The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 963: Silver Magic Thunder Eagle

In fact, Mo Xie didn't know. After searching for a long time, why didn't he have a pet that he wanted to catch.

After Lianna reminded him, he realized that he had been looking for a flying pet...

In this virtual world, flying pets can play a more comprehensive role than land riding pets.

It can avoid a lot of complicated terrain, and can almost go wherever you want.

In fact, the system does have this kind of flying pet setting, but in the official information, there has never been a detailed introduction, just for players to explore in the game.

Now that the level is getting higher and higher, and the equipment is getting better and better, Mo Xie's demand for pets is gradually higher.

It's a pity that he now has spirit beast pets that ordinary players can't even think of, but because of the rules, he can't be summoned normally.

Now that he has the opportunity to capture more advanced pets, he certainly has to choose carefully.

"You really catch flying pets... But in this mountain range and in the sky, we didn't see a guy who could fly, at best it could jump."

Lianna was speechless.

"Xiao Mo, you should be more realistic." Ouyang Jiaojiao helplessly persuaded.

"Let's look for it again, now we have searched all the hillsides and ridges, and there are still some places we haven't visited."

Mo Xie's eyes have been locked to the top of the ridge, the tall peaks...

"I'm dizzy, do you really want to climb up the mountain to see?" Lianna couldn't help but dizzy when she looked at the steep peaks.

The mountain here is not a setting like a mountain top, it is not the kind that only needs to climb slowly and can always climb to the top.

The peaks of Wan Beast Mountain all rose up into the sky, looking extremely dangerous.

"You go with me, I'll climb the mountain, you wait at the foot of the mountain, if you find me, I will call you." Mo Xie pleaded.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I don't climb this kind of mountain. It's so dangerous if I'm too tired." Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

The two still followed Mo Xie, rushing towards the nearest mountain...

Relying on the fastest speed, Mo Xie was the first to rush to this steep mountain and looked up at the almost 90-degree vertical cliff. If it weren't for the dense trees and vegetation on the peak, Mo Xie would never choose to climb.

"You wait for me here, I'll go up and take a look, grab one if you don't get anything," Moxie said.

"Got it." The two beauties were still struggling to climb the hill behind.

Although it is a virtual world, players are still affected by the system, especially when the control chair detects the player's body at all times. The muscle fatigue of the players will still be reflected in the brain, but it is weakened by the system.

Grasping a small tree on the mountain peak with both hands, Mo Xie has already started climbing the mountain.

He alternately grasped the trees with his hands, his feet looked for a reliable foothold, and moved forward step by step. He soon moved away from the ridge and climbed to a height of more than ten meters.

The two beauties had reached the foot of the mountain, looking up at Mo Xie to continue climbing, and then sitting there waiting quietly.

This mountain with a height of hundreds of meters is not the highest peak of Wan Beast Mountain, but Mo Xie thought that as long as he climbed to the top of the mountain and found nothing, then he could give up.

Because he has always had a doubt in his mind, most of the flying pets should be giant birds and exotic animals, and these exotic animals generally live on cliffs, or on the top of mountain, inaccessible places.

If the system is set up in this way, it is almost impossible to find the flying pets on the ground.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger. If you don't reach the top of the mountain, how can you see the existence of large birds?

During the fast climb, Mo Xie seized the time and went all the way up. If he was tired, he would hang there and rest for a minute or two.

After two breaks and ten minutes of continuous climbing, Mo Xie finally approached the top of the mountain, but only less than 20 minutes were left before he was offline.

"Mo, this opportunity was really wasted by you. 20 minutes is not enough to kill monsters, let alone capture pets." Lianna sighed helplessly as she sat there.

"Yes, anyway, your merit is wasted, so let's take a trip here." Ouyang Jiaojiao was also very disappointed.

Listening to the complaints of the two beauties in the team channel, Mo Xie was also extremely helpless, but his stubborn character made him unwilling to admit defeat until the end.

Grasping a pine tree with forearms on the cliff with both hands, with a sudden effort, his body quickly swayed towards the top of the cliff, and fell lightly on a small cliff.

Standing on the top of the cliff, he now has 18 minutes of online time left. Because the three people are online at the same time, it is estimated that the system will be kicked offline at the same time...

In front of Mo Xie's eyes, there was a small open space, with half of the cliff top in front of him, shrouded by dense vegetation.

At this moment, he was a little disappointed in his heart. The scene he saw before him could not have a nest of birds set by the system.

However, he continued to move forward, ready to stand on top of this mountain and look at the situation on the nearby peaks. Maybe he could find hidden situations on other peaks. This would be a worthwhile trip.

But at this moment, as Mo Xie rushed to the other side of the hillside, suddenly a huge flap of wings suddenly sounded. In the dense grass, there seemed to be no dangerous place, and a silver light suddenly appeared. The giant monster is coming!

I saw this monster standing in human form, with gleaming silver feathers, a pair of fierce big eyes, firmly resting on Mo Xie's body, and the crescent-like scimitar-shaped bird's beak cracked open and squeaked.

This turned out to be a giant silver eagle over two meters high!

At this time, the giant silver eagle seemed to be greatly frightened because of the arrival of the uninvited guest of Mo Xie. His wings spread out slightly, swaying slightly towards Mo Xie, and would rush towards him at any time!

Silver Charm Thunderhawk leader level, can be captured

Level: 60

I'll take it, why is it?

Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised that his guess was correct, but when he saw the name of this silver eagle at the next glance, he was shocked to make his back chill...

If it is, it would be terrible, and this is still the leader level, and the level has reached the fierce index of 60!

Such a monster, let alone the three of them going together, even if it is called hundreds of people, it is impossible to deal with it.

Besides, the opponent has wings, so it's even more difficult to fight when flying.

This is in trouble!


Before Mo Xie thought about the situation, Yin Mei Lei Ying had taken the lead.

However, it did not rush directly, and a strange sound rang out with its big mouth, and it was a blue thunder and lightning flying from the bird's beak!

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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