand and motioned the scout to continue exploring.

"What's the situation? Just check it and you can find it all?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Don’t be sad, Governor, our first scout brigade has a scale of tens of thousands of people. Of course it’s very easy to explore such a small area, but we never expected that the Protoss would set so many locations for Tibetan soldiers so secretly. It's amazing." The guard general sighed.

"In that case, why don't the general immediately issue an order to eradicate these locations one by one, so that I can go back to the city lord and return to life," Moxie said.

"It's not that simple. We have a total of nearly 200,000 troops in the three towns of Jintang, but from what we have discovered now, the enemy has at least 300,000 ambushes. Moreover, we have to attack the fortress. The enemy and the widow must consider the long-term." The guard general said.

"You are right. Separate the attack, and are afraid that they will get news. We will be attacked by the enemy and it will be even more dangerous." A general nodded.

"For today's plan, the safest thing is to quickly destroy a lair before the thunder, so that the opponent's strength is weakened, so that they can quickly attack the other lair with lightning. You must not give them a chance to contact each other, otherwise, wait. If they join forces, we would be in danger." Another general said thoughtfully.

"Blitzkrieg is not easy. Since the opponent is secretly ambushing, those forts must be easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we can't attack for a long time, the situation will be reversed and the consequences will be disastrous." The guard general shook his head.

"In your opinion, now you can only draw the enemy out and lead them to a place that is easy to ambush and annihilate them together?" Mo Xie asked.

"Yes, this is the most appropriate solution, but the enemy is not that stupid. It is completely impossible to let them be fooled." The guard general said helplessly.

Originally, they were happily preparing to deal with the enemy, but when the scouts discovered the situation was reported, all the talents truly understood the painstaking efforts of the Protoss. They not only wanted to surround the three towns of Jintang, but also secretly threatened with absolute military strength.

If the three towns of Jintang send all their troops out to deal with them, who can guarantee whether there is a hidden Protoss lair near the military camps of the other two towns?

In order to deal with the enemy, even the barracks are not needed. This is not a reasonable choice.

Mo Xie sat there, looking at the frowning generals, feeling helpless in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the power of the Protoss is so powerful, and it has already made complete preparations, and the human empire is almost shaky!

Deploying such a huge army around the three towns of Jintang, if you hadn't seen through the enemy spy plan on the other side of the imperial city, the three towns of Jintang would be occupied by the Protoss sooner or later.

Now that the enemy's lair is found here, there is still nothing they can do, and the situation is even more troublesome!

But Mo Xie knew that if he wanted to ensure his mission could go on smoothly, the enemies near the three towns of Jintang would have to be wiped out, otherwise there would be endless troubles!

But what should be done to win more with less, and end the battle as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the barracks, this is a very difficult plan.

The enemy must be drawn out and killed in a concentrated manner, then a large enough bait is needed, and the safety of the bait must be ensured...

Thinking carefully in his heart, Mo Xie's eyes gradually sparkled.

"Master General, I have a strategy here, but it is very troublesome to implement and requires your full cooperation." Moxie said.

"Oh, do you have any good suggestions for the Governor?" The guard general was in sorrow, and suddenly heard his words and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"My idea is very simple. First of all, we must discover all the hidden enemy lairs around without attracting the attention of the enemy. I want the most complete information." Moxie said.

"Don't worry about this. It won't take long for my scout brigade to detect the surrounding situation clearly. With their ability, they will not let the enemy notice." The guard general said.

"After you have all the information on your side, I still need something from the generals." Mo Xie smiled and told all the generals what he thought of in his heart...

"This plan is a bit too risky. If there is a mistake, it can't be remedied!" Just after hearing Mo Xie's suggestion, a general suddenly stared in surprise.

"The current situation can only be risky, but if you want to implement this plan, I am afraid it is too late today." Moxie said.

"Such a huge and complex strategy should be deployed by this time tomorrow." The guard general nodded.

"The general agreed to my suggestion?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"This is nothing to do. Since we already know that our barracks are secretly surrounded by the enemy, then we can only take your strategy and draw salaries from the bottom of the tank to avoid eternal trouble!" The guard general nodded.

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