The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 961: The difficulty of the hunting ground

It seems that the senior pet instructor is right. If you want to get more powerful riding pets and battle pets, you really need to exchange merit points.

Of course, this is just one of the official ways for players to catch pets.

In the field map, if you are lucky enough to run into the beasts and spirit beasts, you also have the opportunity to get even more powerful pets.

It's just that such an opportunity is too slim. If you want to subdue a super-powered existence like the sacred beast and the spirit beast, you need not only strong strength, but also a certain amount of resourcefulness.

"Let's do this, you will continue to hold here first, I will go and see if there are other hunting grounds." Mo Xie saw that the quality of the pets here was too low, and he had lost interest.

Because advanced riding pets also increase their attributes based on their quality.

If it is only a green or blue quality high-level pet, the increased movement speed when riding is +9 to +10.

It is not as fast as he is running now, and there is no need to continue arresting them.

"We have seen it, there is no other hunting ground nearby." Lianna asked puzzledly.

"I'll give you news in a while." Mo Xie ran away with a smile, and quickly used the Huicheng scroll...


The light soared into the sky, and there were only two beauties left. Look at me and I look at you, don't know what happened.

"This kid has a lot of spooky ideas. Maybe we can find a more advanced pet hunting ground. Let's wait for his news." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a smile.

At this time, Mo Xie had already quickly passed the city scroll and returned to the edge of the map.

After another conversation, he chose to leave the map and instantly returned to the pet instructor.

Fortunately, it was not far from the General Zhen Guo’s Mansion, and Mo Xie strode forward like a meteor...

He quickly rushed through a few streets and once again came to the gate of the General's Mansion. He immediately rushed into the gate and rushed to the left side wing.

Soon, he found the only middle-aged civil official wearing an official gown, holding a scroll and a writing brush in a row of functional management wearing heavy armor.

On the top of his head, the name of the Meritorious Administrator is very eye-catching.

"My lord, let me open the merit exchange interface." Moxie said.

After being promoted last time, he still has about 2000 merit points left, which he has not used yet.

I just don't know, can I redeem a more advanced pet scene transfer token.

"It turns out that the heroic Governor arrived here. Please browse for what you want to redeem. After selecting the item, just pick it up, and the corresponding merit value will be automatically deducted." The merit management said politely.


A black interface suddenly popped out in front of Mo Xie's eyes, and the item grid on the top page was filled with all kinds of peculiar items.

The first page is all token props, what food and grass order, marching order, etc. tokens, Mo Xie is dazzled to see.

He didn't have time to check the attribute descriptions of each item, so he quickly flipped through the pages to find items such as pets...

After turning a few pages, suddenly two red tokens appeared on the inventory.

The above clearly marked: pet hunting ground transmission order in large characters!

Two tokens, one large and one small, are called the high-level pet hunting ground transmission order, and the small are called the intermediate pet hunting ground transmission order.

What surprised Mo Xie was that there was a line of font behind the two items...

Advanced pet hunting ground teleportation order: After giving this token to the senior pet instructor, the advanced hunting ground teleportation function can be turned on to go to the hunting ground to capture advanced riding pets and battle pets.

Exchange conditions: Chief Qianfu, 5500 meritorious service

I'll take it, it takes so much merit!

Mo Xie blinked her eyes, feeling speechless in her heart.

Unexpectedly, a high-level hunting ground token would require so many merit points to redeem, and there are also official qualifications!

He quickly looked at the second token.

Intermediate Pet Hunting Grounds Teleportation Order: After handing this token to the senior pet instructor, the Intermediate Hunting Grounds Teleportation function can be turned on to go to the hunting grounds to capture intermediate riding pets and battle pets.

Exchange conditions: Centurion chief, 1800 merits

This token can be exchanged.

And the system speaks very briskly, it can catch intermediate pets and riding pets.

However, the intermediate tokens still have a limited quality, which means that after entering the intermediate hunting ground, players can only catch the highest-quality battle pets and riding pets.

Regardless, exchange one for a try.

Mo Xie immediately stretched out his hand to turn this token, and as the prompt jumped out, he directly chose to confirm, the merit value was automatically deducted, and the token was successfully held in his hand.

He chose to return to the city for the first time, avoiding a lot of time to run the map, he quickly returned to the central teleportation array, and then continued to run to the pet instructor.

Back in front of the pet mentor, he showed the token and handed it to the other party. Only the pet mentor stretched out his jade hand and stroked the token lightly, and the whole token suddenly shone in purple.

"I have helped you open the right to use the token. You can go to the Royal Hunting Ground and find the passage to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, then you can go to catch more advanced pets." The pet instructor smiled.

"I want to go by myself. Doesn't it cost another 100 gold coins?"

Mo Xie's eyes widened and took the token, and immediately understood the system settings.

It turns out that the intermediate hunting ground is in the Royal Hunting Ground map.

With the token activated by the pet instructor, you can find the enchantment and go through it directly, and go to a higher hunting ground to capture again.

I just don't know, how many people can this token bring in at a time?

"Spend gold coins for sure, but the beasts in the Longevity Mountain are fierce. You can bring three friends to help you catch pets together. Remember, there is only one chance to catch a pet. If you succeed, you will leave automatically. If you fail, you can continue indefinitely. "The pet instructor smiled faintly.

"Ah, can you really take people, and you can only catch pets once?" Mo Xie was completely confused by the system settings...

Perhaps the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Hunting Ground are really powerful, and it is very dangerous for the player to go alone, so the system will be set like this.

But the pet can only be caught once and sent back. This condition is really too harsh.

This also shows that the tokens exchanged by the players are very precious. After entering the intermediate hunting ground, you can't grab it at will, or you will waste an opportunity.

"My mentor, what is the highest quality of pets in intermediate hunting grounds?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

He previously speculated that the intermediate hunting grounds must have the highest quality purple pets.

Only in the advanced hunting grounds can it be possible to catch gold-class powerful pets.

But now the system settings are a bit weird, perhaps with more peculiar rules.

"There are countless strange beasts in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain. There are all kinds of pets ranging from green to golden quality. What kind of pet can be caught depends on your luck."

The pet instructor replied with a smile.

"What happened to the high-level hunting ground?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

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